providers - why the no indian men for some of you?

avalanche16's Avatar
I don't think any of the top quality providers have restrictions for hobbyist race. Makes you wonder .
avoid rockerrick ladies..he a stalker!!!
Not sure which above is most alarming!

RR we understand you are keyboard antagonist so we understand laugh and move on.

Liz I find it alarming and scary when people see personal preference as racism. So if I prefer white or Spanish ladies then I am racist? When the color is not the reason why I don't see black ladies.

Hell RR comments may be true so then that makes them racist for not seeing Indian's.

I call it preference not racism.

Sam Originally Posted by Samcro84
What is alarming and scary is that racism is such a fundamental part of American life that we don't even stop to examine why we have some of the preferences we have. I'm not calling anyone a bigot, I'm saying we aren't born with a racial preference, we developed said preference through our socialization and it is a product of our upbringing and environment.
By that logic...
Would you have sex with a dude?
If not, your homophobic. Originally Posted by Kickrocks
So can you be straight without being homophobic?
Can a white guy date white women without being racist?

I think so. The distinction would depend on whether or not the straight person expressed derogatory feelings toward people who are not straight. And if the white guy said he refused to date anyone other than white women.

Maybe there are a lot of straight men who would enjoy some sexual experiences where other men were involved but the cultural pressures and homophobia prevent them from feeling safe to do so. Just as the white guy may really enjoy some non-white women but systemic racism has him afraid to venture out.

I'm not trying to be accusatory, I just think it is interesting to examine where this shit comes from. White people don't have to consider racism much unless they choose to so I understand the strong reaction. We are all in different places with this stuff...
Treetop78759's Avatar
There are not a lot of guys who want to participate in sexual activities with other men involved. That's nothing but burn in hell deviate sexual behavior. Maybe a few but most of us are not a sick fuck freak.
There are not a lot of guys who want to participate in sexual activities with other men involved. That's nothing but burn in hell deviate sexual behavior. Maybe a few but most of us are not a freak. Originally Posted by Treetop78759
Oh I know there are, I always seem to wind up friends with them! Lol

I just feel bad for all the rest who may be repressed and uptight partially or fully due to societal pressures and homophobia. They're missing some good times!
So can you be straight without being homophobic?
Can a white guy date white women without being racist?

I think so. The distinction would depend on whether or not the straight person expressed derogatory feelings toward people who are not straight. And if the white guy said he refused to date anyone other than white women.

what If the white guy did not express derogatory feelings towards other races? It would be the same then. Right?

Maybe there are a lot of straight men who would enjoy some sexual experiences where other men were involved but the cultural pressures and homophobia prevent them from feeling safe to do so. Just as the white guy may really enjoy some non-white women but systemic racism has him afraid to venture out.
I dont think that's the case. America is very accepting of both situations.

I'm not trying to be accusatory, I just think it is interesting to examine where this shit comes from. White people don't have to consider racism much unless they choose to so I understand the strong reaction. We are all in different places with this stuff... Originally Posted by lizshue81
just because a provider sees other races doesn't mean she can't be racist. You said earlier its just about the money. Right?
Samcro84's Avatar
Maybe I don't get it. If my preference is not to see black female providers that makes me racist? When you have not asked why just prefer to judge. Not sure why somebody can be so judgemental to think or think they know that because of my upbringing I am racist. Maybe they should take a look at their bigotry.

Maybe I don't get it. If my preference is not to see black female providers that makes me racist? When you have not asked why just prefer to judge. Not sure why somebody can be so judgemental to think or think they know that because of my upbringing I am racist. Maybe they should take a look at their bigotry.

Sam Originally Posted by Samcro84
White people who grow up in America, where white culture and whiteness are the accepted mainstream values/norms have privilege which exists because of racism.

Racism = race prejudice + institutional power; a system of oppression maintained by institutions and cultural "norms" that exploit, control, and oppress people of color groups in order to maintain a position of social and material supremacy and privilege for white people (particularly the powerful and wealthy elite).

It's never too late to unlearn prejudice but first we have to acknowledge that it exists.

Privilege is blinding and ignorance is bliss. You get to see America as accepting because you, as a white man, benefit from the most privilege.

