Pre and Post Workout Formulas?

oilfieldscum's Avatar
When you start moving weight in the gym with 20 + yrs of training experience then maybe I'll take you more seriously. Right now while I agree with some of what you say you just sound like a nerd that can barely lift 100 lbs spewing the same shit you rail against. But I hear ya ;-) Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
Ahh yes the unprovoked Ad Hominem, the last refuge of a female mind. I thought we were just having an interesting conversation, didn't realize you were so emotionally invested. Originally Posted by SpiceItUp
I fixed that for you.

Back on topic....water before, during, and after and take plenty of L-Lysine after. You also have to stay away from any fumar or booze.

If you want to look anyhting like those guys in the pics posted you'll need to dedicate your life to bodybuilding and use plenty of steroids.
Alyssa XOXO's Avatar
I fixed that for you.

Back on topic....water before, during, and after and take plenty of L-Lysine after. You also have to stay away from any fumar or booze.

Lol ^^^^^

If you want to look like those guys in the pics posted you'll need to use plenty of steroids. Originally Posted by oilfieldscum
Not all use steroids, that's pure speculation on your part and spoken like a true hater lol
oilfieldscum's Avatar
Not all use steroids all the time, that's pure speculation on your part and spoken like a true hater lol Originally Posted by Alyssa XOXO
The smart ones use them to get over plateaus. I'm not a hater but me thincks people post on boards a lot about what they no little about.
Alyssa XOXO's Avatar
The smart ones use them to get over plateaus. I'm not a hater but me thincks people post on boards a lot about what they no little about. Originally Posted by oilfieldscum
I agree, I'm glad YOU recognized that with this particular thread. The first step is admitting your problem
Heh you're a funny guy, I'm glad you think highly of my reviews I suppose, though I fail to see what that has to do with the current discussion.

More ad hominem this time at least veiled thinly, I suppose I should be used to your cheap tactics by now eh? If by nerd you mean intelligent and educated I believe I'll take it as a compliment, though personally I stopped calling people nerd around the time I grew pubic hair.

As to couch potato I hardly think not buying into pre/post workout supplementation makes me such, nor does my current workout regimen invalidate my position. You're sounding more and more like the BroScience spouting meatheads I was kidding around with you about before.

No I'm suggesting that studies conducted by manufacturers and used in marketing tend to produce biased results that I do not put much stock in, especially in unregulated industries. And trainers have no more knowledge of the pharmacokinetics of supplements than construction workers have in depth knowledge of metallurgy, it is cursory at best and self selected confirmation bias at worst.

I'm not claiming to be an expert on the subject but was merely pointing out that it is an unregulated industry where anyone can say anything they want to sell a product and most of it is understudied just like the rest of the vitamin industry.

As I said before though, if you feel like you get something out of it that's great. Even if it were 100% placebo effect, which we'll have to agree to disagree on the percentage, that makes no difference because the end result is the same.

Also like I said before, I'm mostly fucking around with you, try not to get your panties in a bunch

P.s. I can lift 100lbs...with my kegel PC muscle dick flex Originally Posted by SpiceItUp
Lol. You really don't need to tell me you're smart just like I don't need to convey that people I grew up around think I'm a nerd as well. Only difference is they know I got a strong boxing game to go with my nerdiness. So they don't fuck with me. ;-)

As for regulated industries don't fool yourself into thinking you're safe because a scientist that works for the FDA endorses a product based on what the FDA is getting out of it. Their are medicine recalls from regulated industries all the time. So they're not perfect either it's all a risk. However, I will concede the notion that the evil you know is better than the evil you don't.

At the end of the day being able to keep a hard dick is what ultimately matters so I will toast to the PC muscle dick flex. the only problem is if people are fat and out of shape they're likely gonna always have to pay for an IOP and pussy.
The smart ones use them to get over plateaus. I'm not a hater but me thincks people post on boards a lot about what they no little about. Originally Posted by oilfieldscum
Lol at the smart ones use concept.

My baby is right. Not everyone uses and its certainly not because they're smart. If guys are gonna use for competitions that's on them but if you're not competing and yet using then somethings wrong. Veins burst hearts burst and all type of bad shit happens to users. Fuck a plateau it's real bad in the long term.
The biggest thing is diet,diet,diet! Which is something I don't do much of but my workouts are about 3 hours each day I train. Without N.O Explode about half of that. Their is no doubt about most men that compete take steroids but will tell you the diet is everything. Most of them after a show get off if the diet and you see major changes. I never plan to get in a show so I will live happily and what I want to and still look good.
oilfieldscum's Avatar
I agree, I'm glad YOU recognized that with this particular thread. The first step is admitting your problem Originally Posted by Alyssa XOXO
My problem? You mean associating with women that sling pussy for money?

Seriously though there is a lot of BS on this board...this threAD included.

Lol at the smart ones use concept.

My baby is right. Not everyone uses and its certainly not because they're smart. If guys are gonna use for competitions that's on them but if you're not competing and yet using then somethings wrong. Veins burst hearts burst and all type of bad shit happens to users. Fuck a plateau it's real bad in the long term. Originally Posted by Zanzibar789

See this pic you posted ^^^^. Nobody can get like that without help from or not.
My problem? You mean associating with women that sling pussy for money?

Seriously though there is a lot of BS on this board...this threAD included.

See this pic you posted ^^^^. Nobody can get like that without help from or not. Originally Posted by oilfieldscum

Hey Sherlock you're the one that introduced "smart" to the equation. I simply said not all big guys are using. They may be supplementing heavily but not all roid up. The fella in the pic I would agree is probably juicing. But I got a cousin not too far off from that but more ripped that isn't on the juice. Just natural genetics ever since we were kids.
Imma share this with yawl. Check these boys out. Talk about going HAM. straight beast mode

Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
The problem with bulking up like that is when u get older and the harder it is maintain and it just turns into fat. For those who use enhancers it may give short term benefits but no way of knowing what the long term benefits will be. Most likely bad imho.
The biggest thing is diet,diet,diet! Which is something I don't do much of but my workouts are about 3 hours each day I train. Without N.O Explode about half of that. Their is no doubt about most men that compete take steroids but will tell you the diet is everything. Most of them after a show get off if the diet and you see major changes. I never plan to get in a show so I will live happily and what I want to and still look good. Originally Posted by Ironmann2

I agree on the diet. I think my diet is very clean...with the exception of tonight. I got my protein in ..but I did munch out on a small bowl of Cookie Crisp cereal, and then tried a small bowl of Cinnamon Toast Crunch with Almond milk.

I know that was bad. lol
boardman's Avatar
Muscle turns into fat? Really?
I got a big shot of 98 degree Jack3d Protein for Alyssa and Yummy Marie anytime they need a boost!!! Just let me know ladies. I'm here for you!!
jacked is all caffeine
Muscle turns into fat? Really? Originally Posted by boardman
Broscience balls deep in this thread.

I would sincerely say anyone 220+ lbs with <10% BF is on roids. I know not all with be, But I would argue 90%+

Hmmm spend 7+ years 5 days a week going balls out, or spend 2-3 years strict diet + dat dere juice and get even better results.

Man this is a tough decision.

jacked is all caffeine Originally Posted by ampcramp
You're dumb in your fuckin head.

Thats why they banned it bro, because it was all caffeine (old formula)