
Randy4Candy's Avatar
I guess someone has to explain to Randy again. With our constitution and laws it makes it more difficult for a radical to be radical. Obama is a socialist but he is hampered by the Consitution and the GOP. So, no the country is not socialist...yet but we can look at what Obama has said, done, and championed to see the obvious. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Is that weak, nonsensical horse-hockey ALL YOU GOT? Probably so. Your dick is as limp as your wrist - we don't even need to go into that writhing mess of cold spaghetti occupying the dead zone between your ears. To coin a phrase dingbat, "Yes We Can" look at what he has said and done. You might actually want to look into that. No, no, NO, not the snippets of out of context and downright fabricated "video evidence" you get from your list of red-wing bloggers and Faux Noise. I'm "impressed" (well, not really) at your rare ability to look deeply into The President for Four More Years' mind and divine his motives. Just more wannabe wishful thinking on your part. You're a typical bully - someone calls you out and you head for the hills - equivocating all the way. Get your DUMBass back on the mop and broom, a coed just let a used tampon slip during gym class.

"The obvious" is that you do not have the slightest idea what in the hell you actually believe or not believe!

Some people refer to it as conflicted! Originally Posted by bigtex
Perhaps we might want to go with "afflicted," no?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Why don't you tell me (or us) what Obama has done? Please be specific we may want to draw up charges.
HoustonMilfDebbie's Avatar
1. It is natural for some; those who want to mindlessly be taken care of and those who want to control others above all else.
2. It is false in as much as the first group above is never satisfied, there simply is not enough of other people's money to do that. But it works quiet well for the second group above, just look at the current Resident.
3. No, it is not a good thing.
4. No, mankind does not benefit from central government, nor central religion, nor any other form of "groupthink".
Just my opinions of course. Originally Posted by Iaintliein
That is "Bu**s***...and any educated professor will tell you so!

The "extreme right wing"...I call "Tea Party"...does not have a clue about the majority, nor do they care about the majority...enough said!
HoustonMilfDebbie's Avatar
Barleycorn, I have a mesage for are not convinced...otherwise, why would you fight so hard to defend your beliefs? I just had to say that.
I prefer a very mild one.

I think some people just use the overall term "socialism" and think that is sufficient to condemn the concept altogether.

A country that temporarily helps its people when they are down will benefit in the long run.

If hard-working people are suddenly laid off, helping to tide them over until they find other work will benefit people and country.

. . . Isn't that what a good country is supposed to do for it's people?
Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
Well America utilizes mild forms of Socialism already, has been for decades. Having Social programs to help the unfortunate is not a bad thing it's actually essential. But it becomes a lifestyle for some people not something temporary until they can get back on their feet. But it's not their fault, it's the Governments fault for not regulating social program more carefully. Recipients just take an advantage of the system.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
You're right, but what you're speaking off is a secondary problem.

Everyone needs help at certain times in their lives and a country that provides that help is really helping itself in the long run. Once those people get back on their feet they will then help the country in turn by paying taxes and becoming productive again.

The smaller subset of people who remain on hand-outs have developed poor habits that need to be addressed in some other fashion.

. . . However, to condemn an entire country as being "socialistic" because it helps its citizens in need is to simplify the concept far too much to have any meaning.

Well America utilizes mild forms of Socialism already, has been for decades. Having Social programs to help the unfortunate is not a bad thing it's actually essential. But it becomes a lifestyle for some people not something temporary until they can get back on their feet. But it's not their fault, it's the Governments fault for not regulating social program more carefully. Recipients just take an advantage of the system. Originally Posted by acp5762
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Deb, you need to get your money back from that study at home Pysch 101 class.

By extreme right wing, you mean lower taxes, more responsive government with less interference in our lives? That is extreme to you???
Chica Chaser's Avatar

The smaller subset of people who remain on hand-outs have developed poor habits that need to be addressed in some other fashion.

Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
Lets discuss that exact thing. I believe that is the real topic of conversation. How should these people be addressed? I think this is a sizable portion of the "47%" that Romney talked about.

Deb, you need to get your money back from that study at home Pysch 101 class.

By extreme right wing, you mean lower taxes, more responsive government with less interference in our lives? That is extreme to you??? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
I hope Debbie's head isn't hurting too bad today.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
That is really an extremely difficult societal problem that has become so entrenched that these poor people now believe that is their normal life.

The root cause of this problem is ignorance.

. . . Better education then seems to be the key, but it will take a considerable army of dedicated teachers to reach the corrupt minds of these individuals who live in ghettos and live and breathe crime from birth.

Lets discuss that exact thing. I believe that is the real topic of conversation. How should these people be addressed? I think this is a sizable portion of the "47%" that Romney talked about.

I hope Debbie's head isn't hurting too bad today. Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
Chica Chaser's Avatar
That is really an extremely difficult societal problem that has become so entrenched that these poor people now believe that is their normal life.

The root cause of this problem is ignorance.

. . . Better education then seems to be the key, but it will take a considerable army of dedicated teachers to reach the corrupt minds of these individuals who live in ghettos and live and breathe crime from birth.

Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
Better education? By government employees in government schools? You you think that would really happen?

I might agree with you once all teachers unions are dissolved.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-01-2012, 05:39 PM

By extreme right wing, you mean lower taxes, more responsive government with less interference in our lives? That is extreme to you??? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
That is not the extreme right.

The extreme right injects themself into women's personal choice. The extreme right want a huge military policing the world but does not want to pay for it.

I could go on and on...but that is why the extreme right got their ass kicked in the last election. It moved Romney into a unelectable position. That is the extreme right.
cptjohnstone's Avatar

The root cause of this problem is ignorance.


Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
I call it stupidity

but it can be proven by all the comments made by the donkeys on this board
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Goddammit you're right, JD. Those cartoonies convinced me. Im NEVER voting for Barack Obama again!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
What makes a country great is not what it does for its citizens, but what its citizens voluntarily do for each other. We have lost that. The government has taken over compassion, and that has changed the character of this country.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
What cartoons? Seeing things again? As for your comments on the extreme right; you can continue to say the stupidity that you do but that will not make it true. It will just identify you as an unwashed, ignoramus to those of us who know.