So... What attacks and issues here in CoEd do you believe are done with "malicious intent"

Wayward's Avatar
This thread interests me.

Whispers walks the line between personal attacks and discussing the issues, he was nice enough to run a lot of the ladies over to one of my many houses. Heavenly Hannah got it pretty close and I'm not about to disagree or agree with Wicked Milf about anything but our mutual love for the Skipper.

Now here is the problem when Whispers starts losing on the issues, that ego kicks in and the personal attacks come with a vengeance. Which is fine if they are warranted some providers may need to be run out of town on a rail. But not all of them and not just the ones that won't play ball with Whispers and his court. We are not all going to agree or the discussion part of this forum falls by the wayside.

If Whispers was sincere about this threAD and really did want to be a better member of the community he has things to offer, but I'm not sure that was what this was about, so lets break out the popcorn and have a little fun.
Whispers's Avatar
This thread interests me.

Whispers walks the line between personal attacks and discussing the issues, he was nice enough to run a lot of the ladies over to one of my many houses. Heavenly Hannah got it pretty close and I'm not about to disagree or agree with Wicked Milf about anything but our mutual love for the Skipper.

Now here is the problem when Whispers starts losing on the issues, that ego kicks in and the personal attacks come with a vengeance. Which is fine if they are warranted some providers may need to be run out of town on a rail. But not all of them and not just the ones that won't play ball with Whispers and his court. We are not all going to agree or the discussion part of this forum falls by the wayside.

If Whispers was sincere about this threAD and really did want to be a better member of the community he has things to offer, but I'm not sure that was what this was about, so lets break out the popcorn and have a little fun. Originally Posted by Wayward
You moderate a lot of boards......

You read Hannahs post and my response to her..... as well as Milfs post and my response there.....

Both were saying similar things in different fashion wouldn't you agree?

Do you consider my response to Milf to be a "Personal Attack"?

One difference to consider in my response being different between the two is years of history with Milf in all her different personnas..... IMO she has "earned" the level of respect she is given......
Whispers's Avatar
besides...... I thought you said you would give me 25 cents for each one I run off in your direction?

I think you owe me three bucks?
Yeah, I still wish there was a "I'm a big girl/boy" opt out option for those of us that just want to say what we have to say and are fine with varied and colorful opinions to the contrary. FWIW I have only hit the RTM three times in my life- twice were on a provider and the other time was on sixx(he worked my nerves that day).

As for the cursing Whispers mentioned in his post, I'm certainly guilty of it(online anyway) but I was genuinely under the impression that given the nature of the gentlemen's hobby here that it wouldn't keep anyone up at night. I have wondered briefly in the past if it affects my business negatively but then decided it's unlikely that someone who's company I would enjoy would be so easily offended.

I got pointed yesterday for my response to Vkmaster calling everyone a bunch of 5th graders. I thought I was fairly tame in my response too I could have been a lot more vile. It just is starting to feel like everyone is getting ultra sensitive around here. There is a certain group that likes to put out personal attacks and if you say anything in response to it they start hitting the RTM button. You want to tell them to go get a Wah burger and some french cries.... Originally Posted by Wyldeman30
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Vyt, I think you've shown the patience of Job dealing with us. I don't know how this forum turned into such a bench-clearing brawl, but I can opine that very recently, something seemed to have gotten all the female posters on this board into a hell of a snit ... headed full steam into toward a full-scale Wicker Man sacrifice.

I haven't seen most of the providers who've apparently caught their yangs in their zippers -- and I might never -- but even one so dimwitted as I can tell that a line has been crossed and foolish pride prevents the zipperrers from suing for peace and moving on. Frankly, I'd rather be the one who fills Pandora's box, not the one who opens it up.

Anybody out there see "Sin City?" Well that's what's going on now. And I can't say that I blame anybody who's been bullied, bashed or badmouthed to reach the breaking point after it happens a few hundred times.

To paraphrase: Hell hath no fury like a whole chitload of pissed of providers fighting back.

Perhaps it's time for a citywide Kumbaya session?

