Biden Family Crime Syndicate

You mean like Trump lying repeated that he won the election or that he got more votes than Biden.
You mean like Trump lying repeated that he won the election or that he got more votes than Biden. Originally Posted by 1blackman1

Just look at the lies of Biden, he isn't causing inflation for one. He isn't in bed with China, yet all of his energy and proposals are designed to ruin the U.S. Economy and improve China's economy. The EPA car emissions mandate announced today just another example for total idiots in charge.
Uh huh. More Silliness right wing talking points. You realize we can’t depend on fossil fuels forever. And more efficient vehicles actually means less fuel costs over the long run. Fuel will be cheaper when less people are guzzling it down, even with it being a limited resource as we bore witness to during Covid when no one was driving and fuel costs dropped dramatically because of less demand. No one is stopping you from continuing to purchase old gas guzzlers if you so choose.

Oddly the economy continues to improve under Biden even in the face of the post pandemic near recession we and the rest of the world faced. See that’s the thing there isn’t it. The WHOLE world faced the same problems that gave rise to a near recession post pandemic and inflation wasn’t a uniquely US phenomenon. Meaning that it wasn’t something Biden caused since his policies don’t have a world wide effect. What has happened though is his policies are bringing the US back with low unemployment and higher than expected GDP.

You can keep those dumb talking points that mean nothing to anyone except Trumpys and folks that live and die by Fox and Newsmax.
“Joe Biden committed crimes in Ukraine in a conspiracy with [current national security adviser] Jake Sullivan,” McCormick said.

“I’m a witness to that happening.”

McCormick visited Ukraine with then-Vice President Biden three times and says that on a 2014 trip, Sullivan — then a Biden national security aide — briefed reporters aboard Air Force Two as an anonymous “senior administration official” about how the US was interested in helping Ukraine’s natural gas industry.

At the time — and unbeknownst to the public — Hunter had joined the board of Ukrainian natural gas firm Burisma, working with an executive who would later meet with Joe Biden in Washington.

“I think the FBI should investigate it based on an eyewitness report,” McCormick said.

“This happened. Joe Biden was part of this.

“They’ve been looking at Hunter Biden, but this ties Joe Biden and [Sullivan] into promoting a kickback scheme with Ukraine. It’s the timeline that does it.”

more details
Let em look
Uh huh. More Silliness right wing talking points. You realize we can’t depend on fossil fuels forever. And more efficient vehicles actually means less fuel costs over the long run. Fuel will be cheaper when less people are guzzling it down, even with it being a limited resource as we bore witness to during Covid when no one was driving and fuel costs dropped dramatically because of less demand. No one is stopping you from continuing to purchase old gas guzzlers if you so choose.

Oddly the economy continues to improve under Biden even in the face of the post pandemic near recession we and the rest of the world faced. See that’s the thing there isn’t it. The WHOLE world faced the same problems that gave rise to a near recession post pandemic and inflation wasn’t a uniquely US phenomenon. Meaning that it wasn’t something Biden caused since his policies don’t have a world wide effect. What has happened though is his policies are bringing the US back with low unemployment and higher than expected GDP.

You can keep those dumb talking points that mean nothing to anyone except Trumpys and folks that live and die by Fox and Newsmax. Originally Posted by 1blackman1

They aint talking points, they are reality if you just open your eyes.

The lies told by Democrats about the economy are endless.
Ok. You can’t present any facts but we should take your word for it. Cool beans Stud. Got it.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
interesting ...

Ex-White House Official: FBI Ignored Joe Biden’s Role in Shady Ukraine Business Dealings

The FBI reportedly ignored a hotline tip from a former White House aide about President Joe Biden’s role in Ukraine business dealings.

In February, former Obama White House stenographer Mike McCormick submitted a tip to the FBI saying he had exclusive information that the Biden family was involved in foreign business dealings. However, the FBI ignored it.

Then-Vice President Biden traveled to Ukraine to boost the country’s energy industry days after his son Hunter Biden joined the board of natural gas company Burisma in 2014.

“Joe Biden committed crimes in Ukraine in a conspiracy with [current national security adviser] Jake Sullivan,” McCormick told the New York Post. “I’m a witness to that happening.”

On April 21, 2014, McCormick said that he was with Sullivan in the press cabin of Air Force Two as they made their way to Kyiv, as he summarized how the country's wealth would help corrupt Ukraine build up its gas industry.

That same day, Sullivan told reporters, as an anonymous “senior administration official,” that the U.S. plans to help Ukraine’s natural gas industry.

Details of the plan, including telling reporters that the U.S. was interested in providing “technical assistance to help [Ukraine] be able to boost production in their conventional gas fields, where presently they aren’t getting the maximum of what they could be” while offering “technical assistance relating to a regulatory framework, and also the technology that would be required to extract unconventional gas resources; and Ukraine has meaningful reserves of unconventional gas according to the latest estimates.”

