Second Amendment in action

And the criminal is going to obey any laws to begin with?

If he didn't have a gun, he'd use a rock, look at the UK, ban guns, and now knives, hows that working? Originally Posted by Devo

It's a lot easier to defeat a knife, with or without anything at all, than it is to defeat a gun
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  • 06-18-2022, 11:03 AM
So, when you are 70, you think you are going to stop an 18 year old trying to kill you with a knife, with your fists?

Good luck.

You exist in world of unreality, there is no such thing as a perfect world, anarchy is the basic state of nature, only with the use of tools did man advance from Ape to where we are today, if you think we are going to a better place anytime soon, you are severely wrong.

Just wait until the full results of Potatohead Joes actions come to fruition, and if Roe is overturned and we get the promised reaction from the left, it may be sooner than later.
So, when you are 70, you think you are going to stop an 18 year old trying to kill you with a knife, with your fists?

Good luck.

You exist in world of unreality, there is no such thing as a perfect world, anarchy is the basic state of nature, only with the use of tools did man advance from Ape to where we are today, if you think we are going to a better place anytime soon, you are severely wrong.

Just wait until the full results of Potatohead Joes actions come to fruition, and if Roe is overturned and we get the promised reaction from the left, it may be sooner than later. Originally Posted by Devo

We should all strive to make the world we live in something better than it currently is. Gun reform and curbing deadly violence falls under that. If you believe the world will never be a better place in the future than as it was in the past, perhaps look into how poor people lived in the 19th century.

Yes, people lived shit lives. Yes people killed other people, but arguably everyone (including the ultra poor) live lives that are leagues better than what they did 150 years ago. And pulling out the root of the issue (violence) would benefit society.

So yeah, I live in a world where I strive to and hope others want to make it the kind of world where 'You don't need guns because nobody has a reason to murder another person, because they don't have a reason to become violent with other people'
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  • Devo
  • 06-18-2022, 12:24 PM
We should all strive to make the world we live in something better than it currently is. Gun reform and curbing deadly violence falls under that. If you believe the world will never be a better place in the future than as it was in the past, perhaps look into how poor people lived in the 19th century.

Yes, people lived shit lives. Yes people killed other people, but arguably everyone (including the ultra poor) live lives that are leagues better than what they did 150 years ago. And pulling out the root of the issue (violence) would benefit society.

So yeah, I live in a world where I strive to and hope others want to make it the kind of world where 'You don't need guns because nobody has a reason to murder another person, because they don't have a reason to become violent with other people' Originally Posted by onawbtngr546

So, do you have a "Gun free zone" sign in your front yard, or on a bumpersticker on your car?

Are you willing to advertise your desire to live defenseless?
I love the “criminals don’t respect laws” argument. No shit, Sherlock. I guess by that logic we shouldn’t have laws against murder, rape, robbery, etc since criminals don’t respect laws…

There’s a problem when some fucking wack job can legally buy an assault weapon and go shoot up a classroom full of innocent children. There needs to be some form of control in place to at least make that harder to do. Mental health evaluation, something. But nothing will change because this country is too backwards and obsessed with “muh guns, muh rights!”

I know, I’m a leftie communist pinko. God forbid someone wouldn’t have the freedom to buy a gun with zero checks and balances, and go shoot whoever they want to.
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  • 06-18-2022, 01:01 PM
I love the “criminals don’t respect laws” argument. No shit, Sherlock. I guess by that logic we shouldn’t have laws against murder, rape, robbery, etc since criminals don’t respect laws…

There’s a problem when some fucking wack job can legally buy an assault weapon and go shoot up a classroom full of innocent children. There needs to be some form of control in place to at least make that harder to do. Mental health evaluation, something. But nothing will change because this country is too backwards and obsessed with “muh guns, muh rights!”

I know, I’m a leftie communist pinko. God forbid someone wouldn’t have the freedom to buy a gun with zero checks and balances, and go shoot whoever they want to. Originally Posted by swpa1706
On this we actually agree, there should be a system in place that flags any youth, ANY YOUTH, white, black, whatever, that threatens self harm, or violence towards anyone.

