Democrat Strategy - Divide and Conquer

Why not they are still happy about how well their actor did. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
That "actor" set in motion the means to win the cold war with the Soviets while you lying liberals were all trampling yourselves with appeasing them. ( sounds like just like right now with what you assholes are doing with the Iranians ! ) And he pulled us out of the "malaise" that LIBERAL Jimmah Carter, the spokesman for Hamas, had created with HIS mismanagement of the country. At least the "actor" didn't cower from a rabbit !! Ask those Iranian hostages how happy they were with " the actor" taking over after one of your weak, lying liberals had screwed the pooch !
That "actor" set in motion the means to win the cold war with the Soviets while you lying liberals were all trampling yourselves with appeasing them. ( sounds like just like right now with what you assholes are doing with the Iranians ! ) And he pulled us out of the "malaise" that LIBERAL Jimmah Carter, the spokesman for Hamas, had created with HIS mismanagement of the country. At least the "actor" didn't cower from a rabbit !! Ask those Iranian hostages how happy they were with " the actor" taking over after one of your weak, lying liberals had screwed the pooch ! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
Hell he slept through his last two years, while you lying liberals screwed the pooch.
Don't keep up with the latest polls much, do you? Originally Posted by gfejunkie

Which proves what? That the same people who watch Jerry Springer also vote?

You're an idiot.
  • DSK
  • 09-14-2015, 08:34 PM
Which proves what? That the same people who watch Jerry Springer also vote?

You're an idiot. Originally Posted by timpage
If you people cannot tarnish Mr Trump as a racist, you can't win the Presidency. Hillary and Bernie are so lackluster by comparison.

Mr. Trump is a highly intelligent and energetic leader. He knocked it out of the arena tonight. He was great, and will make America great again!!!
If you people cannot tarnish Mr Trump as a racist, you can't win the Presidency. Hillary and Bernie are so lackluster by comparison.

Mr. Trump is a highly intelligent and energetic leader. He knocked it out of the arena tonight. He was great, and will make America great again!!! Originally Posted by DSK
You are a starry eyed bitch JL, he is the biggest flip flopper of all the ones running. I have been surprised one of you goons hasn't labeled him a RINO yet.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
You are a starry eyed bitch JL, he is the biggest flip flopper of all the ones running. I have been surprised one of you goons hasn't labeled him a RINO yet. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
did you say something chimp?

did you say something chimp?

[] Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
You are the dumbest mother fucker on the board, can you hear me now?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
You are the dumbest mother fucker on the board, can you hear me now? Originally Posted by i'va biggen
who's falling for it hook line and sinker you chimp?

Would that be your "desk" ( a discarded booze shipping case ) out in back of Talleywackers, or your " desk " ( a toilet in one of the stalls ) down at one of your franchised 'holes ? :woot_jump : Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
The same desk I fucked your mother on.
If you people cannot tarnish Mr Trump as a racist, you can't win the Presidency. Hillary and Bernie are so lackluster by comparison.

Mr. Trump is a highly intelligent and energetic leader. He knocked it out of the arena tonight. He was great, and will make America great again!!! Originally Posted by DSK
Trump will tarnish himself as a racist. He doesn't need any help.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
The same desk I fucked your mother on. Originally Posted by WombRaider
i can't hear you!

Here's WR's take on CEO pay. Originally Posted by Budman
You still think 475 to 1 is ok?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
You still think 475 to 1 is ok? Originally Posted by WombRaider
yes it is. as long as the company makes money, even Warren Buffet is OK with it.

Budman's Avatar
You still think 475 to 1 is ok? Originally Posted by WombRaider

It's not my money. They can do what the fuck they want with it. You still think 12 to 1 is the solution? While we're on this subject again you never did come up with a "living wage" you were so concerned about. I know you won't because the CEO pay made you look like a fool. You are a coward as well as being an admitted hypocrite, racist and liar.
It's not my money. They can do what the fuck they want with it. You still think 12 to 1 is the solution? While we're on this subject again you never did come up with a "living wage" you were so concerned about. I know you won't because the CEO pay made you look like a fool. You are a coward as well as being an admitted hypocrite, racist and liar. Originally Posted by Budman
You know I won't? What you know couldn't fill a goddamn thimble. I take it you're ok with crony capitalism then? I don't think it's foolish to believe that a ratio of 475 to 1 is way out of line. It's not your money? It's also not your baby that woman is carrying, but you want to tell her what she can do with it. I love how conservatives want no government intervention when money is involved, but with anything else, they want their hands all up in your ass. THAT'S hypocrisy.