Obamacare Begins Child Sterilzation in Oregon

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  • 10-21-2012, 07:21 AM
That was the judge's decision, Originally Posted by Can I Play Too???
No that was the 15 year olds decision to kill a person.

, not typical protocol. When he was 15 (same age as this law), he was in juve detention. Originally Posted by Can I Play Too???
You think it will be typical protocol for kids to line up and have their reproductive parts clipped?

What a fuc'n joke.

, . When he was 15 (same age as this law), he was in juve detention. Originally Posted by Can I Play Too???
So give the kid a juve sterilization.

Anything to protect your precious God, Obama, right? Originally Posted by Can I Play Too???
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  • 10-21-2012, 12:17 PM

Anything to protect your precious God, Obama, right? Originally Posted by Can I Play Too???

I do not believe in God, Santa Clause the Tooth Fairy nor Obama.

My guess is you believe in Ayn Rand more than you believe in God but that you do believe in some higher power because you are scared of death, so scared that you will kill for that God, just like those skummy little Muslims.

So don't go preaching to me about no God. I'll pull it out of your mouth and shove it up your asshole.
This is very disturbing to me. Is this going on in any other country? 15 years old...OK...NOT
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  • 10-21-2012, 02:25 PM
This is very disturbing to me. Is this going on in any other country? 15 years old...OK...NOT Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
When have you boys ever worried about what other countries do. Capital punishment comes to mind
LexusLover's Avatar
This is very disturbing to me. Is this going on in any other country? 15 years old... Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
In other countries they just strap bombs on them and send them off to see the virgins. Oh, and just the other day it was reported that a new brides head was sawed off in Afghanistan .. you know .. the country where we have "won the war" .... because she wouldn't allow herself to be prostituted.

But just remember two things:

#1: Shit happens and ...

#2:.. a movie makes them do it.
When have you boys ever worried about what other countries do. Capital punishment comes to mind Originally Posted by WTF
Hey, my buddy works on death row and says it's the best job in the world. Half of them inmates cry like babies the night before they go to Huntsville. The other 1/2 not a peep...fuckem

Now lets get back to discussing mutilating 15 year old kids. What do you think of this type of population reduction? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ao4BB12P3J4
pyramider's Avatar
Many of us were working at 15. I guess we did not have the mental capacity to make that decision.
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  • 10-21-2012, 03:52 PM
Many of us were working at 15. I guess we did not have the mental capacity to make that decision. Originally Posted by pyramider
LexusLover's Avatar
Many of us were working at 15. I guess we did not have the mental capacity to make that decision. Originally Posted by pyramider
That's an individual determination in that each 15-year-old should be evaluated to determine whethr or not they have the intellectual tools to make informed decisions. In my opinion that is customarily done, particularly in the criminal justice field.

The problem with the sterilization decision there seems to be no independent decision making evaluating the competence of the 15-year-old to make that decision and to be certain that the decision is an "informed" one. Personnel of a "planned parenthood clinic" probably should not be the decision-maker in that situation due to a bias.

Neither should "mom" or "dad" or their physician.

I will add that the decision to go get a PART-TIME job is much different than the deciision to be PERMANENTLY sterilized....and most 15-year-olds lack the ability to make those long-term judgments.
I will add that the decision to go get a PART-TIME job is much different than the deciision to be PERMANENTLY sterilized....and most 15-year-olds lack the ability to make those long-term judgments. Originally Posted by LexusLover

Now that should be enshrined in the international "Understatement Hall of Fame"
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  • 10-21-2012, 06:07 PM
Obamacare Begins Child Sterilzation in Oregon

Anybody that read the article think that the thread title is a tad misleading?

Anybody with an ounce of sense think that 15 year olds will be lining up to get this done?

Anybody think LL will address the issue of felons permanently losing their right to vote, yet squealing like a stuck hog when I suggested that they should lose their right to reproduce? Anybody see any hypocrisy there? Are you for felons that have paid their debt to society never being able to vote again?

