The global crackdown on parents who refuse vaccines for their kids has begun

If abortion is made legal because you can't tell a women what she can do with her body. What makes anyone think you can require someone to have a poison injected into their bodies for the remote possibility of preventing disease.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
That is a great argument AGAINST this then Jim..
Guest123018-4's Avatar
There was a study of instance rates of vaccinations and autism and the rate for vaccinated versus not vaccinated autism cases are no different. You can link most anything in life to something or another but that does not make it the cause.
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  • 08-07-2017, 07:04 AM
That is a great argument AGAINST this then Jim.. Originally Posted by garhkal
So if you outlaw abortion, you can mandate vaccines?

How do you think we eliminated Polio garthkal?
Do you want to change your story about the chicken pox vaccine, you fucking RETARD?

Or were you a "very young" person in 1995?

Lying sack of shit. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Well that's true it wasn't for chickenpox. It was smallpox which of course I didn't get. But I did come down with Chickenpox.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Well that's true it wasn't for chickenpox. It was smallpox which of course I didn't get. But I did come down with Chickenpox.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
So you freely admit you lied.

Kinda blows your position right out of the water, doesn't it, you fucking RETARD?

This is a stupid "movement" pushed by ignorant people in the name of GOd knows what.

Feel better?
Vaccines aren't perfect. Even if a child has been vaccinated they can still contract the disease. In the case of measles once you get it you have acquired your immunity to the virus for life. These childhood diseases we are all familiar with are not life threatening in and of themselves and play an important role in building our immune system at an early age. The reason why so many parents feel they should avoid vaccinating their kids is because their is an abundance of information that link vaccines with more serious and life threatening conditions later in life. Vaccines are administered with the idea to ward off disease. But what's actually in the vaccine? Most commonly vaccines contain altered microorganisms, carcinogens, heavy metals such as cadmium and Thimerosal an organo mercury compound, which is used as a preservative and mutated proteins are also present. Out of all components of vaccines Thimerosal is the most toxic to the body. It's responsible for a host of adverse reactions such as Bell's Palsy and even Autism. The risk of preventing a harmless disease with toxic chemicals is a valid reason why parents shy away from having their kids vaccinated.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Well if parents are this concerned about what's in vaccines then they should also be concerned with the things they eat, drink, use to clean yourself, Clean your house & etc, make up, toilet paper, tampons, medicine & etc...

You would be surprised of the things you use on a daily basis in regards to it's ingredients.. I've done alot of research on that subject & I feel as if it's not the vaccine that's making people sick it's the stuff we use on a daily bases..

Look up red40 and the other colors that are found in bath wash make up food and etc...

I haven't done enough research in regards to vaccines but I understand the fear people have..

I've always said if it's FDA approved it's going to kill you!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
There was a study of instance rates of vaccinations and autism and the rate for vaccinated versus not vaccinated autism cases are no different. You can link most anything in life to something or another but that does not make it the cause. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
Link and defend, Dipshit.
I'm for most vaccinations but everything I read makes flu vaccinations a scam. It is AT BEST 50 per cent effective. The drug companies who make flu vaccinations must salivate...they can make a drug that you really can't prove that works and scare everyone into getting 100 million doses in the US alone.

My mother, "out an abundance of caution", got three flu shots one year!
Well if parents are this concerned about what's in vaccines then they should also be concerned with the things they eat, drink, use to clean yourself, Clean your house & etc, make up, toilet paper, tampons, medicine & etc...

You would be surprised of the things you use on a daily basis in regards to it's ingredients.. I've done alot of research on that subject & I feel as if it's not the vaccine that's making people sick it's the stuff we use on a daily bases..

Look up red40 and the other colors that are found in bath wash make up food and etc...

I haven't done enough research in regards to vaccines but I understand the fear people have..

I've always said if it's FDA approved it's going to kill you! Originally Posted by Amiliah Rayne
That's true we are bombarded with a lot of toxins in our daily life. There is a web site I frequent this guy has done tests on all kinds of things including vaccines. But he also did some tests on food so he went to McDonalds and ordered some chicken McNuggets and concluded its not even chicken, lol. He didn't confirm what it was in the video maybe he's still trying to figure it out. There are a lot of things I absolutely will not eat besides "Fast Food" and that is any type of processed meat like bacon, canned vegetables, most cereals, Pond raised fish, processed corn products and anything I recognize or suspect as GMO. If you shop for fruits and vegetables in the produce dept. there is a way to distinguish if a fruit or vegetable is GMO or not by looking at the little sticker. It will begin with either a 3,4,8 or 9, 3 and 4's are conventional crops that may have been grown with the use of pesticides, anything starting with 8 is suppose to be GMO and 9's are said to be organically grown. Another thing I would stay away from as much as possible is processed sugar. As far as cleaning products many companies market "Organic" products, try those. If you are in the habit of coloring your hair find one without lead acetate. I think a lot of companies are discontinuing it's use, but read the label anyway.

