everyone is waiting on this post...

i did not change my rate because of the jack*** ..it was just a good time to announce the change in my opinion..thanks for all the support and MY BUSINESS HAS DOUBLED SINCE MY RATE CHANGE! you will be seeing reviews this week to reflect that! I only took up to 2 appointments a day at most anyway..and yes want to be more exclusive. Call it big ego..but i know what ive got! :-) I will be traveling more..and in new york i charge 1200! to those who cant afford me..im sorry we did not meet earlier..its not about 'only rich guys' contacting me..its the fact that im a smart business woman..i know what im doing:-) when i was 300 and you didnt see me..then i was out of your league anyway!
scooter..im blushing:-)
i just want to say ..i love you girls..and in no way would i ever think i was better than another provider..we are all unique individuals and give different experiences to our clients..none of us could give the same services so to say...we all do act and think differently. I respect all the providers here and have learned alot from you all. I think i would be the dumbest girl in the world..to know i can get 500 and say..OH NO SORRY SINCE THE REST OF YOU CANT EVEN AFFORD ME AT 300 THEN NO..I DONT WANT 500.. LMAO.. p.s. giz im a big fan and shelby..i think im in love with you
  • MrGiz
  • 08-25-2010, 01:43 AM
"nevermind"... turns out to be one of the brightest things said here. It's fairly obvious, we don't all play the same hobby!

Robynn remains Top Shelf entertainment, regardless!!

Oh Giz, I still have your email from a lil over a year ago, when my rate was as it is. The reason I decided to not meet you is the way you act on the board and your back channel comments did not match the personality in that email.

Someone mentioned ego... well mine's pretty big too but I can't put a price on it. The reason I prefer to charge the way I do is because I can't stand arrogance and it seems guys in the price range in which I charge are the sweetest; even though a lot of guys who see me do tip quite nicely and are the nicest of the wealthy. I just wanted to point out that nice guys with good sense are TOP SHELF themselves. Not all lower budget guys are nice but Geez! I don't want to see men who actually believe their pocketbook defines them. It's sickening! If it makes you feel more like a man cause you can afford girls "out of everyone else's league"... we are not compatible in personality and my price schedule is designed to weed you out. Now ya know. But then again, I don't have to trade services for help moving or whatever. Guys I see have too much class to even take me up on the offer. They just appreciate the way I think. I have several male friends from the hobby that if I need anything, even cash, all I have to do is ask. It's nice to be loved, respected and cherished.

Robin you are no doubt gorgeous and precious. I promise you this though, nice guys are way easier to be with than arrogant ones. I have turned down guys who could afford over a grand just based on personality. Be careful what you ask for in this biz. All it takes is one guy who pays that much and finds you less than he expected for that price and bad things can happen; especially if you limit your service. It's always ugly when egos clash and there are guys who can afford to get away with it! BE REAL CAREFUL WITH NEWBIES HONEY! And Yes, rich guys scare the shit out of ME! All the way from ending up on the national news to ending up in a dumpster from dealing with a pretender or ie: the mafia. I prefer simple fun and no drama.

I'd also like to point out that while I was in Mobile, the girl in the room next to me was a SW. She was gorgeous like Playboy material, did not drink, do drugs or smoke. I had a long chat with her and learned a lot. She had tried being on the internet all ready and preferred her corner. She screened her clients by the vehicles they drove and the time of day. I learned that day that us internet hobbyist place ourselves way above those on the street unfairly because I know you guys' jaw would drop and several girls here would love to have her clientel. She charged 200 for the 3Gs and averaged 2-3 clients an hour. Go figure! I would still never go there but it was a lesson well learned. She would never be here I know, cause I tried to show her where I advertise. She had no interest in us. Now can we please at least pretend to be equals? I have to say I expected more personality and less bs. Learn how to have some board fun all ready. I'm gonna start a fun thread and I will be picking my Arkansas clientel from the personalities I see. Let's see whatcha got in the personality bank? If ya can't have fun and play nice, I don't want to meet you no matter how much money you have or are willing to give me. Don't believe me... give it your best shot! It's not all about the money to all of us. Some of us balance cash and class!

"hmmm, maybe she wasn't insulting Mr. Chan". If you thought I was, I'm probably "out of your personality league"! I do appreciate the few that were just confused though. I found you guys quite charming. My GFE requires your BFE... heeheehee! Example: don't let me open the door for myslef so you can watch my ass.
Mr. Mountain Dew... YOU are my kinda guy! Thank you for your post!
My reviews are all good because I choose guys like you.
  • MrGiz
  • 08-26-2010, 09:10 AM
Lacey.... the reason we have never met, is that we have both read waaaaaay enough from and about each other to know better.....
Yes.... your personality is definitely out of my league!!

