Good morning and welcome to Fox News First. Here's what you need to know as you start your day ...

matchingmole's Avatar

Will be earlier tomorrow...except for Trumptards who ignore the mandate to turn their clocks back

Will be earlier tomorrow...except for Trumptards who ignore the mandate to turn their clocks back Originally Posted by matchingmole
I think you're a week off, bud. DST ends Nov 1st.

Also, who still has to fix their clocks anymore? Everything seems to auto-update these days.

Maybe if the libs climb off of Donnie's fat ass and do something productive for a change, we can get rid of DST, but odds are that some latte sipping limp wrist in SF will say we need to keep it "for the farmers", like they know a fucking thing about farmwork.
sportfisherman's Avatar
Hey so no shit ; Trump says we have turned the corner on the Trump Plague,

but it shows that we are having more cases everyday than ever before.

What is up with that ?

Is there a disconnect here ?

You think Trump might be lying again ? Like he did before ?

Maybe he doesn't want us to panic.

What does Fox News say ? They are a reputable news source are they not ?
Hey so no shit ; Trump says we have turned the corner on the Trump Plague,

but it shows that we are having more cases everyday than ever before.

What is up with that ?

Is there a disconnect here ?

You think Trump might be lying again ? Like he did before ?

Maybe he doesn't want us to panic.

What does Fox News say ? They are a reputable news source are they not ? Originally Posted by sportfisherman
Moving the goalpost again?

More cases is good. Deaths are way down, which is the thing you don't want spiking.
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
All mainstream is fake. They are brain washing you. Everybody knows this. Just read the Bible.
HedonistForever's Avatar
Does Fox News have any commentary about how we have "turned the corner" into the largest number of cases ever for this Trump Virus ?

Are they covering that ?

Do they have an update on when Trump is going to release his tax returns?

Have they given an update on the vaccine Trump says is coming ?

I have not been able to watch so I don't know.I look to this forum for info on these things. Originally Posted by sportfisherman

More like you have never watched which is why you constantly give disinformation.

Fox News reports the number of cases and deaths everyday and does not use the term "turned the corner" they merely play clips of what the President says without deadpanning like CNN and MSNBC does. Because you don't watch, you have this misconception of what is being reported and said. With few exceptions like Hannity who is without a doubt a Trump cheerleader along with Ingraham and Judge Pirro and maybe some folks on the morning shows which I have never watched, the majority of the other hosts, while holding conservative views relatively speaking, don't repeat what the President says as their own view, merely report what he says as any news journalist should do.

This idea that everybody on Fox news is hiding "the truth" of the Corona cases and deaths, is the kind of crap you either dream up in your head or you are just repeating what you hear the clowns on MSNBC telling you what the folks on Fox are saying or not saying in this case. Let me repeat, Fox News reports the cases and deaths literally everyday. It would be journalist malpractice not to. Then you can tune in to Tucker and he'll give you a detailed "opinion" of what all these numbers mean and don't mean. Truth is, the biggest thing we learn about the total number of cases, is how "relatively" few die compared to the millions we were told might die. We now know that the overwhelming majority of people that catch this virus, will not die. Some will and that's a shame but we go through tens of thousands of deaths every year from the flu and some how we manage to go on with our lives without losing our minds.

Tucker gave a perfect example the other night when he played a clip of Whoopi Goldberg AKA Cayrn Johnson, said that the people on Fox and Tucker in particular, said he/ they should apologize for the nasty things they said about the NBC moderator at the last debate. Tucker was shocked to hear this because he hadn't even mentioned Kristen Welker and went on to say that he thought all things considered, she did a good job and said after checking on a few other Fox broadcasts found that nobody had said "nasty" things about Ms. Welker, only the usual and correct comments that she gave deference to Biden as all MSM people do like Savanna Guthrie and Leslie Stahl from the 60 minutes broadcast tomorrow night, telling the President, "this is 60 minutes and we can't just let you say things that are not true". Anybody hear her say that to Joe Biden?

Whether it will ever be proved that what Joe Biden allegedly did was criminal, there is no doubt what so ever that he lied about never haven spoken to Hunter about his business schemes. Did anybody in the MSM that has interviewed Joe Biden ever tell him they have seen the proof that Joe did speak to Hunter about his business and lied about it? Anybody in MSM correcting Joe Biden when he says he never said he would ban fracking when I have seen and heard him say it on the video that Fox News runs constantly pointing out that ole Joe lies too but has anybody from CNN or MSNBC said Joe, here is a clip saying you would ban fracking, care to comment? Nope and you know why and you're OK with that I assume.

Now we have a corroborating witness to this alleged criminal activity of the Biden family and Bobulinski meeting with the FBI and turned over correspondence and phones to the FBI. That is a fact that any reputable journalist should have reported with the caveat that "we do not know what was in this information turned over to the FBI" but they sure as hell should have reported the fact that a meeting with the FBI took place but they did not report this fact. Why? Only one reason, to hide it from their viewers and readers. Can't be hurting "their man" this close to the election now can they.