And, that is NOTS what's happening right now, how many interactions did the shooter at Stoneman/Douglas have?

Dozens or more, and yet, he wasn't flagged all due to the schools violence reduction program which was basically stopping all contact with the police, which, brought their crime levels down.

Tell me how Red Flag laws are going to work if the liberal education system, doesn't reveal how many interactions with mentally sick children they have?

Worse, they are poisoning more childrens minds by filling them up with all the trans, you can't be your real sex bullshit.

I would take a bet on the schools being one of the primary reasons children go shoot them up, because our educational system is SICK ITSELF, and we are just seeing the results of the system these shooters are raised in.

Bad parenting is a good place to start looking for problems, the lack of any guidance, also in schools is surely a part of the picture.

What you all don't get is, no gun, no knife picks itself up and shoots or stabs children, just ask the Kids in Murrysville who got stabbed, sure, its not popular to talk about, because nobody died, but, it didn't get the attention it deserved because of that, but it has the same root problem, minus one thing, a firearm.
On this we actually agree, there should be a system in place that flags any youth, ANY YOUTH, white, black, whatever, that threatens self harm, or violence towards anyone.

And, that is NOTS what's happening right now, how many interactions did the shooter at Stoneman/Douglas have?

Dozens or more, and yet, he wasn't flagged all due to the schools violence reduction program which was basically stopping all contact with the police, which, brought their crime levels down.

Tell me how Red Flag laws are going to work if the liberal education system, doesn't reveal how many interactions with mentally sick children they have?

Worse, they are poisoning more childrens minds by filling them up with all the trans, you can't be your real sex bullshit.

I would take a bet on the schools being one of the primary reasons children go shoot them up, because our educational system is SICK ITSELF, and we are just seeing the results of the system these shooters are raised in.

Bad parenting is a good place to start looking for problems, the lack of any guidance, also in schools is surely a part of the picture.

What you all don't get is, no gun, no knife picks itself up and shoots or stabs children, just ask the Kids in Murrysville who got stabbed, sure, its not popular to talk about, because nobody died, but, it didn't get the attention it deserved because of that, but it has the same root problem, minus one thing, a firearm. Originally Posted by Devo
There should be systems in place that flags ANY person. Young, old, black, white, rich, poor, that evaluates both their disposition, background, and mental health, and forbids them from buying a gun if there is even a tiny chance that they will become the aggressor in a fight.

I don't understand how that is such a big deal that pro-gun people have stuck up their asses that EVERYONE needs to be able to buy a gun because of MAH RITES!!!

Yes, every sane, healthy, reasonable and responsible adult should have the right to buy a firearm.
No, if you are violent, have any kind of criminal record, mental health disorder, or anything else, you shouldn't be permitted to own a gun. Period.

That said, once society is at a point where the violent and mentally poor people are treated for, WHY do you NEED a gun?

God didn't come down from heaven and say 'you have a right to a gun'. A bunch of middle aged dudes in the late 1700s who just got done fighting a guerilla revolution said 'It'd be nice if all the landowners had guns, just in case we do the same thing that the Crown did'
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  • 06-18-2022, 01:12 PM
As for the firearms, there are more than one available for every man, woman, child, and whatever other sexes you feel the need to add, the idea you are going to prohibit someone from getting one is almost an impossible task.

Every year, MILLIONS of people pass federal background checks, more than 80 percent have already been checked in the past, so, the vast majority of gun purchasers have been cleared multiple times, and the new buyers actually being checked are a tiny majority of all checks per year.

Pennsylvania is actually making getting an FBI background check harder, because the State Gestapo charge 2 bucks for a backround check, when the Federal Government offers the same check for free.

If a private seller wants to sell a firearm to another person in PA, someone has to pay, which, I can tell you, discourages people from doing it, and, I also can tell you, if you force "Universal" checks, you are just going to create more criminals, because the vast majority of gun owners will just not comply, especially if they have to pay to do it.

How about demanding the PA State Police Gestapo get out of one, the handgun registration system, which they illegally operate, and two, demand they quit charging people to express a guaranteed constitutional right?

