Hillary leads all republicans by at least 10 points in new poll by CNN

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Think about this little scenario that could end Hillary; (by scenario I mean a possible strategy but not a guaranteed event, you have to say that to some idiots here)

Chris Christie is still regarded as a RINO not trusted by some of the rank and file GOP, distrusted by the Tea Party wing but liked by many in the middle and the moderate left. He has been pals with Obama and Booker, he is being approached by Gabriell Giffords about passing a weapons CONFISCATION law. Anyway, it is January of 2016 and he is polling in the low 20s for the GOP nomination. He is not going to win in Iowa or New Hampshire....as a republican but Hillary is still very unpopular and the democrats are still looking for a new savior. Enter the brand new democrat Chris Christie. He changes parties and immediately starts polling in the strong 40s among democrats and he is still liked by some republicans. Nationally, he could start as a democrat just points away from 50%. All of that money pours in, he gets support from Obama who doesn't want Hillary, all of his New Jersey, democratic detractors become supporters overnight. Don't laugh, democrats are like dogs, they don't care who leads them as long as they are part of the pack. Likelihood of this....maybe 1 in 8 right now but it would get higher as the primaries approach.

Campaign slogan:

..........STILL THE SAME OLD CHRIS.........
rioseco's Avatar
I think he donated a bunch of Buffalo meat his Montana restaurants couldn't sell! Originally Posted by DSK

Bison steak sounds good right now.
LexusLover's Avatar
Don Yarbrough ran for the Texas Supreme Court in the late 70's and won against a sitting, well respected appellate judge in the Democratic primary because the voters confused him with Don Yarborough who ran for Governor and Ralph Yarborough, a popular U.S. Senator.

Don Yarbrough resigned under pressure based on allegations of criminal wrongdoing that resulted in problems with the bar association, and was later convicted and served time in the Federal prison system.

Voter confusion with name identity is a problem at times. If people are asked if they want Clinton as President, they may think of Bill. And some will just figure that Bill will be running things, if Hillarious gets elected, so they will say "yes" to her. Then there some who have heard or seen the name and pick that one, not being "familiar" with the other names on the ballot. Like Yarbrough ... the opponent Judge's name was Barrow.

BTW: It was "rumored" that Yarbrough ran for office because God told him to do so.
Don Yarbrough ran for the Texas Supreme Court in the late 70's and won against a sitting, well respected appellate judge in the Democratic primary because the voters confused him with Don Yarborough who ran for Governor and Ralph Yarborough, a popular U.S. Senator.

Don Yarbrough resigned under pressure based on allegations of criminal wrongdoing that resulted in problems with the bar association, and was later convicted and served time in the Federal prison system.

Voter confusion with name identity is a problem at times. If people are asked if they want Clinton as President, they may think of Bill. And some will just figure that Bill will be running things, if Hillarious gets elected, so they will say "yes" to her. Then there some who have heard or seen the name and pick that one, not being "familiar" with the other names on the ballot. Like Yarbrough ... the opponent Judge's name was Barrow.

BTW: It was "rumored" that Yarbrough ran for office because God told him to do so. Originally Posted by LexusLover
If you can't tell the difference between Barrow and Yarbrough, you deserve what you get.
Think about this little scenario that could end Hillary; (by scenario I mean a possible strategy but not a guaranteed event, you have to say that to some idiots here)

Chris Christie is still regarded as a RINO not trusted by some of the rank and file GOP, distrusted by the Tea Party wing but liked by many in the middle and the moderate left. He has been pals with Obama and Booker, he is being approached by Gabriell Giffords about passing a weapons CONFISCATION law. Anyway, it is January of 2016 and he is polling in the low 20s for the GOP nomination. He is not going to win in Iowa or New Hampshire....as a republican but Hillary is still very unpopular and the democrats are still looking for a new savior. Enter the brand new democrat Chris Christie. He changes parties and immediately starts polling in the strong 40s among democrats and he is still liked by some republicans. Nationally, he could start as a democrat just points away from 50%. All of that money pours in, he gets support from Obama who doesn't want Hillary, all of his New Jersey, democratic detractors become supporters overnight. Don't laugh, democrats are like dogs, they don't care who leads them as long as they are part of the pack. Likelihood of this....maybe 1 in 8 right now but it would get higher as the primaries approach.

