The Fast and Furious scandal is turning into President Obama's Watergate

joe bloe's Avatar
Like I said, the drive by media has their collective tongue up the POSITOO's ass: Originally Posted by Iaintliein
So, if Obama wrote a review of Rachel Maddow, he'd be telling us about her TUMA skills? I bet she'd have to be really good to beat Chris Matthews. I'm sure Obama would recommend MSNBC as the best spa for that particular service!
Iaintliein's Avatar
So, if Obama wrote a review of Rachel Maddow, he'd be telling us about her TUMA skills? I bet she'd have to be really good to beat Chris Matthews. I'm sure Obama would recommend MSNBC as the best spa for that particular service! Originally Posted by joe bloe
They ruve him rong time. . . personally, I'm ready for the "happy ending" say around Jan. 20.
joe bloe's Avatar
They ruve him rong time. . . personally, I'm ready for the "happy ending" say around Jan. 20. Originally Posted by Iaintliein
Me so honnie Mr Prezdint, me luv yu long time!
Is this the same Pournelle who wrote "Lucifer's Hammer"? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Yes, co-written with Larry Niven.

Jerry is almost as close as you can get to a Renaissance Man these days.

He was in Human Factors at Boeing long before that, involved in the original astronaut selection, and he edited a (classified) technology study of everything that was known at the time about ICBM technology and what was needed. (He mentioned, once or twice, that he was cleared for every piece of what went into the document, but the final document was so comprehensive that it was classified higher than he, the editor, was cleared for, so he couldn't see the final document, even though he'd basically (re)written every word of it.)

He also got the shock of his life when he discovered that Ronald Reagan, while governor of California, was almost as knowledgeable in political science as Pournelle was. The governor was visiting Pepperdine, the professors were giving talks about their work, Jerry did his, and got to the traditional "Any questions?" part. Reagan asked two questions, and the questions he asked made it clear that not only had he understood, in detail, everything Jerry had said, but he knew the field almost as well as Jerry did. When Jerry asked him how, Reagan explained that he'd always been a quick study for lines, and there was a lot of downtime on a TV studio set during production, so Reagan always carried a few good books to work, and read them during downtime.
I B Hankering's Avatar

The Fast and Furious operation had none of those controls in place. And the ensuing scandal became an Obama issue the moment he decided to use executive privilege to shield documents from being released to the House Oversight Committee.

And Sen. Charles Grassley astutely asks, “How can the president exert executive privilege over documents he’s supposedly never seen?”

How about a little hypocrisy?

Obama went on Larry King’s show in CNN in 2007 and accused the Bush administration of “hiding behind executive privilege” after King asked him for his opinion on its utilization. He further added that the American people have "a right to know."

Why did Obama change his tune? Don't the American people have a right to know now, as well? Video can be real bitch sometimes, huh?

This is a criminal investigation. An innocent American citizen was murdered. Its very likely that hundreds of Mexican citizens have been murdered. They were murdered with the very weapons that Holder and the DOJ knowingly sent to the drug cartels in Mexico, without working with the Mexican government and without tracking the weapons.

Here us a really good article on the history of this whole thing

You can argue it all you want, but the facts are the facts....and Fast and Furious happened on Obama's watch.

I don't recall anyone that died as a direct result of Watergate. Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
+1 Excellent post CC.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
+1 Excellent post CC. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Gotta chum the water with some facts occasionally.

The Fast and Furious operation had none of those controls in place. And the ensuing scandal became an Obama issue the moment he decided to use executive privilege to shield documents from being released to the House Oversight Committee.

And Sen. Charles Grassley astutely asks, “How can the president exert executive privilege over documents he’s supposedly never seen?”

This is a criminal investigation. An innocent American citizen was murdered. Its very likely that hundreds of Mexican citizens have been murdered. They were murdered with the very weapons that Holder and the DOJ knowingly sent to the drug cartels in Mexico, without working with the Mexican government and without tracking the weapons. Originally Posted by Chica Chaser

Ummmm....since when did Republicans start caring about dead mexicans?

This is just another "gotcha" politics plain and simple and we all know it. A witch hunt and its stupid.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Ummmm....since when did Republicans start caring about dead mexicans?

This is just another "gotcha" politics plain and simple and we all know it. A witch hunt and its stupid. Originally Posted by Sexyeccentric1
Over three hundred Mexicans and an ICE agent -- an American -- are dead. Their deaths are connected to the weapons given to drug cartels by the Odumbo administration. Your remark shows the true shallowness of your concern for your fellow human beings.
And don't forget the reason this entire fiasco was cooked up in the beginning.

The President and Eric Holder wanted to aquire weapons from honest American Dealers, smuggle them into Mexico, and when mayhem broke out, they could say that the guns came from Dealers in the United States, proving we need more extensive gun controle.

Is that about it?
Over three hundred Mexicans and an ICE agent -- an American -- are dead. Their deaths are connected to the weapons given to drug cartels by the Odumbo administration. Your remark shows the true shallowness of your concern for your fellow human beings. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
LOL no it was crass tounge and cheek humor to point out the obvious in light of them not giving a shit about hispanics as we hear so often on their hard line politics against them here in America. So now suddenly they care? Yet before they didn't? I think most people see through all this political BS.
And don't forget the reason this entire fiasco was cooked up in the beginning.

The President and Eric Holder wanted to aquire weapons from honest American Dealers, smuggle them into Mexico, and when mayhem broke out, they could say that the guns came from Dealers in the United States, proving we need more extensive gun controle.

Is that about it? Originally Posted by Jackie S
That is a cooked up conspiracy therory of the far rights lunatic ravings. It is absolutely false.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Oh. I forgot, SexyEx, Anyone who isn't liberal and who doesn't support Obama wants Mexicans to die. And old people to die. Children to die. Dirty water. Dirty air. Unsafe food. And rich people to get richer.

Obamatons on the other hand, want free health care, pristine water, healthy food, Everyone to live. Flowers on the table and mints on the bedspread. Gentle rain, and sidewalks shoveled by someone else.

God, you are an idiot.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Everyone seems to think this all started under Obama but he was sworn in as President on January 20, 2009. This program was started THREE YEARS before Obama was elected by Bush and his people, NOT Obama. Like a lot of other things, Obama was left to clean up the mess. Originally Posted by BigLouie
Lets watch Eric Holder himself explain the differences in the programs when he was grilled before a Congressional committee
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Hmmm . . . BigLouise, you need to call Eric Holder. He says Fast and Furious was started under the Obama administration. Apparently he doesn't know as much about it as you do. He needs your help.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 06-22-2012, 10:25 PM
Lets watch Eric Holder himself explain the differences in the programs when he was grilled before a Congressional committee Originally Posted by Chica Chaser

thats rich ... Cornhole asking who has been held accountable

fuck him