You do know, that the Government makes a healty 10 percent tax on the value of every new firearm and every round of ammo sold in this country?

Is ANY of the money going to something that could help prevent crime or violence in our schools?

Yeah, you can damn sure believe it isn't.
Background checks are great. They should be made mandatory. Buying a gun isn't a god given right. They are tools designed to kill, nothing else. If anything they should be made more difficult to obtain. Tax them to hell for all I care. If you want to exercise your right, you have to pay.

In addition to background checks, they should start to do a mental health check, too. Who's to say someone who passes a background check, three years later doesn't go apeshit crazy? Make getting a mental health evaluation every few years mandatory to be allowed to continue to own your gun. Just because you are sane now doesn't mean you are going to be sane later.

Make it so that a twice a decade trip to the psych doctor is norm for firearm owners, just like how drivers need to go to the DMV to renew their driving license.
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  • 06-18-2022, 01:57 PM
Self defense was a part of the Magna Carta, which was just formed from hundreds of years of common law, all learned from life experiences in the real world of that time.

Just because you feel the need to be defenseless, does not give you the right to prevent me from being prepared.

Rock, stick, spear, sword, flintlock, or modern rifles, all were used at the time to defend what was yours.

I believe most of life problems are explained in Star Trek, perhaps you should find a watch the episode called "A private little war".

Its about arming a primitive society with firearms, and the inevitable fight to have better and better weapons on both sides.

Giving up any advantage you have over evil people, is short sighted, and eventually, you will pay for it.

But don't believe me, ask the thousands of dead Ukranians and their surviviors who gladly took an AK-74 to defend themselves, and used it to fight back.

Me, I'm the Ukranian that takes the rifle, you?
Self defense was a part of the Magna Carta, which was just formed from hundreds of years of common law, all learned from life experiences in the real world of that time.

Just because you feel the need to be defenseless, does not give you the right to prevent me from being prepared.

Rock, stick, spear, sword, flintlock, or modern rifles, all were used at the time to defend what was yours.

I believe most of life problems are explained in Star Trek, perhaps you should find a watch the episode called "A private little war".

Its about arming a primitive society with firearms, and the inevitable fight to have better and better weapons on both sides.

Giving up any advantage you have over evil people, is short sighted, and eventually, you will pay for it.

But don't believe me, ask the thousands of dead Ukranians and their surviviors who gladly took an AK-74 to defend themselves, and used it to fight back.

Me, I'm the Ukranian that takes the rifle, you? Originally Posted by Devo

Take away the evil that requires a person to be able to defend themselves. No, contrary to what you are implying, every human on the planet isn't a feral beast.

Take away the evil, there is no need for weapons. Weapons are needed because of the evil that exists.
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Where are guns available at every corner store?
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  • 06-18-2022, 03:23 PM
Where are guns available at every corner store? Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Chicago, Philthadelphia, Atlanta, New Orleans, or any other city with a sizeable population of a certain type of human, that also has strict gun control.

Just like schools, gun free zones seem to have the most crimes.

Did any of younze ever stop and ponder why nobody shoots up police stations or gun clubs?
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  • 06-18-2022, 04:21 PM
Take away the evil that requires a person to be able to defend themselves. No, contrary to what you are implying, every human on the planet isn't a feral beast.

Take away the evil, there is no need for weapons. Weapons are needed because of the evil that exists. Originally Posted by onawbtngr546
Eliminate evil huh?

Ever hear of Rwanda, where the used machetes to kill about half a million people?

How many dead this weekend in the inner cities?

Shit in one hand, and wish for the end of evil people, and see which hand gets filled first.
Take away the evil that requires a person to be able to defend themselves. No, contrary to what you are implying, every human on the planet isn't a feral beast.

Take away the evil, there is no need for weapons. Weapons are needed because of the evil that exists. Originally Posted by onawbtngr546
.... No, you're forgetting the REASON for the Second
Amendment - your forefathers wanted YOU to be able to arm
yourself against the threat of a tyrannical government.

... We don't want the police and military to have
all the guns.

### Salty