DATY-Ladies only repond-Guys, read & learn

Wicket's Avatar
I been told by several ladies that should charge for DATY lessons.

London, I have to agree with you. Every lady is different. I always like to slowly explore to find to perfect technique to get a lady to orgasm. I also pay close attention to various signs that I'm licking the right spot. Yes, some ladies will fake an orgasm. However, I've found that some physical reactions are hard to fake and I look for those.
ANONONE's Avatar
GRRRRRRRRRRRR whatever! Originally Posted by London Rayne
So does that mean you don't want to try it?
AMEN! I am so unlike most women in what I think is erotic while a guy is down there. I don't like more than one finger ever, and I don't want it all the way up there. Light, slow, long puppy dog licks...none of that biting and spitting on it thanks! And for Pete's sake dont just focus right on the clit the entire time..it's like a baseball field. Hit all the damn bases but always come back home. Originally Posted by London Rayne

Taking notes
MOCHAakaMOCHA's Avatar
I've been told numerous times I'm very good with my tongue, and it does go to my head! A number of years ago before my hobbying started, my wife and I just had a so-so BCD life so to kick start a change, we went to the toy store and picked up a video and toys about oral techniques. Up to that point I was utterly clueless as to how to pleasure a woman, and she was a little worried about damaging my ego, so she never gave me any guidance.
My point being, I will tell you what and how I like the bj you're giving me, would you girls tell me what and how you'd like me to give you a satisfying tongue lashing w/o the worry of hurting my ego?
You're also welcome to include any details on your likes and dislikes on technigues. Pics are also welcome, but you can pm them to me if you don't want them up for general viewing

After all, most guys want you to enjoy yourself too, and if you truely do, that brings us back. Originally Posted by hd
I'll gladly give instructions....for my own pleasure and if he goes out into the world to another woman it'd be better to let someone know what they are doing wrong or what they should do more of or they'll just continue to do the same for the rest of their lives probably.
AMEN! I am so unlike most women in what I think is erotic while a guy is down there. I don't like more than one finger ever, and I don't want it all the way up there. Light, slow, long puppy dog licks...none of that biting and spitting on it thanks! And for Pete's sake dont just focus right on the clit the entire time..it's like a baseball field. Hit all the damn bases but always come back home. Originally Posted by London Rayne
This just shows how ladies differ....

FOCUS on my clit....do a light flickering, teaseing, sucking, light nibbling...after the first cum (I'm an easy cummer!) then I like TWO fingers ALL THE WAY inserted.....with attention still paid to the clit....

Each lady is soooo differant. I can't keep up with them myself. You just have to let them know that you would like to be directed, and then you listen and pay attention....
This just shows how ladies differ....

FOCUS on my clit....do a light flickering, teaseing, sucking, light nibbling...after the first cum (I'm an easy cummer!) then I like TWO fingers ALL THE WAY inserted.....with attention still paid to the clit....

Each lady is soooo differant. I can't keep up with them myself. You just have to let them know that you would like to be directed, and then you listen and pay attention.... Originally Posted by Tiffany Cums
Speaking of AMEN's, c'mere Tiffany..!!!!!
KlassyKelliAnn's Avatar
My point being, I will tell you what and how I like the bj you're giving me, would you girls tell me what and how you'd like me to give you a satisfying tongue lashing w/o the worry of hurting my ego?
You're also welcome to include any details on your likes and dislikes on technigues.
After all, most guys want you to enjoy yourself too, and if you truely do, that brings us back. Originally Posted by hd
Very good question and it is great to see a man actually concerned as well as honest about this situation.

Personally, I would and have had NO problems telling anyone in my hobby or personal life how I prefer to recieve DATY. I feel the same about BJs. I would expect, welcome and enjoy a man telling me how HE likes it. After all, not all men are created equal in this department, I believe, and so I think men enjoy different feelings and techniques. What may get one man off may doing absolutely nothing for another man.

