Why is Trump President Anyway?????

FirePhoenix's Avatar
Actually I did say months ago that there was a very real good possibility that Trump could win. Every reason I had stated back then is every reason why he is president now. Also note that I also said back all those months ago that if he did win he would only be president for a a year and and a half up to 2 years max. I am also saying that now. He will only be president for a year and half to up to 2 years max. Enough said.
Yeah Millsy, how come Harry Reid didn't fret about how the country "ebbs and flows" when he went for the "nuclear option" back in 2013 so he could stack the federal courts with far-left zealots? Now all of a sudden you expect the Republicans to be wise and prudent and statesmanlike, after you failed to complain when Dirty Harry did exactly the opposite? Too late for that. The rules are changed, why change them back? What's good for the goose is good for the gander. Originally Posted by lustylad
I don't know if you just want to argue with me, maybe some pent up feelings deep down. Idk where you see me saying that what Harry Reid did was smart or that it was right or wrong. Not to mention, you don't know what I said about it when it happened. Again you infer things. I would hope you want the Republicans to be wise. And the ebbs and flows thing is about the change of power. Maybe read the stances of Senate members before chiming in. There are quite a few Republican members against getting rid of the filibuster altogether. Because as I said, they could easily be out of power in 2 years and wouldn't want to shoot themselves in the foot. It's not in their interests to get rid of it. They control all branches of government so they don't need to get rid of it. And speaking of Reid, now smart does he look now? If you don't think Republicans in the Senate don't look at that and see that it could be them, you should maybe stop talking about politics. They don't want to be with those geese.
Let me be very clear - I love Trump - he does not cheat or lie to the American people- that's just your opinion - Thank God, it's not the rest of America's opinion. Anyway, you need to grow up -- grow some balls and-- be a man - quite crying like a baby - you sound like the world's biggest pussy - whaaaaaaaaaaa. Disgusting.

[QUOTE=Cap'n Crunch;1059098010]
You are being way too dramatic. What page are you talking about? You can post whatever you want on your "page"and I can post what I want on mine--- did someone hurt your feelings and tell you to stop posting? Awwwwww,poor baby.[/QUOTE

Awwwwww,poor baby? Is that how its going to be, poor grandma ellen? You can't read? Why are you asking if someone hurt my feelings? I didn't write it and you didn't read it. I posted it because it gave answers to why people will resist wherever they can for the next 4 years. But either you want to ignore the facts about Trump OR you agree with what he has done and said.

You don't give a shit whether Trump lies and cheats and deceives the American public. To you it was all about winning and being all white about it. So you and likeminded old white folk can take your victory lap. We will see whether his presidency even helps the white racist and bigots who so fervently support him. The only thing I know is it will help a lot of filthy rich white people get even filthier rich, at our expense. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Put your money where your mouth is - I'll bet you 200 that Trump is in for the length of time you say he is not. I'll bet more if you really believe what you are talking about.
Just name the bet.

Actually I did say months ago that there was a very real good possibility that Trump could win. Every reason I had stated back then is every reason why he is president now. Also note that I also said back all those months ago that if he did win he would only be president for a a year and and a half up to 2 years max. I am also saying that now. He will only be president for a year and half to up to 2 years max. Enough said. Originally Posted by FirePhoenix
No baby, we don't want to be with the sheep...Trump supporters are all about moving forward,,,but go ahead and stay with the sheep - maybe you will learn something!!!Lol!!

I don't know if you just want to argue with me, maybe some pent up feelings deep down. Idk where you see me saying that what Harry Reid did was smart or that it was right or wrong. Not to mention, you don't know what I said about it when it happened. Again you infer things. I would hope you want the Republicans to be wise. And the ebbs and flows thing is about the change of power. Maybe read the stances of Senate members before chiming in. There are quite a few Republican members against getting rid of the filibuster altogether. Because as I said, they could easily be out of power in 2 years and wouldn't want to shoot themselves in the foot. It's not in their interests to get rid of it. They control all branches of government so they don't need to get rid of it. And speaking of Reid, now smart does he look now? If you don't think Republicans in the Senate don't look at that and see that it could be them, you should maybe stop talking about politics. They don't want to be with those geese. Originally Posted by Milly23
No baby, we don't want to be with the sheep...Trump supporters are all about moving forward,,,but go ahead and stay with the sheep - maybe you will learn something!!!Lol!! Originally Posted by Austin Ellen