I can hardly wait for what I know is cumming.....

Happy Trails.... I hope the Arkansas Boyz treat you well.... and vice-versa!!

ive met some very weathly very nice men..and some very nice middlle class men ... men are all the same to me no matter what is in their pockets and i dont judge anyone for how much they make..i dont judge people period..i know by talking to them before the appt if i will be compadible with them or not.
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Robin you are no doubt gorgeous and precious. I promise you this though, nice guys are way easier to be with than arrogant ones. I have turned down guys who could afford over a grand just based on personality. Be careful what you ask for in this biz. All it takes is one guy who pays that much and finds you less than he expected for that price and bad things can happen; especially if you limit your service. It's always ugly when egos clash and there are guys who can afford to get away with it! BE REAL CAREFUL WITH NEWBIES HONEY! And Yes, rich guys scare the shit out of ME! All the way from ending up on the national news to ending up in a dumpster from dealing with a pretender or ie: the mafia. I prefer simple fun and no drama.

While some rich guys are very nice and personable, there certainly are those who are arrogant and egotistical. They have been used to giving orders and being in control. They expect things to always go their way. Others are just criminal. Here are a few quotes from the book THE SECRET MAN, an autobiography by Frank Dux. If you don't recognize the name, he was the CIA covert warrior about whom the movie BLOODSPORT was produced.
"I sat frozen in horror as I forced myself to watch the gang rapes and graphic sexual torture of numerous young girls. Worst of all involved a girl literally impaled upon a mop handle inserted between her legs. The objective eye of the camera did not waiver as the girl bled, possibly to death. I must have been visibly shaken, but the Birdman's face registered no emotion."
"Your FBI originally considered the girls runaways, but in reality they were abducted and shipped abroad. Tapes like the one you saw have been distributed solely in the Far East through the Triad, which has been involved in expanding the types and locations of its activities."
"The connection in the US who supplied abducted girls and arranged for their shipment in oxygen-supplied shipping containers sent from the port of Los Angeles to Hong Kong..."

Ladies, it ain't poor men involved in such activities. I think Lacey has found that the guys in her price range are mostly just guys needing some loving and who honestly appreciate an affectionate lady's services.

While some of Lacey's comments have seemed offensive and have alienated some, don't neglect to glean some good advice from her experiences.
Got a tip. Sweet talk all your clients in Columbus especially those near campus by tellin em to "GO BLUE".
Oh it's not that hard to be in my personality league really. I just want to meet guys that I have things in common with such as integrity, honesty, pride and the confidence to say the same thing in public as we do in private. You know, one's that don't look for any opportunity they can get for publicity at the cost of others...

When I first moved to Arkansas I had to deal with the same crap except it was jr. high. That's a sad truth right there. Thing is, after standing up for the underdog so many times... I had more friends than anyone and those same proud crowd rich arrogant kids started wanting to be my friend too. Naaa, you gotta make me smile from the get! I wasn't raised spoiled and my tolerance for it is nix nell.

Someone said earlier "isn't it funny that the only guys complaining...blah,blah,blah". Well I have a response for that... isn't it just sickening that you need to be a smartass and belittle others feelings cause you are so flippin special? And oh yes, I know I know... people either love me or hate me. I get along with nice people that have both feet on the ground just fine. You can read between the lines there since you know so much and got me all figured out. Have a nice day. Toodles!

(for those that don't get it... one's in their mouth and the other... well you can get it from there). I am the sweetest bitch ever. I know, cause that's what those that love me tell me. The one's that hate me, I don't grace with my sweetness. That's earned! And that's why them people call me "Bitch". Thing is, they never figure out that they started it first. Go figure.

We can have LOTSA FUN if we both start out on the right foot. Don't start out on the wrong foot with me and expect me to throw roses at your feet. The bible says "this begot this and that begot that"... in sentiment. In other words, you get what you give and if that scares ya, re-evaluate yourself. Like I said, I like guys with the confidence to be themselves.

Now we should all be "cumming" next! teeheehee

Oh and Giz, the difference is... *drum roll please* I have never said a word about you to anyone privately or publicly til now and look, I'm not in your email saying something completely different. Checkmate Baby! Or do you really think I don't know?

