Racist, homophobe Abbott

Next Best Thing's Avatar
It's not hate, it's joy.

I typed the wrong shit in that last message.


Fuck you people.
Flair4Drama's Avatar
Full disclosure.....Dims lie about everything.... including working at McDonalds as it turns out.

You can bet they are lying if their lips are moving.....

And even the Dimwits are.... scratch that, they aren't smart enough....

Funniest thing though.... and no one seems to be catching on..... but.... there is a small sliver of undecided voters. Historically this group is usually more informed than the general population on policy....

They aren't being fooled by the absence of media presence. The Dims thinck they are pulling the wool over everyone's eyes with this charade. They are going to be surprised this November.

Look for a landslide of Reagan proportions come November..... Originally Posted by Flair4Drama
Bill Maher agrees with me.....

Maher suggested that both Harris and her running mate Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, who was also present at the interview, were "insulting [his] intelligence" by the things they chose to be evasive about. The host called out Walz's comments suggesting he speaks the way normal people speak.
"No, you don't. You're a huge liar, like all politicians are," Maher reacted. "I don't give a s--- what you did during the Iraq War. You were in the Guard- I don't understand why they just can't-" he broke off.

The host added, "They're just insulting my intelligence."
Flair4Drama's Avatar

Don't know what he thinks about burdensome commercial regulation, parasitic illegal immigrant invaders, irritating income redistribution, white guilt, mainstream media scumbags, transvestites, or any of the other host of destructive democrat party insanity.
Originally Posted by Next Best Thing
Not sure I know either. All I can recall is that he has a fascination with Ladyboys....
jokacz's Avatar
Not sure I know either. All I can recall is that he has a fascination with Ladyboys.... Originally Posted by Flair4Drama

And along with fat pigs you have a preoccupation with bushes.

Maybe because all your fat pigs have them.

But what else would you expect for 40 bucks?
would an internal struggle

with ladyboys be

a primary driver in wanting

to thrust Kcocula on the

rest of society just

to get even ?

sometimes these inner conflicts can have

simple common sense solutions

there are innie doors

and outtie doors

if you force an outtie door to become

an innnie door

well, we could help in other ways than

trying to thrust loonatic Marxists on

a society to fix that struggle but

it may cause a whole new host of unneeded crap
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(Staff edit - removed image)
Originally Posted by jokacz
seems like a lotta misinterpreted envoy

oh , envoy is a killer you never want that creeping in too long...

no anger place it under disappointment that its come to this

but congrats I guess take your bow

but while you been working and toiling in your envoy

its been a pretty awesome run of fun out here

we used to just look at this kinda attitude and

laugh and realize this type of thinking is no way to

have fun at all and the world was such a bigger place

that you could still exist with whatever that is

and we could go back to what I posted before

how we always piss off liberals, now marxists

1. work hard at something you like

2. become successfully cause when you follow through

it does come through

3. have fun

don't envy that's too late for too many but is what it is

I'm on the back end of it anyways

so from the beginning its disappointing that the newest generation gonna have hard times
(Staff edit - Remove image)

not anywhere

come and try it out on me

you can definitely but you don't have the sack

for anything like that
not anywhere

come and try it out on me

you can definitely but you don't have the sack

for anything like that Originally Posted by JONBALLS
oh wait , take that back

I ALWAYS get 4 paper bags

when dealing with a purple haired indoctrinated

cashier that wants me dead because I can revel in that

untitled disgusted look and try for a visceral sigh

outta that little misguided soul that just got worked up

over global warming or whatever ..

you can make fun outta anything

too bad you just couldn't understand that all these many years

ohh there's plenty more ways to mock the woke

because what does the devil absolutely HATE the MOst

being mocked
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jokacz's Avatar
Originally Posted by jokacz
now you have right one right in words

but you still most likely don't understand

why don't we see all those signs in the banks anymore

"end racism" , "end racism" ?
guess they ended it