Too many fat people in America

Jackie, if you made it to 70 without your body starting to deteriorate you are very lucky.

"From the time you are born to around the time you turn 30, your muscles grow larger and stronger. But at some point in your 30s, you start to lose muscle mass and function. The cause is age-related sarcopenia or sarcopenia with aging.

Physically inactive people can lose as much as 3% to 5% of their muscle mass each decade after age 30. Even if you are active, you’ll still have some muscle loss."

Also, the metabolism slows which makes it easier to put on weight. And blood flow to parts of the body slows. In my case to the achilles tendons, which severely impacted my running.

So I would say that once you hit 40 you have to work harder to maintain the same body characteristics. If you are in good shape in your 70s, keep it up!! Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
You can limit the muscle loss by pumping iron.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Yes you can. Easy to say. Rather difficult to do.
Yes you can. Easy to say. Rather difficult to do. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Not that hard to get a gym membership and a trainer and lift weights, I don't think.

When I lift weights, I think about shit that pisses me off, and I work harder taking it out on the weights.
themystic's Avatar
Not that hard to get a gym membership and a trainer and lift weights, I don't think.

When I lift weights, I think about shit that pisses me off, and I work harder taking it out on the weights. Originally Posted by friendly fred
That's awesome Fred. I admire you for your determination and commitment. You are right. You just have to do it
That's awesome Fred. I admire you for your determination and commitment. You are right. You just have to do it Originally Posted by themystic
Gracias mi amigo El Mystico!
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Not that hard to get a gym membership and a trainer and lift weights, I don't think.

When I lift weights, I think about shit that pisses me off, and I work harder taking it out on the weights. Originally Posted by friendly fred
Working out is not "fun". Yes, it is easy to get a gym membership. It is expensive to get a personal trainer. This week at the gym there are a lot of new faces due to New Year's resolutions. That will last maybe a month. I see people as being inherently lazy and that is why so many are not close to being fit.

To those who are in a fitness regimen -- keep at it.
rexdutchman's Avatar
The issue is High fruictose corn syrup and dextrose sugar , both more addictive then ( you know) we cant say ! This has addicted people to soda and junk foods .
Working out is not "fun". Yes, it is easy to get a gym membership. It is expensive to get a personal trainer. This week at the gym there are a lot of new faces due to New Year's resolutions. That will last maybe a month. I see people as being inherently lazy and that is why so many are not close to being fit.

To those who are in a fitness regimen -- keep at it. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
I agree it is not fun until the end.
The issue is High fruictose corn syrup and dextrose sugar , both more addictive then ( you know) we cant say ! This has addicted people to soda and junk foods . Originally Posted by rexdutchman
That shit has no useful nutrients but ironically fatso motherfuckers drink the diet shit without sugar and still get fat as fuck.
Randall Creed's Avatar
Yeah, sure, everybody that’s fat is poor, lazy, black, Hispanic, and a liberal.

Every fucking day there’s some dip shit throwing the word ‘liberal’ around, to justify his/her Trumpanzee-ism.

Everybody is fucking fat, except people who are not fat. Political agendas do not matter. It’s usually based on lifestyle, wealth, level of stress, diet, and a rigorous combination of all of the above.

I don’t openly ‘identify’ as a liberal, but I believe in a general sense of fairness for everybody. If that makes me a liberal, then so be it. Some of you think a small group of you should have everything and everyone else should just fucking starve and die. People like you need to just die off. Seriously. If you say the word “liberal” every day of your life, you fucking need help. That’s just my opinion, but whatever.

Staying on topic, the truth of the matter is, we as a whole, eat too much junk/fast food and don’t exercise enough. That is the core issue with obesity. But then again, it’s hard to exercise enough and eat the right things enough when you have to work all the damn time. It’s a catch 22, A vicious cycle of cause-and-effect. This country causes a lot of problems that it complains about.
I agree that our country causes some of our own problems. Thank God Trump is in the White House or it would be much,much worse. Trump2020.
themystic's Avatar
I agree that our country causes some of our own problems. Thank God Trump is in the White House or it would be much,much worse. Trump2020. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Gosh imagine how great he would be if he could actually keep the government open.
Oh please - like this has not happened before.
bamscram's Avatar
Several under Trump.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
I agree that our country causes some of our own problems. Thank God Trump is in the White House or it would be much, much worse. Trump2020. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
I have to laugh out loud with your support of Trump in a thread on "Too many fat people in America". Trump is borderline obese. The most physically unfit POTUS in decades. Terrible diet. Does not exercise and has actually made negative comments about exercise.

"Trump is perhaps the most sedentary, least healthy president in recent history."