Campaign slogan:

..........STILL THE SAME OLD CHRIS......... Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
No, you have to say it because you're covering your ass for when you get laughed out of here.
Hillary don't have to run...she can walk in...the GOP is starting way to early to attack a CLINTON...don't they have real work to do? How long are they going to keep it up and do something for the middle class?
  • shanm
  • 03-19-2015, 06:33 PM
Think about this little scenario that could end Hillary; (by scenario I mean a possible strategy but not a guaranteed event, you have to say that to some idiots here)

Chris Christie is still regarded as a RINO not trusted by some of the rank and file GOP, distrusted by the Tea Party wing but liked by many in the middle and the moderate left. He has been pals with Obama and Booker, he is being approached by Gabriell Giffords about passing a weapons CONFISCATION law. Anyway, it is January of 2016 and he is polling in the low 20s for the GOP nomination. He is not going to win in Iowa or New Hampshire....as a republican but Hillary is still very unpopular and the democrats are still looking for a new savior. Enter the brand new democrat Chris Christie. He changes parties and immediately starts polling in the strong 40s among democrats and he is still liked by some republicans. Nationally, he could start as a democrat just points away from 50%. All of that money pours in, he gets support from Obama who doesn't want Hillary, all of his New Jersey, democratic detractors become supporters overnight. Don't laugh, democrats are like dogs, they don't care who leads them as long as they are part of the pack. Likelihood of this....maybe 1 in 8 right now but it would get higher as the primaries approach.

Campaign slogan:

..........STILL THE SAME OLD CHRIS......... Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

This is right up there with the idiot plane theory
A couple of branches or bushes is all you need. Cover that plane right up.
  • DSK
  • 03-19-2015, 08:24 PM
Think about this little scenario that could end Hillary; (by scenario I mean a possible strategy but not a guaranteed event, you have to say that to some idiots here)

Chris Christie is still regarded as a RINO not trusted by some of the rank and file GOP, distrusted by the Tea Party wing but liked by many in the middle and the moderate left. He has been pals with Obama and Booker, he is being approached by Gabriell Giffords about passing a weapons CONFISCATION law. Anyway, it is January of 2016 and he is polling in the low 20s for the GOP nomination. He is not going to win in Iowa or New Hampshire....as a republican but Hillary is still very unpopular and the democrats are still looking for a new savior. Enter the brand new democrat Chris Christie. He changes parties and immediately starts polling in the strong 40s among democrats and he is still liked by some republicans. Nationally, he could start as a democrat just points away from 50%. All of that money pours in, he gets support from Obama who doesn't want Hillary, all of his New Jersey, democratic detractors become supporters overnight. Don't laugh, democrats are like dogs, they don't care who leads them as long as they are part of the pack. Likelihood of this....maybe 1 in 8 right now but it would get higher as the primaries approach.

Campaign slogan:

..........STILL THE SAME OLD CHRIS......... Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Pretty clever - I wonder if they all have the balls to give it a try.
  • shanm
  • 03-19-2015, 11:54 PM
Pretty clever - I wonder if they all have the balls to give it a try. Originally Posted by DSK
^ I think you misspelled idiot.

Jesus Christ are we all living in fucking fantasy land where this moron keeps pulling shit out his ass?

If this "clever" scenario happens I vow to swallow my own dick and post it on youtube. Look for the video titled "guy swallows own dick".
LexusLover's Avatar
If you can't tell the difference between Barrow and Yarbrough, you deserve what you get. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
You do have reading comprehension problems.

But you're correct, except:

If you don't know the difference between Hillary and Bill you shouldn't be allowed to vote at all so one's ignorance is not visited on the rest of us.
LexusLover's Avatar
If this "clever" scenario happens I vow to swallow my own dick and post it on youtube. Look for the video titled "guy swallows own dick". Originally Posted by shanm
Apparently, you have already had your own dick in your mouth before, so you already know you can pay off on the bet. Or do you already have the video ready to publish.
LexusLover's Avatar
[QUOTE=flghtr65;1056506230]Despite the controversy with the private server, Hillary still leads all republicans by a sizeable margin in the latest CNN poll.

Back to the OP topic:

How was she doing a year ago?
Think about this little scenario that could end Hillary; (by scenario I mean a possible strategy but not a guaranteed event, you have to say that to some idiots here)

Chris Christie is still regarded as a RINO not trusted by some of the rank and file GOP, distrusted by the Tea Party wing but liked by many in the middle and the moderate left. He has been pals with Obama and Booker, he is being approached by Gabriell Giffords about passing a weapons CONFISCATION law. Anyway, it is January of 2016 and he is polling in the low 20s for the GOP nomination. He is not going to win in Iowa or New Hampshire....as a republican but Hillary is still very unpopular and the democrats are still looking for a new savior. Enter the brand new democrat Chris Christie. He changes parties and immediately starts polling in the strong 40s among democrats and he is still liked by some republicans. Nationally, he could start as a democrat just points away from 50%. All of that money pours in, he gets support from Obama who doesn't want Hillary, all of his New Jersey, democratic detractors become supporters overnight. Don't laugh, democrats are like dogs, they don't care who leads them as long as they are part of the pack. Likelihood of this....maybe 1 in 8 right now but it would get higher as the primaries approach. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Wanna bet?
LexusLover's Avatar

"Poll: Hillary Clinton’s 2016 lead drops"

Her numbers are falling and the Republicans' numbers are rising.

Independents are increasing .... as having no decision yet.