I will speak some truth to you.Sorry that you are such a miserable person that must be tiring and stressful. I'm perfectly content with my body and my life sorry that you obviously aren't content with yours. I'm happy and that's all that really matters in life good luck being so cynical and toxic.
I looked at your profile pictures. You would do reasonably well as a plain-jane, hayseed/hillbilly hook if you lost 60 or 70 pounds. Also your nipples are misshapen, which is a flaw and a turn off but I guess is something you can do nothing about because it's the way God made you.
If you could correct these things, 25% of the ridiculous compliments that the male lesbians line up to reassure you with would seem far less disingenuous. The other 75% no one can help you with. On the (sort of) bright side, that's more their problem than it is yours.
You're welcome. Originally Posted by Next Best Thing
I don't see how any of your hijacking has anything to do with condoms. You haven't contributed anything to the discussion per usual.