Does anyone know that you hobby?

Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
Society views those on the buying side of this transaction differently than those on the selling.

Friends and family of single hobbyists (esp those who are "over-the-hill" and/or divorced/widowed) are probably only concerned because of the legal aspect. They could really care less that Uncle Joe-Bob made a phone call to have a hot, young thang come visit him for a few hours. How he chooses to spend his free time and extra money is no one's business but his own. Originally Posted by KaraLynnKelley
There it is! They view provider frequency as a sensitive indicator of health and happiness of the designated geezer.

But providers? Well...that's (unfairly) a different story... Originally Posted by KaraLynnKelley

True again. It's like sweet normal girls volunteer to become 3/5 of a human least with regard to their rights and prerogatives under the Constitution. This breaks my heart; I can only imagine how y'all feel about it.
Shake_N_Bake's Avatar
Several parties later, after too much drinking, loose lips sank ship!

My last SO made sure her attorney, all relatives on both sides, and all of her friends know about it!

(I don't have a priest! ) Originally Posted by Dad
I don't tell anyone. The quote is the strongest arguement for not tell, the only one who can truely keep this a secret is you.

True again. It's like sweet normal girls volunteer to become 3/5 of a human least with regard to their rights and prerogatives under the Constitution. This breaks my heart; I can only imagine how y'all feel about it. Originally Posted by Don T. Lukbak
Sad thing is, Uncle Donny, that it isn't just the legal issue, it's the social issue as well. I, for one, would rather spend the night in jail than disappoint my mother. Even if prostitution were decriminalized tomorrow, I bet most of the ladies here wouldn't admit their involvement to loved ones. Although it would be (for the most part) legal, it still wouldn't be socially accepted.

Think about this: It is completely legal and socially acceptable for men to patronize strip clubs. It is completely legal, but not socially acceptable for women to dance in them. For some reason its ok to buy a bit of fun, but not to sell it. I think it would be the exact same way with the hobby's legalization/decriminalization.

*Great thread, BTW! I love the reflective and brainy stuff, lol!*
chinga_thing's Avatar
Just one very trusted friend. And I know he hobbies, too. And he knows I know it...
I do it so I can enjoy the company of a beautiful woman with absolutly no strings attached...
Since I have no interest in a "meaningful" relationship, and will end up paying any way, (we all pay for it), I simply cut through all the crap and use a real professional that knows what she is doing. Originally Posted by Jackie S

Like Jackie I am a widower and don't have to worry about a SO "catching me". I too am not looking for a relationship, at least for now, and I too love the company.

Regarding some ladies who think there is no stigma for the guys, I'd disagree. I have wondered what I would do if LE pinched me. I too might end up sitting in jail rather than disappoint my family.
Seedy's Avatar
  • Seedy
  • 02-20-2011, 03:04 PM
Just my stepson,who lives with me and his son, for now. He found just recently, when he confronted me about it, he tried to lecture me , like I do him on things. I said whoa, think about this shit, I don't drink so I'm not into the bar or club scene, I'm not a stud looking fucker like he is, I don't want to date some old freaking scank, I just want to get laid, and get my dick sucked. I asked him how.much he spends on a typical date with some decent looking hottie, and maybe gets some and maybe doesn't , he said anywhere between 150- 200, depends on what they go and do. I told him WTF, for that I KNOW I'm going to get laid. He quit bitchin at me. He just doesn't know I go 3-4 times a week or more. Lol
Mojojo's Avatar
This is because you select quality women. Originally Posted by KaraLynnKelley
So when are you coming to Houston again?
surcher's Avatar
A few of my friends know, including a female. They understand how rare it is to find a woman willing, or open minded enough to have a relationship with someone in a wheelchair. Finding a friend with benefits is even harder. Although, back in '81 I had been in the hospital for 8 months after breaking my neck and was on Marvin Zindler. I got a groupie out of it. She seemed ok at first, but turned out to be a loon. However, sexy was hell, so I put up with her for about two weeks then told the hospital staff not to let her back in. I could use Marvin now, lol.

I had to get a friend to drive me to my first time. It was a double at a hotel and he sat in the corner, had a couple of drinks and watched. I figured if I was gonna do it I might as well go all out.
ICU 812's Avatar
the only people that know I hobby are the providers that I see. I have never been to a social or let any of my friends know.
oilfieldscum's Avatar
Yes, a couple of guys at work that try to get me to guy to an SC! I told them it was a waste of time for me. Originally Posted by DarthMaul
What I always used to hear is "I don't go to strip clubs. They are just a waste of time and money."

A few of my friends know that I hobby.
ONE person..and I only told him because he showed me Star Lane and the spots near the Ship to get me started. And he moved away for work years ago. None of my other friends know for sure. They know I'm not above going to the SC on occasion and they assume that I know dancers because of it, but they're clueless about all that I've done hobby-wise in the last few years. Only me, the growing list of providers, and my bank account know for sure!
JT10's Avatar
  • JT10
  • 02-20-2011, 08:42 PM
No one knows, and it gets really hard not to "tell some tales". I learned in High School many years ago that the best way to tell everyone something is to start by telling one person. Loose lips do sink ships.

As far as the ones that have said it is Ok to purchase sex, but not ok to sell it......I dont know what neighborhood you live in, but if you've watched the news, oh for the last several years, it seems to be the man that "goes down" and loses everything, while the girl makes money selling the story. I know you said single or divorced, but no big difference. In this country the man is labeled a loser that cant get any on his own, while he is willing to risk STD's, while he pays for his "perversions". Might as well get caught wearing women's underwear. Couple of actors in the news the last couple of years and they are still everyone's jokes.
I agree with Seedman55.... you go to a bar, even if you look like a STUD, your best odds of getting laid are 50/50, and what are the chances she decides to get all clingy?

Think about this: You meet a chic in a bar, you either go to her place which can be unsafe, she might have a friend who will rob you

Going to your place? She might rob you at gun point, and now she knows where you live, and what possessions you have. Worse yet, she might decide to bareback you or while giving that CBJ, she uses her teeth to put a hole in the raincoat and a few days later she informs you of her being pregnant.

All this sounds really bad but like the great Charlie Sheen said "I don't pay them for sex, I pay them to go away"

Guys want sex with out the hassle and drama, women who are looking for mates tend to add the hassle and drama
Yes I can see that so many people so many different ideas. I like some of you guys I just haven't told anyone, I think the less people that know the better. However there are some instances that I would love to say to friends but those moments pass.

As for Kara Lynn I agree with you it is a double edged sword. Much like a guy F'ing lots of guys is a STUD but a girl F'ing lots of guys is a SLUT. Definitely not fair for the girls at all.

You know how it is kind of widely understood that Europe is much more liberal than the United States. For those of you that have traveled extensively there are the views that we have here the same there?
Dad's Avatar
  • Dad
  • 02-21-2011, 12:49 AM
Ok, I will be the devil advocate:
  • I introduced my best UTR-HDHs to my business partners and I got many of my best deals done nicely and quickly.
  • I paid for my ex-brother-in-laws' sessions and to this day we are still friends.
  • I met a banker at my country club and he introduced me to nice ladies at bargain prices to prove that he can save me money; I gave him some of my accounts.
  • Recently I have been introduced to a whole new world that it is impossible for me to obtain if they don't know that I hobby!