Problem with indefinite detention is, you are guilty if the government thinks you're guilty. You have no opportunity to prove your innocence.

Too bad you are will to shred the Bill of Rights based on a hunch. But that's liberalism for you. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Shit happens in wars....people die, shit gets broken, feelings get hurt and the Bill of Rights is routinely ignored. Too bad you're willing trade feeling all warm and fuzzy that the terrorists' rights are being protected for American lives. But, that's Libertarianism for you.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Rights are rights. Without them, we become what our enemies are. In other words, they effectively win. So by being willing to ignore our unalienable human rights, puts you on the side of our enemies.

I feel sorry for you, Timmy. You are what's wrong with America.
Rights are rights. Without them, we become what our enemies are. In other words, they effectively win. So by being willing to ignore our unalienable human rights, puts you on the side of our enemies.

I feel sorry for you, Timmy. You are what's wrong with America. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
You are so full of self-righteous shit that your breath smells bad.

Weaklings like you, who want to tie up our courts with terrorists' appeals, pay for their lawyers and give them a soapbox to stand on to further their cause, which is inherently dangerous to America, make me want to vomit.

Grow a set.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Without rights, we are not America. It's that simple, Timmy.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Iran-Contra anyone?

You shoveled a load of horse hockey about Reagan and OBL, so here's someting else for you to lie about.
Without rights, we are not America. It's that simple, Timmy. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
What's simple is that this is about Obama for you.....it's not about rights. This nonsense gives you another whiney-ass talking point about the POTUS.

Rights are routinely ignored, and especially in wartime. And, we're still America. Warts and all.
NiceGuy53's Avatar

The indefinite detention and warrantless surveillance: if it's directed at folks looking to harm Americans, and of course, that is exactly what it is intended to do... I've got no problem with it.[/QUOTE]

It is funny and ironic how liberals are now ok with indefinite detention and warrantless surveillance under President Obama. But when these same programs were started under President Bush, right after we were hit on 9-11, they were screaming bloody murder.
It is funny and ironic how liberals are now ok with indefinite detention and warrantless surveillance under President Obama. But when these same programs were started under President Bush, right after we were hit on 9-11, they were screaming bloody murder. Originally Posted by NiceGuy53
Well, not to point out the obvious, but it is also amusing to how conservatives are screaming bloody murder about indefinite detention and warrantless surveillance under President Obama but were totally fine with it when Bush introduced and was utilizing the policy.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I was not fine with it when Bush introduced it. Don't hang that on me. And if we are going to call America a "war zone" and use that as an excuse to ignore the rights we have as human beings, as defined in our Declaration of Independence and Constitution, then we are no longer America. We have become our enemy.

When a person can be arrested and detained, based on what the President or military "thinks", without being able to challenge or make the government prove the charges, then we are no better than the old Soviet Union, China, Iraq, Syria or Iran. And then to have so-called "Americans" support this is a disgrace to those who have given the ultimate price so we could have those freedoms.
LovingKayla's Avatar
Hmmm, sounds like exactly what Good Ol' Ronnie Reagan did back in the day in Afghanistan..... Originally Posted by Randy4Candy

I can't tell you how much I hate to do this but randy, you are right. I went to look it up and I'll b a sonofabiatch he DID.
LovingKayla's Avatar
Well, not to point out the obvious, but it is also amusing to how conservatives are screaming bloody murder about indefinite detention and warrantless surveillance under President Obama but were totally fine with it when Bush introduced and was utilizing the policy. Originally Posted by timpage

Shit. I agree with you too. We totally are guilty of that.
News alert/history alert....the mujaheddin was NOT our enemy when Reagan provided them arms and munitions....and many of the mujaheddin (the Northern Alliance) were our allies in throwing the Taliban out during the post 2001 war.

Repeat. Obama is arming our enemy, an enemy who killed thousands of Americans....Reagan did nothing of the sort.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Shit. I agree with you too. We totally are guilty of that. Originally Posted by LovingKayla
It is still wrong, and still needs to stop.
LovingKayla's Avatar
Is it possible for us to all agree they ARE ALL WRONG? Just because he's claims to be a democrat doesn't mean you have to support him. Kinda like us with Romney. Hating the other guy is going to get us all in trouble.
News alert/history alert....the mujaheddin was NOT our enemy when Reagan provided them arms and munitions....and many of the mujaheddin (the Northern Alliance) were our allies in throwing the Taliban out during the post 2001 war.

Repeat. Obama is arming our enemy, an enemy who killed thousands of Americans....Reagan did nothing of the sort. Originally Posted by Whirlaway

got a link?