Screening question

So much so that I'm with a client in St Barth's right now, and he and I are both having a good laugh reading these last couple of posts. Originally Posted by Alex Lieberman
So, let me get this're with a client in St. Barth's right now and having so much fun...on his dime...that you're taking a moment to post on this thread? Is that your idea of being a class act provider? Originally Posted by Likinikki
+1. IF you are a provider, you just proved to all of us you are a shitty one. Every hobbyist in the world hates a lady who is always checking the phone/email while BCD. Bottom line...your attention is NOT on the one paying for your time.

H-mmm...have to agree with you SA artman...just took a minute to go through the entire blog and my spidey senses are going off. And, someone who responded on her blog posted a link to that really safe?

Funny how Alex named her doubles partner...Ellie. Originally Posted by Likinikki
Nikki, I think I trust you spidey sense above else. Everything on her blog comes across extremely overplayed, including her comment replies. How many 'OMG's, ROTFL, LOL, LMFAO, can someone use? Not including the overuse of '!'. Originally Posted by Sa_artman
The challenge is there: prove you are a provider, and not some student working on a paper, or some shitty novelist trying make money off this site and the people here.
gimme_that's Avatar
Your inference is lacking. My ego stands firm, thank you. Your base attempt at psychology is 101 and your quick exit from this thread only confirms my suspicions, especially for someone so willing to 'take it as well as dish it out.' When the light's on, that's when the roaches scurry. Originally Posted by Sa_artman
Classic quotable, Im going to have to use that one for sure.
rednecksatyr's Avatar
***+1. IF you are a provider, you just proved to all of us you are a shitty one. Every hobbyist in the world hates a lady who is always checking the phone/email while BCD. Bottom line...your attention is NOT on the one paying for your time. ***

Well said CT. PC's and cell phones should be silenced or turned off, prefererably the latter, during a session.
jokacz's Avatar
You think they flew to St. Barth’s for a one hour session? You can’t do the in out all day long. Fun on the phone could fill the dead time.
Sa_artman's Avatar

Notice how she doesn't use actual photos? No St Barths 'here's me in a bikini boys'? She writes like a HS student. She's dropped just about every term, slang, lingo what have you about the hobby, not excluding name dropping sites, like it was going out of style (attempts to build cred). Anyone actually seen this 'Alex'? Wake up jokacz.

Prove me wrong. That's all I'm saying.

"You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time."
I found your blog entry to be crass. Anyway…

With that said, I think there are several ways to make it clear that you do not want to see overweight clients. Simply asking for a physical description and declining based on weight would suffice....or even a blog entry on the sad reality of obesity WITHOUT poking fun at overweight men would do the trick.

Personally, I ask for race, build, and physical disabilities when a potential client contacts me. I prefer to know who to expect at my door and if I feel we are not compatible, it is quite easy for me to decline the session at that time without publicly chastising an entire group of people.

Of course…to each their own. Do what works best for you.

jokacz's Avatar
Alex may or may not be a fraud. What’s the difference? Isn’t everything around here a fantasy? Whether it’s fiction or non-fiction, it’s fun to read.
Sa_artman's Avatar
Alex may or may not be a fraud. What’s the difference? Isn’t everything around here a fantasy? Whether it’s fiction or non-fiction, it’s fun to read. Originally Posted by jokacz
Real or not, I don't find fun in her using overweight men as cheap entertainment. Pretending to be a real provider to elicit responses is taking the trust of people on this site for granted.
Removed St M
You think they flew to St. Barth’s for a one hour session? You can’t do the in out all day long. Fun on the phone could fill the dead time.
jokacz...I doubt she/he is telling the truth anyway. I don't believe for one second she/he's in St. Barths...probably more like in a dorm or in a back office somewhere typing away. As for fun on the phone...unless you're having phone sex...let's leave that for the little kiddies who don't have a life.

And, who says you can't do it all day long? Don't knock it till you've tried it!! (wink, wink!)
St.Mateo's Avatar
Natalia please check your PM's....
From her latest blog entry-

"Putting a makeup sponge in your vagina during your cycle is very common practice in escort life. It was corking a dike, so to speak."


Ladies use a 'Todays Sponge'....not a makeup sponge! Even my ignorant 20 something bf knows this! lmao!
Rae Monroe's Avatar
I ask for height and weight as well as age at times. I am just not attracted to men over a certain age and there are plenty of ladies who are older than me who may want to visit with them.

I am short so it is important to me that my potential partner be someone who I feel I can physically have a good time with. Additionally I do not want to visit with someone who is abnormally obese. I'm not talking fat I'm talking obese to the point you can't bend over to put your own shoes on. That's a huge turn off and not something I would enjoy.

Yes this is a service but it is MY body and I get to choose who I share it with. If a potential client does not meet my criteria physically then no I would not see him.

The problem is that people seem to think that $ will buy them anything and that is simply not true. This is not just a business to me and I want to be able to feel attraction and compatibility for the person I am with. In any case I don't think it's wrong for you to screen for that. It is your body, and it is your choice who you share it with.
The problem is that people seem to think that $ will buy them anything and that is simply not true. Originally Posted by Rae Monroe
I agree with most of your post, but this is just not true. Everybody, including you, has a price point at which they would do something they would not normally consider.

So, if I were obese, what would the donation be to see me? 2x your normal? 4x your normal? 100x your normal? At some point, you would not be able to pass it up. You may disagree with this, but I think if the situation presented itself in reality, you would cave. After all, eventually you'll say to yourself: I can stand an hour or two with this guy for that much money.

For instance, your website has a high donation of $5,000. Would you see an obese person for the same amount of time for $25,000? For $50,000? For $100,000? If you say "no" I'm not sure you will be believed here.

Now, your price point may be higher than that of others, but I assure you, that price point does exist. We can all be bought. We don't like to think so, but it is true.
Rae took the words right out of my mouth! If I happen to be certain that a particular trait turns me completely "off" then there's no reason to force myself into doing something I'm not going to be into and I seriously doubt a guy wants to do something with a girl if she is hiding her disgust or apathy just under the surface.

I ask for height and weight as well as age at times. I am just not attracted to men over a certain age and there are plenty of ladies who are older than me who may want to visit with them.

I am short so it is important to me that my potential partner be someone who I feel I can physically have a good time with. Additionally I do not want to visit with someone who is abnormally obese. I'm not talking fat I'm talking obese to the point you can't bend over to put your own shoes on. That's a huge turn off and not something I would enjoy.

Yes this is a service but it is MY body and I get to choose who I share it with. If a potential client does not meet my criteria physically then no I would not see him.

The problem is that people seem to think that $ will buy them anything and that is simply not true. This is not just a business to me and I want to be able to feel attraction and compatibility for the person I am with. In any case I don't think it's wrong for you to screen for that. It is your body, and it is your choice who you share it with. Originally Posted by Rae Monroe