Thank you Tuckahoe. I am really rubbing back though. I am responding to what I have seen recently and know from the past. I am actually a very happy gentle soul with a huge heart and there's very few things that rub me the wrong way; but throwing money or seniority out there to be disrespectful or misleading to nice people just happens to be on that list. Some would say it's not good for my bizness but the way I see it is if these few are allowed to continue being rude then all the nice members will leave and what's that do for the site's and my bizness? I'm gonna put up that sexy fun thread now cause it's time for some fun on the Arkansas board. It disturbs me that I haven't seen any group fun threads yet and I been here for a week!
It would be nice if everyone just let this thread die down but if you are going to post in then at least stay on topic.
And everyone charges what they want, Robynn stick with what works for you, as for me since everyone is discussing their rates, lol im 250 because I feel its fair- upscale gents are normally comfortable with this, gives them the opp. to play and then come back the next day or weekend to play again!!... Guess call me friendly/ I could get more with all my outstanding reviews but I get what I feel is comfortable for me and for my clients...I get between 200 for some of my old regulars but for all new clients its 250 in and 300 out I get between 200 and 400 for my calls. It works for me, infact I am doing very well in life and thanks to you guys I am able to feel very secure and stay busy like a little bee without having to meet many new clients...I love to travel so this fee works pretty much in all areas!! =)
You have a very nice personality.

See how she covered everything without being snotty. It's very refreshing to read her input and I am sure she gives just as good service to her $200 regulars as her $300 outcall clients. Thank you! You just made my point. I change my rate according to location though. The first time I go somewhere is always 2 hours for 300 just to get a feel for the area. Then those guys are grandfathered into that rate. I rarely book a 1 hour date. I think Robynn should charge what she wants to too. It's not uncommon for a girl to raise her rate after building a clientel. My issue with this thread is the belittling of others and assumption that we should measure people in dollars. I find it insensitive, pompous and rude. Next we'll be getting our tongues checked to see if we are thoroughbreds...lol. And if we aren't, the male thoroughbreds will throw us to the male mutts as scraps...LMAO! I would go willingly though.

BTW Tuck, I personally haven't had any bad experiences. I have heard a lot of them though and it is usually girls that charge under 200 or over 350; or have limits beyond the standard. And that's equal in part. It is scary to think about a girl charging say 600 and then trying to do a cbj and then refusing a refund when the guy is pissed. That much money can get a girl hurt and there are some that just don't realize the danger they flirt with in this area. I am aware of the abducted girls you speak of too. It's part of human slavery and is where a lot of our missing girls end up. Did ya know the boys end up murdered in snuff films and that's a bigger market? Owning certain originals is like owning the Mona Lisa.

Rand, this part is on topic as we are just trying to protect Robynn. She may all ready know but one would hope she appreciates the sentiment. Charging a rate of 500 could put a girl in the position to not screen as well due to slow bizness. Most guys are nice in general but the scariest ones are found among the richest and the poorest. Manson and Dommer. It's almost always safest in the middle of the road. Just ask the Swiss. Stay safe Robynn and good luck. I'm done with this thread.
Thanks Lacey, As Do U!, I Get Told My Personality Is Awesome By Most Of My Clients! ... I'd Say All But Then I'd Be A Liar , Right? LoL! I Guess I Keep My Rate Low Because I Do This Not Only For Money, But For Fun Too... I Enjoy The Company Of My Clients! I Too Change My Rate Depending On Where I Go... Depending On If I Want Lots Of Clients That Day Or Stick To The Higher Rate, Alot Of Times I Find Myself Charging 200 For 30 MIN If They Don't Have The 250.... But All Regulars That Were Grandfathered In Will Remain A Relaxed Visit... I Am The Type To Treat Everyone The Same No Matter The Money Diff... I'm Sure Many Could Agree With Me On This. Looking At My Reviews And Me I Mean My Rate Is DAMN Good!!! I Am Loved In All The Places I Visit lol Or You Guys Do A Good Job Pretending, For Instance. I'm On Tour And I Saw The Same Guy Twice Yest/ mid day -250/mid night-250 + 40 tip... It Adds It! Well What I'm Trying To Say Is... Do What You Want With Your Rates, We Are Not All The Same And Some Might Feel As Though They Are Selling THemselves SHort, I'm Just Sayin... I Love My Rate It Works Great For Me, Keeps Me Busy And Just Cause He Didn't Have The 5 Upfront didn't mean i didnt get it! I An Hour And Half With Him Basically And Got 540! hOPE tHIS hELpS Others realize that we all can run our biz the way we want. You Can Call Me Greedy But I'd See You All If I Had The Chance. LOL~!