However, almost a month after Sullivan spoke to reporters, it was disclosed that Hunter Biden was a board member.

In December 2014, Congress approved a $50 million package for Ukraine’s energy sector, including the natural gas industry.

McCormick said that he believes Biden, the “point person” on U.S. foreign policy for Ukraine, was using his role to help his son’s foreign business interests given the timeline of events.

“Joe Biden was over there telling them, ‘You can’t be corrupt! You can’t be corrupt!’ while he was corrupt,” McCormick said, adding, “Look, this is Air Force Two. This is Joe Biden’s plane. He’s in control of it. Jake Sullivan was in the front of the plane with Joe Biden in a meeting, and then he walked back in the plane to talk to the press.”

The ex-Biden official wants to testify on the federal grand jury in Delaware investigating Hunter Biden for tax and gun violations, vowing to go under oath to expose his criminal activities.

“They’ve been looking at Hunter Biden, but this ties Joe Biden and [Sullivan] into promoting a kickback scheme with Ukraine,” McCormick said. “It’s the timeline that does it.”

Despite lacking experience in Ukraine or the energy business, Hunter Biden was paid a whopping $83,000 per month for being on the board— two years before Biden forced the firing of Ukraine prosecutor Viktor Shokin, who was investigating Burisma.

Biden, however, continued to deny that his son was involved in any overseas business dealings.
Ok. You can’t present any facts but we should take your word for it. Cool beans Stud. Got it. Originally Posted by 1blackman1

It used to be basic economic knowledge, like 2+2=4 was basic standard match.

Your economic "facts" are basically 2+2=5, but since you believe the new liars, you can't see the truth.
Present facts Stud. If it’s as you say, I presume you can do so.
Present facts Stud. If it’s as you say, I presume you can do so. Originally Posted by 1blackman1

I am waiting for you to post one actual fact and not pure Democrat/Marxist economic spin that has always been wrong.
I posted facts. Just because they counter your narrative or thinking doesn’t make them less so. All you’ve posted are your opinions. GDP up, stock market up for the year, inflation falling, gas prices falling, unemployment low, real wages up. All facts. Feel free to dispute those with more than “economy bad because Stud says so and energy policy bad with no actual reason”.
interesting ...

Ex-White House Official: FBI Ignored Joe Biden’s Role in Shady Ukraine Business Dealings

The FBI reportedly ignored a hotline tip from a former White House aide about President Joe Biden’s role in Ukraine business dealings.

“Joe Biden was over there telling them, ‘You can’t be corrupt! You can’t be corrupt!’ while he was corrupt,” McCormick said, adding,

Biden, however, continued to deny that his son was involved in any overseas business dealings. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
its an oft repeated offense..the fbi ignoring evidence against dimocrats

they ignored tony bobulinski, they ignored the laptop for years, they even tried to censor the reporting on it, and who was it that arranged the 51 "experts", and they now ignore mccormick

biden claiming corruption in ukarine was a coverup to coverup his own corruption

a handy way of getting rid of a prosecutor looking into burisma...biden the corruption fighter in ukraine just happens to go after the one guy looking into hunter...of all the corrupted in ukraine biden picks on the one corrupt person with a personal connection to him at just the right time...what are the chances?

and then the dims went further into the abyss of corruption as they went as far as impeaching trump for wanting to look into it

and biden denies he knew anything and who believes that lie? oh yeah, our resident maxists

sir walter scott on marmion, a tale of flodden field: in the epistle provides: oh, what a tangled web we weave when first we start to deceive

biden's lies entangle him as someone said of the lie of a boy to his mother:

"Did you brush your teeth, Billy?

"Yes'm, I sure did."

"Why isn't your toothbrush wet, then?"

"Because I used the hair dryer on it afterward."

"Billy, we don't have a hair dryer."

....and so the cycle continues.
I posted facts. Just because they counter your narrative or thinking doesn’t make them less so. All you’ve posted are your opinions. GDP up, stock market up for the year, inflation falling, gas prices falling, unemployment low, real wages up. All facts. Feel free to dispute those with more than “economy bad because Stud says so and energy policy bad with no actual reason”. Originally Posted by 1blackman1

Nope your "facts" about Biden causing inflation is nothing more than detracting noise that has nothing to do with inflation but sounds good to gullible people that don't want to look at the real causes.

Real Causes of inflation by Biden is his war on fossil fuels cutting supply.

Increasing government handouts or stimulus money as soon as he took office when the economy was already opening up because Democrats stopped locking business doors to prevent spread of Covid.

Now today you have the EPA announcing how totally destroy the economy with their totally unrealistic war on CO2 that will have zero effect on global warming as it won't stop China or India from increasing their CO2 levels.

But swallow your koolaid and present noise as facts.
... Lads, please understand that this thread
concerns the Biden Family and their business dealings.

... It's NOT about Trump or Hillary or the sorry
state of Budweiser beer.

... Please focus your input onto the thread topic.
Thank you.

#### Salty