One of the best things about being a personal courtesan is the fact that we cater to many different situations and tastes and we learn, in turn, a variety of stimulating acts in this hobby that helps us to satisfy tot he best of a providers' ability. And it is one of the number one reasons gentlemen will seek us out in the first place.

SO to answer your question- YES, I would and do tell and prefer to tell the man what I want and how I like it. There are sooo many ways to tell them without having to tread all over their ego and make them feel bad or make them feel like they suck at doing it when you have to interrupt them because what they are doing hurts or doesnt get you off or in the modd to begin with. Just like men, all women are different down there as they are in most all other ways as well.

The most important thing for EVERYONE, male AND female, to remember is this: There is ALWAYS room for improvement. And the ONLY way to learn is to listen and practice and sample.

TO answer the last part: I prefer the soft and gentle tease. I really cannot stand the aggressive DATY and certainly NOT the type of DATY where the man/woman is so focused on only the clit and sucks it so hard that is hurts. I like the light and gentle flicker of the tongue- starting out VERY slow and teasing the entire area with the warmth wetness of the tongue. It is then, when I begin to breathe harder and moan and wriggle that the man will know he has me and that he can progess to a faster and little more focus solely on the clit. But that is just me. I dont like being bitten, or my clit sucked on, or being blown or spit on. That is just disgusting.

And FYI- please check with the provider BEFORE inserting fingers. Some like myself DONT like it at all and some only like it at certain times and not during DATY. I hear this alot. Also, if you find one that likes fingers- be courteous and have clean fingers, nails, hands and cut your nails to the appropriate size because otherwise, it hurts and you are getting nowhere. Oh and one more: DO not ASSUME that because the person is having an O or moaning and getting into it- that you can just slip a finger in the back end!!! Some ladies hate that and in all truth it is VERY extremely rude unless it has been discussed prior, etc. That also ruins the mood and can cause the loss of an O that was real close.

Anyway, that all I got. LOL

SouthernBorn's Avatar
You know, this thread has been useful for a reason other than addressing the question posed.

In reading all of the posts, it has given me real insight into the personalities of several of you. Many of you I know from prior posts, some of you are new to me.

With that said, some of you are extremely difficult persons, some are down-right mean. Many of you are "know-it-alls," most without the knowledge or skills to back it up. These comments go for the ladies as well as the gents.

The question started out what should have been a legitimate discussion; it evolved into a series of snipes, snide comments, and lame attempts at oneupsmanship.

But, it has served a purpose: there are several of you that I now have no desire to ever meet in person.

Just my $0.02.

  • hd
  • 12-02-2010, 09:15 AM
+1 SB
DianaDeepthroats's Avatar
If we're in he same room naked, I'm beyond the point of hurting your ego.
My New Motto For DATY just so happens to be this.

"Closed mouths don't get fed & I don't mind moving your head."

I used to say NO DATY - and then I decided, wait..
Let me just give you some instruction.. since I've started..I haven't stopped having orgasms from DATY.
I've even had guys who wanted to do it, but felt like they were terrible at it, make me explode.
Some guys don't listen though, just think they're awesome & pay you no mind.
Those are the guys that I politely ask to switch receivers. =)

I date women though, my whole life, I've been into women since I was 6 or 7 years old.
I have been dating a woman for the past 3 years, but not all women are great either. lol.

I would love to have a fellow provider come to my incall to test my skill.
My DT skills are tested all the time. Here I go, running off course. Excuse me.

It's simple for me though, I don't complain about DATY anymore & I warmly welcome a mouth to heat me up.

SB - totally a PLUS one. (+1)

The most important thing for EVERYONE, male AND female, to remember is this: There is ALWAYS room for improvement. And the ONLY way to learn is to listen and practice and sample.

I prefer the soft and gentle tease. I really cannot stand the aggressive DATY and certainly NOT the type of DATY where the man/woman is so focused on only the clit and sucks it so hard that is hurts. I like the light and gentle flicker of the tongue- starting out VERY slow and teasing the entire area with the warmth wetness of the tongue. It is then, when I begin to breathe harder and moan and wriggle that the man will know he has me and that he can progess to a faster and little more focus solely on the clit. But that is just me. I dont like being bitten, or my clit sucked on, or being blown or spit on. That is just disgusting.

