New York Times reports Biden told the AG to prosecute Trump.

CG2014's Avatar
Biden is a piece of shit.

Kamala Harris is a whore who sucked black dicks to get to where she is today.

Nancy Pelosi is a wino who doesn't give a fuck about San Francisco and anyone else but herself and her bank account.

Dianne Feinstein is a corrupted walking cadaver that needs to be put 6 feet under.

If the Democrats think January 6th is an insurrection (it wasn't. it was a FBI and Homeland Security false flag operation), they haven't seen anything yet.

The real one will make the Boston Tea Party look like a party.

All those in Washington will be arrested by the people, marched out into the public and shot with no trial.

Just like the good old days in Nazi Germany and Bolshevik Russia.

Also do you know what Covid was?

Think about it!

Economy was great. Inflation and gas prices and cost of living and interest rates were low. Unemployment was at its lowest.

President Trump is riding high in the polls, getting ready to run for re-election.

Then Covid comes, right at an opportune time.

Now there is evidence Democrats knew about Covid and the Wuhan lab and even funded it.

Also evidence many in the government including Fauci and people like Bill Gates reaped billions from pushing the useless Covid vaccines that have caused 10 of 1000 of deaths of people who got them.
biomed1's Avatar
Of the Following . . .
#7 - Threats of violence or physical harm will not be tolerated under any circumstances. There is no place for that on this board.