Texas police group puts up billboard warning "enter at your own risk," saying Austin defunded police

how can it be an opinion when that's what he said
  • oeb11
  • 09-11-2020, 10:34 AM
Pay no attention to the BlueMeanie- it is on Ignore!
LexusLover's Avatar
Hell, no. She's still half my age! I'm plenty happy. Originally Posted by Lapdog
Tell her to clean her ass better. It stinks during Greek.
LexusLover's Avatar

You've show how little you know about who designs a city's highway system. Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
What "city's highway system" are you talking about?

The "I" is for "Interstate" and that would be Federal. The "SH" is for "State Highway" and that would be Texas.

Have another shot and chase it with a beer.

I guess you are one of those LoonaTicks who think that "Enfield" Drug Store is located in Clarksville, too. That's one reason Austin turned into a shit hole. Retardos insisted on squatters' rights to remain.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Good DPST what do they think defund the law means (hint) lock an load peoples gonna have to protect themselves sad but thinking is hard
LexusLover's Avatar
Good DPST what do they think defund the law means (hint) lock an load peoples gonna have to protect themselves sad but thinking is hard Originally Posted by rexdutchman
The Austin police was neutered long ago.

This guy set the standard for Austin Law Enforcement ...

... Ben Thompson was "politically accurate" .... saves ammo!

The "Politically Correctness" Loons in Austin are making a huge error.
The Austin police was neutered long ago.

This guy set the standard for Austin Law Enforcement ...

... Ben Thompson was "politically accurate" .... saves ammo!

The "Politically Correctness" Loons in Austin are making a huge error. Originally Posted by LexusLover
They are a bunch of idiots who will eventually be proven wrong. I hope the bad guys kill a bunch of white liberals in Austin if they are going to start killing white people, which I oppose.

Fucking DPST's.
  • oeb11
  • 09-11-2020, 12:51 PM
Fine with me - Let OBLM nd antfa run riot in austin
Take over homes and assault and maim white folks to their hert's content.

People will see the marxist thrust of the DPST party - and vote for the Constitution and rule of Law and Order.

Which the DPST's despise - until it comes to their own homes, privileges , and marxist offspring.
Lapdog's Avatar
Tell her to clean her ass better. It stinks during Greek. Originally Posted by LexusLover

Worse than your mother's?
LexusLover's Avatar
Worse than your mother's? Originally Posted by Lapdog
I wouldn't know and neither do you! So quit struggling to change the topic from your wife's stinky, funky ass that you enjoy licking. I'm still trying to figure out if you like the chocolate or the white icing.

Your wife doesn't answer ... she begs for my dick.
Lapdog's Avatar
You gotta be able to go deeper for the sweet stuff, LexusLoser. Maybe get you a little help from Snap On Tools.
LexusLover's Avatar
You gotta be able to go deeper for the sweet stuff, LexusLoser. Maybe get you a little help from Snap On Tools. Originally Posted by Lapdog
She did mention you like to stick your tongue in her and lick her shit out like an ice cream cone. I didn't want to pack it in so it would be tough for you to tongue out. Just being considerate.

I can appreciate how eating shit may on topic with the OP, but your proclivity for it is drifting a bit.
Lapdog's Avatar
She did mention you like to stick your tongue in her and lick her shit out like an ice cream cone. I didn't want to pack it in so it would be tough for you to tongue out. Just being considerate.

I can appreciate how eating shit may on topic with the OP, but your proclivity for it is drifting a bit. Originally Posted by LexusLover

Call up Snap On and order you an extension strap on for your questionable manhood. You mom's got a charge account with 'em, just put it on there. Her password is: CHINGUE TROMPO.
  • oeb11
  • 09-11-2020, 03:16 PM
the puppy brigade - as usual - has nothing constructive to offer -just 3rd grade level potty insults.

Grow up and get aneducation - learn to think for Oneself rather than be dictated to by your racist, marxist DPST leadership and narrative.

Such poor, deluded souls.
Little Monster's Avatar
Says the Einstein who can't spell never. Originally Posted by Lapdog

No surprise here. Obie has zero knowledge of what refund the police actually means or how life is here in Austin. Hence this asinine thread