Do hobbiest's looks or personality increase mileage with the ladies?

Lunytunz's Avatar
Interesting answers! Guys are such visual creatures and we are attracted to the physical attributes of a woman. The ladies, that have responded so far, are more interested in that "connection" they have with the client. So what I'm understanding is that personality is more important than looks. Apparently an entertaining personality with a few jokes at the ready seem to help. Also, that second/repeat visit is key. My gestalt is to consider more second visits with the providers we choose to be with. Even though that all-important first impression counts heavily, that first visit might not be the "WOW FACTOR". If the first visit went well, the second one will definitely be "better"? There are lots of one and done visits we hobbiests go through, however we may need to reconsider, more seriously, the second visit.
Interesting answers! Guys are such visual creatures and we are attracted to the physical attributes of a woman. The ladies, that have responded so far, are more interested in that "connection" they have with the client. So what I'm understanding is that personality is more important than looks. Apparently an entertaining personality with a few jokes at the ready seem to help. Also, that second/repeat visit is key. My gestalt is to consider more second visits with the providers we choose to be with. Even though that all-important first impression counts heavily, that first visit might not be the "WOW FACTOR". If the first visit went well, the second one will definitely be "better"? There are lots of one and done visits we hobbiests go through, however we may need to reconsider, more seriously, the second visit. Originally Posted by Lunytunz
I mean I know we're supposed to fuck dicks, but not figuratively...

A sense of passion is another great redeeming quality. I've met men who were shy, and had faces you really can't read, but in their communications, and BCD, they bring the heat! I'm not talking a size thing, but it's clear that he's there to enjoy himself.

But I have had encounters that weren't great first encounters, but the subsequent meetings were so much better too. Sometimes people don't come with their A game all the time. it's understandable. We're all human.

But I refuse to meet with someone who literally has a bad attitude, that's immature, or obviously doesn't like women. Oh, they're out there. I've always been of the mind that some men should not be able to buy pussy.
pmdelites's Avatar
i've found that my reputation of how i've interacted with the women i've met here [that is, TCB, the info they get during screening, the consultation, post-consultation thanks] goes a long way toward making my next new encounter a much better one than might occur.

while a pretty decent looking guy, i'm no GQ model nor the most svelte.
so, i hope that the women i've met appreciate who i am as much as if not more than what i do when i'm with them or what i leave for their compensation.

recently, i re-visited a woman whom i first visited last summer. after 10-15 minutes of talking and catching up, she said "you're interesting. i like talking w/ you. most guys dont talk w/ me as much." during our deliteful consultation, she said "wow! you're fun." as i took a shower, she said "you're nice."
now it could have all been lines from a script, but it sure sounded like she meant them.

i've met younger and older women who enjoy the connection.
and i've met younger and older women who just want you in and out.

and while it is not necessary for an encounter, i do think a connection adds to the encounter, as others have said.
Lunytunz's Avatar
PM, I understand and empathize with your response. I like to have a rapport with the lady and I often get comments similar to yours. However, it is hard to discern genuiness from business rhetoric. Id like to thinkthe nice comments are true, but you never really know. It's kinda like saying, "have a nice day"! Does anybody really mean it?
daty/o's Avatar
Interesting answers! Guys are such visual creatures and we are attracted to the physical attributes of a woman. The ladies, that have responded so far, are more interested in that "connection" they have with the client. So what I'm understanding is that personality is more important than looks. Apparently an entertaining personality with a few jokes at the ready seem to help. Also, that second/repeat visit is key. My gestalt is to consider more second visits with the providers we choose to be with. Even though that all-important first impression counts heavily, that first visit might not be the "WOW FACTOR". If the first visit went well, the second one will definitely be "better"? There are lots of one and done visits we hobbiests go through, however we may need to reconsider, more seriously, the second visit. Originally Posted by Lunytunz
I agree completely and have often told providers that I could not do what they do. Most have the amazing ability to see past outward appearances and connect at a more personal level. Bless them for that. Men are truly visual creatures and I, for one, would suck at being a provider. For the most part, we know what they look like before we schedule; they don't have that luxury. As a provider, I'm afraid I would open the door, say "hell no" and slam it in their face. As such, I have a great respect for what the ladies do and try to give them as much to like as I can.
I think we're all at least partially impacted by physical attraction. Women just tend to be better at moving past that part.

Men hunt for partners with their eyes, women hunt for partners with their ears. That's why women have push-up bras and men have learned to lie.

In answer to the original question, I suspect the real answer really ought to be, "Looks can increase your mileage with the ladies, but personality can decrease it." I'm sure the ladies love washboard abs and GQ models, and would happily get a lot more naughty with him than with a 400 lb gorilla. However, if the GQ model is a complete prick, his mileage is going to go way down. A sweet 400 lb gorilla, no matter how sweet he is, is still a 400 lb gorilla. He's only going to get so far, sweet or not!

Then again, maybe I'm just a cynic!
pmdelites's Avatar
Men hunt for partners with their eyes, women hunt for partners with their ears. That's why women have push-up bras and men have learned to lie.

In answer to the original question, I suspect the real answer really ought to be, "Looks can increase your mileage with the ladies, but personality can decrease it." ... Originally Posted by the_chewtoy
the eyes/ears quote is fantastic!!!
goes with the idea i read a long ago
men get aroused, excited, interested. [sexuality before personality]
women get interested, excited, aroused. [personality before sexuality]

in the 2nd quote did you mean "but bad or negative personality can decrease it."??
Lunytunz's Avatar
In order to increase my mileage, I guess I need to stop going to the gym and increase my counseling with mrs. Manners and Kevin James.
You said a mouth full baby.... This is kinda funny because I actually told another lady almost those exact words.. Originally Posted by fawn

Fawn, I am so glad you have that GREAT ability or you would have shut the door on me the first time I came to see you 5 years ago!!
You always make me feel welcome...and take VERY good care of me..
fawn's Avatar
  • fawn
  • 05-11-2012, 11:59 PM
Fawn, I am so glad you have that GREAT ability or you would have shut the door on me the first time I came to see you 5 years ago!!
You always make me feel welcome...and take VERY good care of me.. Originally Posted by golftx2010
This is just for you golftx
tramp76137's Avatar
Fawn is the most forgiving lady I have had the pleasure to know. Imagine standing, in the middle of the street, lost, in front of her in call and all she can do is laugh!

Being underneath her is a real pleasure to boot!