And FYI- please check with the provider BEFORE inserting fingers. Some like myself DONT like it at all and some only like it at certain times and not during DATY. I hear this alot. Also, if you find one that likes fingers- be courteous and have clean fingers, nails, hands and cut your nails to the appropriate size because otherwise, it hurts and you are getting nowhere.

DO not ASSUME that because the person is having an O or moaning and getting into it- that you can just slip a finger in the back end!!! Some ladies hate that and in all truth it is VERY extremely rude unless it has been discussed prior, etc. That also ruins the mood and can cause the loss of an O that was real close.

Anyway, that all I got. LOL

XOXOXO Originally Posted by KlassyKelliAnn
London Rayne's Avatar
You know, this thread has been useful for a reason other than addressing the question posed.

In reading all of the posts, it has given me real insight into the personalities of several of you. Many of you I know from prior posts, some of you are new to me.

With that said, some of you are extremely difficult persons, some are down-right mean. Many of you are "know-it-alls," most without the knowledge or skills to back it up. These comments go for the ladies as well as the gents.

The question started out what should have been a legitimate discussion; it evolved into a series of snipes, snide comments, and lame attempts at oneupsmanship.

But, it has served a purpose: there are several of you that I now have no desire to ever meet in person.

Just my $0.02.

-SB Originally Posted by SouthernBorn
What thread are YOU reading lol. I see nothing but honesty and people joking around. ANONE and I are secure enough to play with each other without the other being offended...can't speak for anyone else lol.
DianaDeepthroats's Avatar
SB didn't name names, did he?
It wasn't a line, London. All women are anatomically capable of a squirting orgasm. They just need a partner that:

1) Knows the proper techniques (or get's lucky and hits the right spot).

2) They can trust to relax and let go of their orgasm, especially if they are new to that type of orgasm, because they have to push pass the "I am urinating, not cumming" threshold, because at first the sensation does feel similar.

I am not saying I would be that guy, but if we are in the right place, at the right time. . .maybe. Originally Posted by ANONONE
I love you London BUT he is actually correct. I'm sure you may remember something I posted recently on squirting and I had no clue until recently that it was possible for ALL women to squirt but it is.

I stumbled on an article written by a female doctor who has done extensive research on this subject and many others. She said that ALL women have the ability to squirt and gave instruction on how to make it happen. I did it for the very first time in my life a few weeks ago and multiple times since then.

After it happens the first time, it happens much quicker and easier after. I have even had a couple of clients make it happen. I gave them no warning as I had no idea they would be able to do it. They were a little surprised to say the least.

Before I experimented with this, I was also like London on what I liked/ didn't like down there. I didn't like more than 1 finger, I liked them to be pretty easy...( I still don't like when they try to be rough or jam fingers in and out) but those things would cause an uncomfortable feeling... My body was trying to squirt and I wasn't letting it happen.
London Rayne's Avatar
Nope and neither did I in reference to him. Me and ANONE are the only ones who were messing around really, but there were a lot of straight up do's and do nots, as for how each women liked her kitty licked lol.

Jordan I am not arguing that I am capable of doing it, but I don't produce enough of the liquid that is supposed to come out is what I am saying...it's a medical condition not an arousal one. So even though I am cabable, there is nothing to come out. Many men have the same issues as they get older. I will fill you in in private lol.
But, it has served a purpose: there are several of you that I now have no desire to ever meet in person.

Just my $0.02.

-SB Originally Posted by SouthernBorn
I'm not sure who you are referring to and I haven't read through this entire thread but in case she was one you were speaking of, London is a very honest, yet playful and sweet person. If you see a lot of her posts instead of a select few, it will give you a better idea of her personality and I don't think you would take her words so harshly.