LexusLover's Avatar
Anybody think LL will address the issue of felons permanently losing their right to vote, yet squealing like a stuck hog when I suggested that they should lose their right to reproduce? Anybody see any hypocrisy there? Are you for felons that have paid their debt to society never being able to vote again? Originally Posted by WTF
That has so much shit in it sorting out the various lumps is challenging ..

.... if not a waste of time.

What does voting have to do with a 15-year-old being able to get sterilized without any parental supervision or input ....?

You create these questions, then turn around and suggest that someone has already answered them, so then you pose a debate or make some ignorant statement like:

"...yet squealing like a stuck hog when I suggested that they should lose their right to reproduce? Anybody see any hypocrisy there? Are you for felons that have paid their debt to society never being able to vote again?"

From the article:
"Oregon’s consent form, specific for the sterilizations of 15 to 20-year-olds, reads, “I understand that the sterilization must be considered permanent and not reversible. I have decided that I do not want to become pregnant, bear children or father children.” In the case that the patient does not speak or read English, an interpreter is permitted to assist the patient “to the best of [his] knowledge and belief” in the signing away of the patient’s reproductive capacity."

WTF: Quit drinking and sober up before you start posting shit.

Did you actually see something in there about "felons"?
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  • 10-21-2012, 08:57 PM
That has so much shit in it sorting out the various lumps is challenging ..

.... if not a waste of time.

What does voting have to do with a 15-year-old being able to get sterilized without any parental supervision or input ....?

You create these questions, then turn around and suggest that someone has already answered them, so then you pose a debate or make some ignorant statement like:

"...yet squealing like a stuck hog when I suggested that they should lose their right to reproduce? Anybody see any hypocrisy there? Are you for felons that have paid their debt to society never being able to vote again?"

From the article:
"Oregon’s consent form, specific for the sterilizations of 15 to 20-year-olds, reads, “I understand that the sterilization must be considered permanent and not reversible. I have decided that I do not want to become pregnant, bear children or father children.” In the case that the patient does not speak or read English, an interpreter is permitted to assist the patient “to the best of [his] knowledge and belief” in the signing away of the patient’s reproductive capacity."

WTF: Quit drinking and sober up before you start posting shit.

Did you actually see something in there about "felons"? Originally Posted by LexusLover
Threads drift.

I said it was a State Rights issue.

Somebody said parential.

I said BS.

I said why not do this to felons.

Somebody cried like a baby, "NO'.

I said, 'Why not' , we take away felons right to vote.

But then you could not answer that question without tying yourself up in a hypocritical knot.

So try and keep up. Learn that threads drift, you are notorious for doing so, usually with a Bill or Hilleary comment.

Can you just answer the question now that the thread has drifted? Didn't think so. Don't blame ya. You'd look like a hypocritical asshole by doing so. That is why all the state rights Tea Punks have left the thread. They realized how stupid thaty look when I bring up one of their favorite subjects to throw in their face. I thought you smarter than to get into something where you have to say 'fuc state rights on this one'.

WTF: Quit drinking and sober up before you start posting shit.

Did you actually see something in there about "felons"? Originally Posted by LexusLover
I hardly ever drink LL. For about the last two years I have had a bad gall bladder and get sicker than a dog if I drink or eat greasy food. Need to go get the thing removed but I'm afraid I'd go back to eating my favorite meal 5 times a week. Chicken Fried Steak and gravy! I used to love that greasy gravy
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
These people will defend ANYTHING!
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  • 10-21-2012, 09:01 PM
These people will defend ANYTHING! Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
We are proud STATE RIGHTERS!

How many 15 year olds do you think will sign up for this? Tell the truth old man. This is a non issue that idiots make a big deal out of. If I didn't like making fun of idiots so much, I'd skipped this stupid thread with its misleading title.

But I like to debunk misleading crap. You keep me very busy btw.