Finally asking the dumb question???

I like EC.....but eecky works....I just say on the boards......
That's how I thought of it. Alternatively, I was once cuddled up with a Cajun-speaking lady who said "eeeeee - see." And somehow, I was not much inclined to argue. Pretty much whatever she said, my response was "yes." Originally Posted by James1588
This was just the place to kill 3 by the doctor/scientist/musician ....

Have you visit HoustonFishBox forum ... username: armthehomeless etc Originally Posted by J@UofH
Well obviously this posters IQ matches their number of posts. Watch out, tomorrow they may reach a genius IQ lol.

Originally Posted by python54

I would go to any of the RELIGIOUS type hospital over the non-type.

how does ECC pronuon?
biomed1's Avatar
Found this in an old thread buried deep in the Eccie Archives. . .

I have copied the below from the section of the board related to the ECCIE Mission Statement.
The Original Becky

Join Date: Mar 10, 2009
Posts: 950

ECCIE Mission Statement
Welcome to ECCIE.

We're glad you found us. Yes, another alternative here and we truly hope our idea catches on. This is a public board, and for the time being, completely free to join.

ECCIE, pronounced 'ECK-ee', wishes to give you, the hobbyist and provider community, a freely accessible, easy-to-use platform to exchange information and share your thoughts and ideas.
A simple reminder of how to pronounce the board name is that it rhymes with one of the board owners names - BECKY.

The link for the mission statement is:

Be Careful & Enjoy!

Biomed1 Originally Posted by biomed1
python54's Avatar
Very cool biomed1 !

I'm retired, you'd think I'd have time for better research lol.

On an odd side note per your whimsical avatar, be careful because if squirrels drink one too many this can happen!