I know nothing about you (except that you have been very sweet to talk to at socials etc) or your life and do not assume shit has always been easy for you or that you haven't worked hard for the things you have. That's not what I'm saying. And I'm not making personal judgements about you as an individual. Really all I know about you is that you are a white man (or at least you pass as one). I'm not attacking you. I'm trying to point out that those of us who are white have unearned advantages as a result of our whiteness.

Being conscious of my whiteness (and where it places me in a racist system) means I claim responsibility for working to dismantle both my own learned racism and the racism that operates in society and institutions (in an anti-racist way).
White people who grow up in America, where white culture and whiteness are the accepted mainstream values/norms have privilege which exists because of racism.

Racism = race prejudice + institutional power; a system of oppression maintained by institutions and cultural "norms" that exploit, control, and oppress people of color groups in order to maintain a position of social and material supremacy and privilege for white people (particularly the powerful and wealthy elite).

It's never too late to unlearn prejudice but first we have to acknowledge that it exists.

Privilege is blinding and ignorance is bliss. You get to see America as accepting because you, as a white man, benefit from the most privilege.

I know nothing about you (except that you have been very sweet to talk to at socials etc) or your life and do not assume shit has always been easy for you or that you haven't worked hard for the things you have. That's not what I'm saying. And I'm not making personal judgements about you as an individual. Really all I know about you is that you are a white man (or at least you pass as one). I'm not attacking you. I'm trying to point out that those of us who are white have unearned advantages as a result of our whiteness.

Being conscious of my whiteness (and where it places me in a racist system) means I claim responsibility for working to dismantle both my own learned racism and the racism that operates in society and institutions (in an anti-racist way). Originally Posted by lizshue81

I feel sorry for you if your a racist. (Your own words).
I would never consider that just because Im white I'm racist. You have what they call white guilt. That's ok, but quit trying to take everyone that's white with you.
Tan Khan's Avatar
I have learned to hold my breath when encountering indian guys on the running trail. Some don't seem to believe in deodorant, the smell can be very unpleasant. I can understand a woman who is not used to it having difficulty tolerating it. This seems to be a diet/culture thing, some indian guys I know who were raised here don't have that problem.
Cap'n Crunch's Avatar
White people who grow up in America, where white culture and whiteness are the accepted mainstream values/norms have privilege which exists because of racism.

Racism = race prejudice + institutional power; a system of oppression maintained by institutions and cultural "norms" that exploit, control, and oppress people of color groups in order to maintain a position of social and material supremacy and privilege for white people (particularly the powerful and wealthy elite).

It's never too late to unlearn prejudice but first we have to acknowledge that it exists.

Privilege is blinding and ignorance is bliss. You get to see America as accepting because you, as a white man, benefit from the most privilege.

I know nothing about you (except that you have been very sweet to talk to at socials etc) or your life and do not assume shit has always been easy for you or that you haven't worked hard for the things you have. That's not what I'm saying. And I'm not making personal judgements about you as an individual. Really all I know about you is that you are a white man (or at least you pass as one). I'm not attacking you. I'm trying to point out that those of us who are white have unearned advantages as a result of our whiteness.

Being conscious of my whiteness (and where it places me in a racist system) means I claim responsibility for working to dismantle both my own learned racism and the racism that operates in society and institutions (in an anti-racist way). Originally Posted by lizshue81

Extremely well articulated Liz.

But sadly, it's the "Privilege is blinding and ignorance is bliss" part that will keep many people from truly appreciating what you wrote.
Bobave's Avatar
Providers are free to see whomever they choose. Or not.
They are not required to explain or justify their reasons.

That doesn't change because some asshole disagrees with their decision. Living in a free country means not only that you are entitled to your POV, but that other people have the same right. That galls the hell out of you, I'm sure, but there it is like it or not.

Liz, you truly seem to enjoy your judgmental shit stirring (and your new butt buddy Cap'n whatever). but as strongly as you might feel on a subject, it isn't your right to tell others they should comply with your POV. They aren't your slaves and your opinion just doesn't matter when it comes to other people's life decisions.

Your calling people bigoted or racist - or other passive/aggressive attempts to influence/control other individuals' behavior is unseemly. It's God-damned OFFENSIVE is what it is...

I'm sure this will fall on deaf ears, because you appear invested with a righteous and fervent privilege when it comes to attaching derogatory judgments and telling other people how they should fucking think, but... please cut that presumptuous and obnoxious shit out!