Senate GOP defends Trump, despite oath to be impartial impeachment jurors

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
you say Schiff has no authority to allow anything, the House and Senate rules are the same, then say McConnell "will allow.."

getting your feet tangled, are you? Originally Posted by Chung Tran

Schiff ran the House show .. if you recall .. with a rather partisan fist. Mandarin Mitch will do the same in the Senate.

fair is fair, right??

butt don't worry Mandarin Mitch will make sure the truth comes out .. maybe that's what the Democrats are afraid of ..

You're laughable CT. Your "full transparent trial" excuse is fully transparent. The Dims could have called many of those people to testify out in the public in the House. They hid them in Scif rooms or wouldn't allow them to be called.
Chung Tran's Avatar
You're laughable CT. Your "full transparent trial" excuse is fully transparent. The Dims could have called many of those people to testify out in the public in the House. They hid them in Scif rooms or wouldn't allow them to be called. Originally Posted by gnadfly
you are laughable, gnad nuts. Trump blocked people with first-hand evidence from testifying, you and he wanted the WB and other cherry-picked people, not real witnesses like Mulvaney and Bolton. why the fraudulent argument from the Right? they (you) are the ones avoiding transparency.
  • oeb11
  • 12-18-2019, 09:11 AM
CT - you ask the Senate to follow the slanted , partisan, circus show Rules of Schiff, nadler, and Pelosi - advocated by Schumer in a Senate trial. For One addvocating "fair and trnasparent" - those rules are a stain on our emocracy - as is the House Impeachment for conduct normal to POTUS and Not a Crime.

The Senate under McConnell will rightfully not follow the attempt to hijack the Senate trial. Rules are beinig debated and considered - I feel rump will get a fair and transparent trial - quite unlike the house Schiff-show.

To call 'Everyone" remotely associated - would be a long drawn-out trial with focus on the sidelines. Not on the trial itself - would be a boon for CNN and all the Marxist fantasy new outlets. Not happening.

As to my comment - Advocating the house Rules of Impeachment to be imposed on the senate trial - it to me the same as advocating to "Hang trump Now"! Exactly what Schumer and the Senate DPST's want. They want another Kavanaugh hearing - and they will still expose their TDS and Trump hatred in some ways - TBD.
Chung Tran's Avatar
Rules are beinig debated and considered - I feel rump will get a fair and transparent trial - quite unlike the house Schiff-show.

you are the only one, I think, who really believes the Senate will act properly.. I don't, and McConnel has hinted that he will not.

To call 'Everyone" remotely associated - would be a long drawn-out trial with focus on the sidelines. Not on the trial itself - would be a boon for CNN and all the Marxist fantasy new outlets. Not happening.

it won't happen, of course, but each side could pick 3, that would work great.. that won't happen, because the process is fucked up beyond recognition.

Exactly what Schumer and the Senate DPST's want. They want another Kavanaugh hearing - and they will still expose their TDS and Trump hatred in some ways - TBD. Originally Posted by oeb11
why not, though? the Kavanaugh hearing made the Dems look vindictive and shitty.. I would want that, if I was a Republican. I would love that if I was Trump. but what if it's not like Kavanaugh? uh oh.. what if Bolton and Mulvaney's words help nail Trump? what are you afraid of?