So you freely admit you lied.

Kinda blows your position right out of the water, doesn't it, you fucking RETARD?

This is a stupid "movement" pushed by ignorant people in the name of GOd knows what.

Feel better? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Right, I lied with the direct intent of deceiving you. You're an absolute demented little clown.

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  • 08-07-2017, 10:46 AM
A reasonable compromise: You don't vacinate your child, and they get ill and spread the disease then you are response for all resultant medical costs of those likely infected. And care costs for life for diseases like polio. And any rezultant loss of productivity, deaths, etc.

I suspect tbe "personal responsibility" folks on here would approve.
A reasonable compromise: You don't vacinate your child, and they get ill and spread the disease then you are response for all resultant medical costs of those likely infected. And care costs for life for diseases like polio. And any rezultant loss of productivity, deaths, etc.

I suspect tbe "personal responsibility" folks on here would approve.
Originally Posted by Old-T
You didn't give much thought into that did you?

A reasonable compromise: You don't vacinate your child, and they get ill and spread the disease then you are response for all resultant medical costs of those likely infected. And care costs for life for diseases like polio. And any rezultant loss of productivity, deaths, etc.

I suspect tbe "personal responsibility" folks on here would approve.
Originally Posted by Old-T

This is very important, the gov. and the group must not be corrupt else they may just con away/reachaground/say it their idea/drug/poison/erase memory/have sex with all the right people in gov. L.E. religious leader etc ... that why people have to have full trust in their gov. before these type of thing can happen ....
I'm for most vaccinations but everything I read makes flu vaccinations a scam. It is AT BEST 50 per cent effective. The drug companies who make flu vaccinations must salivate...they can make a drug that you really can't prove that works and scare everyone into getting 100 million doses in the US alone.

My mother, "out an abundance of caution", got three flu shots one year! Originally Posted by gnadfly
Flu shots don't always work because they guess which strain of flu will be the culprit that year. So if they make a vaccine for example flu type 1 but flu type 4 is going around then in return you get sick..
That's true we are bombarded with a lot of toxins in our daily life. There is a web site I frequent this guy has done tests on all kinds of things including vaccines. But he also did some tests on food so he went to McDonalds and ordered some chicken McNuggets and concluded its not even chicken, lol. He didn't confirm what it was in the video maybe he's still trying to figure it out. There are a lot of things I absolutely will not eat besides "Fast Food" and that is any type of processed meat like bacon, canned vegetables, most cereals, Pond raised fish, processed corn products and anything I recognize or suspect as GMO. If you shop for fruits and vegetables in the produce dept. there is a way to distinguish if a fruit or vegetable is GMO or not by looking at the little sticker. It will begin with either a 3,4,8 or 9, 3 and 4's are conventional crops that may have been grown with the use of pesticides, anything starting with 8 is suppose to be GMO and 9's are said to be organically grown. Another thing I would stay away from as much as possible is processed sugar. As far as cleaning products many companies market "Organic" products, try those. If you are in the habit of coloring your hair find one without lead acetate. I think a lot of companies are discontinuing it's use, but read the label anyway.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
If there are only four numbers in the PLU, this means that the produce was grown conventionally or “traditionally” with the use of pesticides.

The last four letters (or only four, in this case) of the PLU code are simply what kind of vegetable or fruit you’re buying. An example is that all bananas are labeled with the code of 4011.

If there are five numbers in the PLU code, and the number starts with “8”, this tells you that the item is a genetically modified fruit or vegetable. Genetically modified fruits and vegetables have been tampered with in an unnatural way; essentially, produce that has been genetically modified was created in a lab or over decades of artificial selection, and cannot be found in nature. A genetically engineered (GE or GMO) banana would be: 84011

If there are five numbers in the PLU code, and the number starts with “9”, this tells you that the produce was grown organically and is not genetically modified. An organic banana would be: 94011

Interestingly enough, the adhesive used to attach the stickers is considered food-grade, but the stickers themselves aren’t safe to consume.

If you’re looking to be hyper aware of what fruits and vegetables have been treated with pesticides and other chemicals and which have not, you’ll want to check out the homepage for the Environmental Working Groups.

The EWG has compiled two lists to help consumers identify which produce is generally cleaner and which produce is generally tampered with; the Clean Fifteen and the Dirty Dozen.

The Top 5 for the “Clean Fifteen” produce are:

Sweet Corn
Sweet Peas (Frozen)

The Top 5 for the “Dirty Dozen” produce are:
