Depression & Suicide

Don't be hard on yourself. Even some of the most adept mental/spiritual health experts have lost loved ones to suicide. Depression is an extremely comlicated illness; one day they are ok the next day they are totally hopeless and even they may not even know why. There are an infinite amount of factors that influence suicide. Hence the most common yet unanswerable question surrounding most all suicides: "Why?".
I think questioning "why" is the hardest part. I know why it happened, but it's hard for me to understand why someone would give up, especially after they've been through and beaten so many obstacles in life. I really appreciate everyone's comments and everyone that has PMd me with their own stories.
bored@home's Avatar
Someday, when a loss is not immediately associated, it would be interesting to have a full on adult discussion around the topic. There are so many people with varrying thoughts and feelings on the subject but when a recent death is closely tied to the origin it is very easy to unintentionally come across the wrong way.
My deepest condolences for your loss JP.
Keep an eye on them and remind them of how much you love them. Every day. Let me know if there's anything I can do to help Eva. Sending lots of love and prayers your way.
XOXO Originally Posted by Jillian Price
Thank you JP, so very kind of you!
Someday, when a loss is not immediately associated, it would be interesting to have a full on adult discussion around the topic. There are so many people with varrying thoughts and feelings on the subject but when a recent death is closely tied to the origin it is very easy to unintentionally come across the wrong way.
My deepest condolences for your loss JP. Originally Posted by bored@home
I am okay to talk about it. I tend to look at things logically, not emotionally. (Not always, I am not perfect by any means). I would not assume that any of the comments were made directly towards me, if we were to have that discussion.

I thank you all for your kind words. However, it would mean much more to me for you to raise awareness for this heartbreaking cause. I really do appreciate everyone's prayers and stories that they have sent me. I know I'm not alone in this fight and that really means a lot.
Kayleehotchick's Avatar
I haven't read all the comments Jillian but my prayers and thoughts go out to you and the family of your friend.

Hugs, doll.
Thanks Kaylee!
WOMBAT's Avatar
My Condolences and Sympathy,

Just last month had a very old friend (over 30 years) going through a bad divorce do the same.
He was staying with me then got on antidepressants and went down hill.
He went to stay with his parents on a farm for a couple weeks and they found him one day out on the farm...

I think the Antidepressants pushed him over the edge... He never mentioned doing anything, Just all the sudden gave up... Sometimes things just seem to stack up and people get tired, But I still blame a bad prescription.

It takes time to absorb their loss....

Instead of commenting on the Robin Williams thread, I decided to bump this one. Just a reminder that depression affects people from all walks of life. Even a man who made the entire world laugh, a man who helped many people in rough times, suffered. Depression knows no age, no race, no class.
R.I.P. Robin Williams
Ray007's Avatar

Well done JP, I immediately thought about this thread and your friend. R.I.P. Robin Williams(The Great One).
TexTushHog's Avatar
My Condolences and Sympathy,

Just last month had a very old friend (over 30 years) going through a bad divorce do the same.
He was staying with me then got on antidepressants and went down hill.
He went to stay with his parents on a farm for a couple weeks and they found him one day out on the farm...

I think the Antidepressants pushed him over the edge... He never mentioned doing anything, Just all the sudden gave up... Sometimes things just seem to stack up and people get tired, But I still blame a bad prescription.

It takes time to absorb their loss....

Hugs!! Originally Posted by WOMBAT
A comment on the role of anti-depressants and suicide. Because a person commits suicide after beginning anti-depressants is not a sign that they are not working. Paradoxically, they are a sign that they ARE working. As the anti-depressants begin to kick in, but before they have worked their maximum benefit, a person is still bepressed, but has more energy and resolve as levels of serotonin (and depending on the drug nor-epinephrine, increase). This partial impact is in some cases what gives the person the energy, gumption, push -- whatever you want to call it -- to commit suicide. This well known phenomenon is why it is especially important for patients who are at significant risk of suicide to 1) be educated on this issue; and 2) be effectively and frequently monitored during this interim period before the six to eight week mark when SSRI's and SSNRI fully kick in.
pyramider's Avatar
The pisser is that it takes the anti depressants three to six weeks to kick in and work their magic. Plus, the patient needs to communicate how they are feeling with their shrinck. Different types of anti depressants work differently on different people.
Suicide & depression is a very difficult topic. Many people don't want to admit they are feeling this way.
snowking2010's Avatar
Instead of commenting on the Robin Williams thread, I decided to bump this one. Just a reminder that depression affects people from all walks of life. Even a man who made the entire world laugh, a man who helped many people in rough times, suffered. Depression knows no age, no race, no class.
R.I.P. Robin Williams Originally Posted by Jillian Price
True, makes you think.
pyramider's Avatar
Suicide & depression is a very difficult topic. Many people don't want to admit they are feeling this way. Originally Posted by Jillian Price

I see a big problem with depression. There are so many symptoms that if a medical professional were to quiz any one of us they would most likely classify 90% as clinically depressed. I have spoken to my family practitioner about this due to I needed a little help for four months after a family member died. marital issues, and the bs at work ... I took an anti depressant for four months, three months full on and one month to wean myself off. Now every time I go in for a physical she asks about depression, now I just get pissed. Then she wants to put me on high blood pressure meds.