Is the word Negro derogatory....

dtymh55's Avatar
The word Negro is acceptable when used in the proper context. A well known college fund still uses the word in it's name.In regard to the stolen phone in the previous post,We don't know who took it or their race or color.
Russ38's Avatar
In regard to the stolen phone in the previous post,We don't know who took it or their race or color. Originally Posted by dtymh55
Probably one of those white supremacist peckerwood motherfuckers living south of my guess....js
When I lived overseas fairly recently I STILL heard the word Negro used ALL the time.

I heard it all the time in Puerto Rico(although kinda a term of endearment-mira negro/negra, negrito/negrita).

And In Asia, the options on their official forms under the category of race was NEGRO. And many a cab driver asked if I were a Negro from where?

So, not terribly offended by it in THOSE contexts.

Nor in the context that DG used it here...js

Ni**er/Ni**a woulda been a horse of a different colour.

ness's Avatar
  • ness
  • 03-15-2014, 02:57 AM
1.) Thread appears to be a smoke screen or spawn from a different thread and conversation in Co-Ed.Depending on what glasses you're accustomed to wearing, in the Co-Ed discussion it's clear (and in context) the word Negro was meant as a general insult and / or an acceptable substitute to it's more popular sister deviation. Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
I think Pistolero made it pretty clear what this thread is about. He also pretty much disclosed PM information, just didn't use Dorian's name but it was obvious. So do mods get points or just mod pussy? Short version is Pistolero admonished Dorian for a joke that included a racial stereotype. And Dorian is fixating on the word Negro as a defense.

2.) Many seemingly innocent words if used in the right context can be used as a slur. You cannot ignore context it's all important especially in this discussion. The OP may have been joking but the context made it derogatory for some. One can take the word Caucasian and use it in similar fashion depending on the conversation. Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
You really don't get it do you? Dorian was fucking with a NBA hooker. Here is the funny part, if a NBA hooker is already assuming that black fucktards are all bad or whatever how much of a stretch is it for that mindset to believe that all thieves are black? Now that's the joke, it went right over your head didn't it. I had to be Capt Obvious cause your dumb ass replies were making my head hurt.
It is only derogatory if the person who said it, meant it to be derogatory.
Wakeup's Avatar
It's never derogatory...
TexasGator's Avatar
...but is it pejorative?
fast_livin's Avatar
I have kind of just been reading and not wanting to comment on this but I can't hold it in anymore.

I don't care what anyone says about this..... We all know that if a white person uses any form of the N word that every AA within earshot if it gets pissed and wants to start something. If you change that up and if an AA uses any form of the N word then it's perfectly acceptable.

I don't use any form of the word out loud or in public but I do believe there is a very large difference between a N***** and an AA.
Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
Pretty much any noun can become a derogatory term, dependent upon the potency of the speaker's venom and the delicacy of audience sensibilities. Anyone who's ever been called MAN by an infuriated bull dagger will know this is true. In that case, though, it's easy to laugh it off because - as far as I know - nobody has figured out how to get paid behind it. Yet. Unlike JELLYBEAN.
I think Pistolero made it pretty clear what this thread is about. He also pretty much disclosed PM information, just didn't use Dorian's name but it was obvious. So do mods get points or just mod pussy? Short version is Pistolero admonished Dorian for a joke that included a racial stereotype. And Dorian is fixating on the word Negro as a defense.

You really don't get it do you? Dorian was fucking with a NBA hooker. Here is the funny part, if a NBA hooker is already assuming that black fucktards are all bad or whatever how much of a stretch is it for that mindset to believe that all thieves are black? Now that's the joke, it went right over your head didn't it. I had to be Capt Obvious cause your dumb ass replies were making my head hurt. Originally Posted by ness
;-) Actually you had to be Capt obvious because you clearly don't understand the greater context of the point I was making when that happens heads will always hurt.

Preciate your effort though.
oilfieldscum's Avatar
Probably one of those white supremacist peckerwood motherfuckers living south of my guess....js Originally Posted by Russ38
This might make more sense if you said east of Beaumont....ijs.
Dorian Gray's Avatar
Santa Fe comes to mind
oilfieldscum's Avatar
Santa Fe comes to mind Originally Posted by Dorian Gray
Yeah I got pulled over there one time many moons ago. Looking for pussy in the wrong places......that outta be a song.
I have kind of just been reading and not wanting to comment on this but I can't hold it in anymore.

I don't care what anyone says about this..... We all know that if a white person uses any form of the N word that every AA within earshot if it gets pissed and wants to start something. If you change that up and if an AA uses any form of the N word then it's perfectly acceptable.

I don't use any form of the word out loud or in public but I do believe there is a very large difference between a N***** and an AA. Originally Posted by fast_livin

^ Why do you think that is? If the N-Word is used in music, America is up in arms but if used in movies it's time to hand out Oscars. My official PC answer = Art can imitate life but life can't imitate art.

My understanding is that when white people use the word it's meant as a slander but when blacks use it it's meant as a term of endearment. The reality is that's only partially true. Some blacks in their art use it for both hate and endearment and given the words history I can't think of a scenario where whites using it would be perceived as an endearment. I'm also hypocritical on this subject because I listen to music with the N-Word but deep inside I know it's not a good word to use and that it negatively impacts the youth that sucks it up. The reason it won't stop being used in today's society is because it's a cash cow to many forms of entertainment youth be damned.

Just my two cents.
Dorian Gray's Avatar
I thincks someone is hearing but not listening. We are talking about negro. Not popular culture throwing around some word like m&m's.

Zanzibar, count the number of time Tarantino used Negro in Django?