HEEELLLPPPPP me save the turtles! Yup kids, I'm begging for donations. Donations thread.

Very true David, seems like the name of the organization has not been told either to donate directly to them. Edited so it would not take away from the original thread.......
bored@home's Avatar
I'm gonna go the opposite of logic route and say CARPE DIEM. If this is truly your dream and you have the opportunity then seize it!
Granted others make valid points about securing the future and Grace's comment about education toward the field is spot on, learning in the field and first hand exposure is a great start.
Maybe to satisfy the opinions of others, do volunteer work here and abroad if that really matters.
Pretty safe to safe to say you are being facetious, TXGENT, but if she is a provider, she needs to provide and I will buy a Walmart gift card if that is what she prefers. If she really needs food and does not want to provide, then I am sure there is a church or American Red Cross location near her that will give her some food.

Since TXGENT edited his post, it makes mine seem weird as I answered his original post, but in keeping with the thread topic, to sponsor a provider to go to Costa Rica so she can supposedly save some turtles is ridiculous. Who is to say she goes down there and provides her escort services for paying customers there or she just goes and lays on the beach? But, as I said, there will be definitely be a few idiots who will help her go on her vacation. Maybe she might take some pics!
~Ze~'s Avatar
  • ~Ze~
  • 08-21-2014, 08:31 AM
Grace Preston's Avatar
I'm not sure how my response was taken as mean, hurtful, or angry. It is the same advice and suggestion that I would give to ANYONE who is chasing their dreams. Education and savings first... then chase. You can do ecotourism until you are blue in the face, but don't expect to work in the field without the educational background.

You can ask anyone who knows me.. whenever someone tells me about what they'd like to do after this life... I always push them towards education that will get them there. You can't get anywhere without it.
FunInDFW's Avatar
You wanna save the turtles - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pt8VYOfr8To Originally Posted by ~Ze~
Was hoping this was related to the zombie kid expressing his like for turtles.
Bestman200600's Avatar
Wow this is really sad. Just last week you were asking help from our community for bills.
Grace Preston's Avatar
If you are referring to me, it was 3 weeks ago-- and I wasn't going off on an expedition with what I was requesting. More to the point, I contribute on a regular basis, sometimes to my own detriment, when others need basic necessities such as food or rent.

If you are referring to Kaylee.. that is also unfair, since it has been months since she posted asking for help. My posts aren't to bash in the slightest. I think it is fantastic that she is following her dreams.
I don't believe he meant you Grace. What is wrong is the Op does not see why it is out of line. That is even weirder.
People on this board really need some positivity in their lives and a serious change of attitude.
+1 to what Grace said in post #38
And Go you Kaylee for helping a cause you believe in! I would totally donate to your trip but I can't at this time. If you are still in need of things when I get back from visiting my family, I'll definitely help!
bored@home's Avatar
I don't believe he meant you Grace. What is wrong is the Op does not see why it is out of line. That is even weirder. Originally Posted by TXGENT
I thought I was done with this but I am curious what makes this out of line? I quoted you but honestly a lot have the same sentiment.
I reviewed her list of requested items and they are..."frugal" choices.
(Polite way of saying cheap)
Ball park quick skim total I estimate in the 200 - 250 range. A fraction of the monetary value to what is sometimes asked for as gifts in showcases or role play action figures... but I digress. I like the reference (and video) to the working for it, after all look where we are, but what makes this such a crazy idea or request to get called out on?

I am also fuzzy on why the organizations name seems to be such a sought after item. Personally I have trust issues and I wouldn't put it past some "evil doer" trying to piss on my parade anyway they could just for laughs but thats me.

The tone seems to point toward the possibility of a huckster wanting to go gallivanting around CR in SEPTEMBER on your dime...if that turns out to be true, you got scammed for rechargeable batteries...not the end of the world.
I have no problem anyone doing what they love and dream of. I help ladies often that need help. I paid a car payment for one yesterday. The problem I would have if that lady was on here in a few weeks saying she is going on a 2 week trip. That means she wil not have any income for 2 weeks. So I would wonder how she is doing that when I just help recently with Bills and food. That is all i am saying. ,just would make me question that ladies truth about so broke and no food and needing help. Who knows maybe she has been screwing like crazy sense and got bunches of money saved, but not post shortly after asking for help.
+1 Ze.

How about posting this Ad thread:

"I Want To Do A 2-Week Program Helping Turtles In The CR - Great Deals On Sessions For The Next 2 Weeks"

You wanna save the turtles - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pt8VYOfr8To Originally Posted by ~Ze~
bored@home's Avatar
... Originally Posted by TXGENT
I can see it from that perspective now so thank you for the reply. I read the other thread some 3 months ago and it read like it was out desperation. This one I read more as a jovial ,semi tongue in cheek, help fund my dream and do some good for the world.
Personally I don't care about turtles or the cause. I am more hooked on the idea of someone being able to accomplish a life long dream.
You do raise a valid point about the two week hiatus but that is one the OP to figure out. Granted if it is followed up with another plea for help then that certainly paints a predictive picture but my crystal ball has been flaking on me so time will tell.
Kayleehotchick's Avatar
Oh wait...I had a 2 week ago hiatus?