Encounter: Wen Spa Incredible Success

dj8rocks's Avatar
Let me see if I got this straight: the guy joins the board, spends a year and change just leeching, then posts a hot and steamy review on a legit place, and you fall for that. No more comments… Originally Posted by ishimoto
#11 - Review "Quacking" , a term which describes openly proclaiming falsehood in reply to a review, will be strongly discouraged by our staff. If you believe a review to be false, use the RTM function to report it to your local staff
dj8rocks's Avatar
I quit going there because of no extras.

I think rubmelongtime is full of shit.

"Dear Penthouse"

He didn't put up a post and this was his first because it took him this long to think it up. Originally Posted by KRIEGHOFFK80
#11 - Review "Quacking" , a term which describes openly proclaiming falsehood in reply to a review, will be strongly discouraged by our staff. If you believe a review to be false, use the RTM function to report it to your local staff
dj8rocks's Avatar
This Encounter is 2 months old with no relevant information being added to continue the discussions. Feel free to start another thread or submit a new encounter

Thread Closed. dj8