Just suggesting...
Whispers's Avatar
Yeah, I still wish there was a "I'm a big girl/boy" opt out option for those of us that just want to say what we have to say and are fine with varied and colorful opinions to the contrary. FWIW I have only hit the RTM three times in my life- twice were on a provider and the other time was on sixx(he worked my nerves that day).

As for the cursing Whispers mentioned in his post, I'm certainly guilty of it(online anyway) but I was genuinely under the impression that given the nature of the gentlemen's hobby here that it wouldn't keep anyone up at night. I have wondered briefly in the past if it affects my business negatively but then decided it's unlikely that someone who's company I would enjoy would be so easily offended. Originally Posted by Hannah Heresy

Now some might not recognize that Post for the threAD it is........ She's a Sly One..... Gotta watch her...... What she's saying guys is that she can can be a foul mouth little slutpuppy if ya wanna her to be and she enjoys it!

Three bucks would just about cover one of your sessions with teenage strippers wouldn't it?


besides...... I thought you said you would give me 25 cents for each one I run off in your direction?

I think you owe me three bucks? Originally Posted by Whispers
Whispers's Avatar
By the way folks.......

Does everyone here truly believe it's just me?

"But let's be honest...a whole bunch of this stuff, on both sides, has to be with malice intent???"

Feel free to keep piling on but if there is any other contributors that feel there are two sides to the party.......

Whispers's Avatar
Three bucks would just about cover one of your sessions with teenage strippers wouldn't it?

Ziiiinng. Originally Posted by Hannah Heresy

Just a HJ in the club........

Gawd how I love ya darlin! You should find a few hours to hang out with us while your here..... I've been known to buy ladies other ladies as well as a crap load of food and drinks!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
If Whispers was sincere about this threAD and really did want to be a better member of the community he has things to offer, but I'm not sure that was what this was about, so lets break out the popcorn and have a little fun. Originally Posted by Wayward
Wisdom from afar. Thanks, Wayward. I think sincerity and community improvement ought to be a goal. May not be as fun as eviscerating others in public -- even if they are assumed persona -- but certainly more genuine.

How many times have any of us heard: "You're nothing like the asshole on the board? You're really a sweet guy!"

Maybe -- and I'm just shitballing here -- we divert the vitriol into a new political/current events forum?

Just a thought. I'd definitely play there ... if it was honest, sincere debate.

This chit isn't.

I'm nothing if not honest, sincere, and a lover of a good debate. I hope you weren't speaking in regard to me?

Oh and I think having a politics discussion would just get me in a lotta trouble. lol.

Wisdom from afar. Thanks, Wayward. I think sincerity and community improvement ought to be a goal. May not be as fun as eviscerating others in public -- even if they are assumed persona -- but certainly more genuine.

How many times have any of us heard: "You're nothing like the asshole on the board? You're really a sweet guy!"

Maybe -- and I'm just shitballing here -- we divert the vitriol into a new political/current events forum?

Just a thought. I'd definitely play there ... if it was honest, sincere debate.

This chit isn't. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
tige1979's Avatar
By the way folks.......

Does everyone here truly believe it's just me?

"But let's be honest...a whole bunch of this stuff, on both sides, has to be with malice intent???"

Feel free to keep piling on but if there is any other contributors that feel there are two sides to the party.......

Originally Posted by Whispers
It is never just one person. I am not sure what to think about everything but I do know it is more then just you.
I appreciate the invitation but I'm not in town long and have plans already. I have availability on the 9th if you'd like my special Whispers' NON BCD rate of 1000 per hr.

Just a HJ in the club........

Gawd how I love ya darlin! You should find a few hours to hang out with us while your here..... I've been known to buy ladies other ladies as well as a crap load of food and drinks! Originally Posted by Whispers
Whispers's Avatar
I appreciate the invitation but I'm not in town long and have plans already. I have availability on the 9th if you'd like my special Whispers' NON BCD rate of 1000 per hr. Originally Posted by Hannah Heresy
Nahh....... I always have that super secret alter ego for hard cases!
I would be able to spot you in a think that the ladies don't talk about that handsome face of yours through...dare I say it...backchannels?

Nahh....... I always have that super secret alter ego for hard cases! Originally Posted by Whispers