What to do about NCNS's?

starflash's Avatar
This ain't brain surgery.......A NC/NS is a big deal......How difficult is it to call a person and cancel a session......Giving the offender a pass reinforces that behavior......Although Alerts may or not be the proper forum, it should be reported somewhere........
You clicked on the thread. Dont like them, dont click.

You tryin to fulfill your post quota? Originally Posted by offonleave
Is the Carkido "you clicked on my thread so I win" disease catching around here?

I'm going to be nice here...

I'm saying we've talked NC/NS to death in this and two or three other forums and several threads...nothing new is being said here...if you really wanted to hear different sides of this issue, you could have searched the massive list of threads where this has been talked about and read it all...
boardman's Avatar
Is the Carkido "you clicked on my thread so I win" disease catching around here?

I'm going to be nice here...

I'm saying we've talked NC/NS to death in this and two or three other forums and several threads...nothing new is being said here...if you really wanted to hear different sides of this issue, you could have searched the massive list of threads where this has been talked about and read it all... Originally Posted by Wakeup
But if we didn't re-hash the same topics ad nauseum what else would we have to do? Talk about pussy? Annoy the fucktards? What?

To stay on topic though. NC/NS should be reported at some point to someone.....I'm just sayin'
pyramider's Avatar
No One has suggested the use of a guillotine?
Southerng's Avatar
If they don't call to cancel it's quite simple....Find another that's better!
Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
If they don't call to cancel it's quite simple....Find another that's better! Originally Posted by Southerng
....a simple concept, that's for sure, but nowhere near as simple as the concept of avoiding girls with a history of pulling that bullshit. IF every stranded mutt would add a little mention of the NS/NC in a post, then a simple search on that girl would be most helpful.
rockshox69's Avatar
Anyone should move on when NS/NC but definitely should be noted somewhere no apologies or explanation arise after 3-7 days. I wonder if there could be a rating system installed in place for a provider's name that would tally their appt reliability all in one place then we wouldn't have to rehash this common theme.
is the pussy that good to get mad about a NC/NS? especially if she stiffs you 2x....? obviously she has other obligations....so put her on the telemarketer list....DO NOT CALL

Thanks for the input but I have already moved on but with two other threads currently devoted to opposite ways to handle this situation I thought a spirited conversation might help clear the air once and for all on how to handle these unfortunate occurrences. I also was seeking input from those with more experience.

So, I’m the "stoopid" one huh? You can be assured that with your attitude you do not make the list; no rose for you, the tribe has spoken, you have been evicted from the BB household, your just a tool and you’re fired! Originally Posted by offonleave

self depreciating humor STOOPID..

Now - Wake- Up had the same answer as I did but you did not answer him in the same way.....He must intimidate you. How's that for spirited..?

You can't evict or fire anyone........do YOU know who you are......? Cause it's really not important. I don' t want to see anyone who just recycles threads, at least import from another city..........Next your going to start an AA thread!

Useful would have been. How do providers feel when a guy NCNS