There is no question that the Fox news "commentator's" as opposed the so called "hard news" reporters support Trump much like the "commentator's at CNN and MSNBC support Biden. I'll admit I would be hard pressed to give you an actual name of an actual "hard news journalist" at either of those two media's.

There are no more Walter Cronkite's and haven't been for a long time but actual intelligent people understand this but I'll admit, there are far to many not so intelligent people who believe what ever their preferred host tells them without doing any research or giving any thought to a possible "other explanation" of what they are being told.

You seem to fit nicely into that last category either repeating what you "suppose" you heard on Fox News or repeated what somebody like Whoopi Goldberg or other liberal media person told "they heard" on Fox news.

And nobody that supports Trump gives a hoot about his tax returns any more than you care whether Joe Biden made millions with pay to play schemes which I believe you have already admitted to, that you don't care.

They have given updates on when Trump says the vaccine is coming because as I said, they "report" everyday what the President says just like any news show should do. What they do not do is say "and we agree" after everything Trump says which is the disinformation you seem to be so proud of falsely disseminating.

So I hope I have provided you with some "useful" information on what is actually being said on most Fox News shows and in the future should you find that you don't have the time to watch and actually hear what is being said, put up a post and ask me before you spread disinformation like a good little GRU operator.
HoeHummer's Avatar
The WSNDs are playing a steady games of defence now.

Looks from here that Yous are on your way oot, eh?
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
The WSNDs are playing a steady games of defence now.

Looks from here that Yous are on your way oot, eh? Originally Posted by HoeHummer


are you ever going to tell us what WSND means?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I’d like to know as well. Seems to be a term that only a scientist like Dr. Killpatient could explain. He’s so good with acronyms and abbreviations anyway.

But why does he misspell DiPShiT? It’s his latest professional designation. Dr. Killpatient, DPST, DOTY.

  • oeb11
  • 10-25-2020, 09:14 AM
HF - thank U - Well written about the DPST dis-information campaign.

if not for their Lies - the DPST's would be silent!
sportfisherman's Avatar
So is it Disinformation to state ? ;

1.Trump said we have "Turned the corner" on the virus.

2.That we are experiencing a Record number of new cases daily.

3.That we probably never see Trump's taxes

4.That he has exaggerated the availability of a vaccine soon.

If this is disinformation please cite by number.
And maybe don't be so long winded about it.
HedonistForever's Avatar
So is it Disinformation to state ? ;

1.Trump said we have "Turned the corner" on the virus.

Yes, Trump said it and Fox News reports what the President says. What's the problem with that. They report what he says.

2.That we are experiencing a Record number of new cases daily.

Which Fox News reports everyday

3.That we probably never see Trump's taxes

Probably won't and don't care, that's what the IRS is for and I hear he is audited every year. Whether the man is worth as much as he Claims? I couldn't care less.

4.That he has exaggerated the availability of a vaccine soon.

We won't know that unless you define soon and that date comes and goes.

Robert Wachter, chair of the department of medicine at the University of California at San Francisco, told the Washington Post he expects multiple vaccines will be proven safe and effective by year's end

If this is disinformation please cite by number.

Always happy to accommodate requests but you seem to be changing the subject. You were suggesting that Fox News either always agrees with Trump or hides what he says and neither is true.

And maybe don't be so long winded about it. Originally Posted by sportfisherman

That pithy enough for you?
Don’t know exactly the best descriptive term

Call it strange and curious, a lie, a purposeful smokescreen, irrational hatred, due to limited information, being gullible, the big lie technique or just plain ignorance

If I had to guess, after reading enough of the thread starters posts, I’d venture it to be a combination of irrational hatred, being gullible and the big lie technique with a pinch of deviousness

But to attack Fox News as not being credible after four years of the Russia hoax, when president trump and, yes, Fox News have been correct at ever turn while the dimocrat news media screamed lies at every chance and ignored evidence and obvious truth, created elaborate theories of corruption and blackmail out of total fabrications, salted and peppered every nothing burger to the point of nausea and supported liars and still lie about so many things and what they don’t lie about, they ignore, all to the ridiculous end of giving each other Pulitzer Prizes for typing out lies

and oh yeah, after all those mostly peaceful protests

and to only mention in passing their constant editorializing in news reporting and their, not liberal, but leftist world view, a view where truth isn’t a value

and now biden, well it’s not even now, it is back to the lie of the Trump impeachment when trump tried to look into the Biden corruption, and the news media repeated that “ it’s all been debunked”... yeah “debunked”

And now they refuse to report the laptop

and Fox News should be ashamed????

This thread is a total crock
  • oeb11
  • 10-25-2020, 01:17 PM
DPST's are tied to their LSM Lies and narrative
Facts and Truth mean nothing to the LSM or their true believers.

it is so sad that facts and Truth are perverted daily by the LSM - in order to install their marxist Stalinist totalitarian regime.

Civil War is coming - DPST's!.
matchingmole's Avatar
All mainstream is fake. They are brain washing you. Everybody knows this. Just read the Bible. Originally Posted by Strokey_McDingDong