What are you talking about? The comment had nothing to do with Trump supporters so idk what you are talking about. And sheep? What the guy is talking about is being a sheep. He's talking about going along with what Reid did. Maybe you will learn something if you didn't live in a bubble. But you can't change the mind of an elderly person. You will only believe/hear what you want. Maybe next time comment with a response about what I said. I mean unless you are in the Senate and are saying that y'all are moving forward and getting rid of the filibuster altogether. Otherwise what you just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I've ever heard. At no point in your incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational response. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listen to it.
FirePhoenix's Avatar
Ellen, really? An almost 2 yrs long bet? SMH, I don't take any joy about this. He will be the first president to be fully impeached with NO acquittal. There is NO joy to be had to watch our country be torn apart. There is NO smugness about the fact many other countries are laughing their asses off at us. No, I will be a real American and put on my big girl panties for the devastating effects this will have for years to come.Now why don't you run along and have a great drunken red neck celebration.

You're not the first to laugh at what I say but know this- in the end I have always been 99% right. Take it however you please.
Cap'n Crunch's Avatar
Anti-Trump people like me shouldn't be in this thread. This is merely a circle jerk celebration for your hero. There is nothing to discuss; there is no potential for give and take. Its a waste of time. When all is said and done, I'll be on the right side of history. That's what is important to me, not your opinions or attempted insults. They don't matter at all.

Now get back in that circle and keep on jerkin'!
lustylad's Avatar
I don't know if you just want to argue with me, maybe some pent up feelings deep down. Idk where you see me saying that what Harry Reid did was smart or that it was right or wrong. Not to mention, you don't know what I said about it when it happened. Again you infer things. I would hope you want the Republicans to be wise. And the ebbs and flows thing is about the change of power. Maybe read the stances of Senate members before chiming in. There are quite a few Republican members against getting rid of the filibuster altogether. Because as I said, they could easily be out of power in 2 years and wouldn't want to shoot themselves in the foot. It's not in their interests to get rid of it. They control all branches of government so they don't need to get rid of it. And speaking of Reid, now smart does he look now? If you don't think Republicans in the Senate don't look at that and see that it could be them, you should maybe stop talking about politics. They don't want to be with those geese. Originally Posted by Milly23
You're confused, millsy. The Democrats already “got rid of it” in 2013. Except for the Supreme Court, most executive branch nominations can't be filibustered anymore. So you're asking Republicans to change the Senate rules back – to restore the status quo ante – now that they control the White House. In other words, you want them to forego the same advantage that the Dems appropriated and enjoyed for 3 years when Harry Reid broke with centuries of tradition and invoked the so-called "nuclear option". You want Republicans to play nice after Harry Reid played dirty.

Tell you what – let's just leave the rules alone for the next 3 years, until a Trump administration can put a few conservative judges on the federal bench to counter-balance all the lefties rammed through by Obama/Reid. Then maybe we can call it even and talk about bringing back the old rules. The Dems made their bed, now they should sleep in it - at least as long as they forced Republicans to do.
lustylad's Avatar
Anti-Trump people like me shouldn't be in this thread. This is merely a circle jerk celebration for your hero. There is nothing to discuss; there is no potential for give and take. Its a waste of time. When all is said and done, I'll be on the right side of history. That's what is important to me, not your opinions or attempted insults. They don't matter at all. Originally Posted by Cap'n Crunch
Typical libtard. You jump into this discussion by calling the OP a "racist, bigoted moron" whose "opinions are worthless" and "scum" - then you bitch about the lack of serious "give and take" and the insults you received in return? Lol, you're hilarious, Cap'n.

And I love the way you act all snotty and superior as you tap out on this thread. Typical libtard. You can't articulate any compelling arguments, so you try to compensate for your obvious inadequacies by telling yourself "I'll be on the right side of history." Lol. Keep talking down to the deplorables like that and you'll wind up in the dustbin of history.
You're confused, millsy. The Democrats already “got rid of it” in 2013. Except for the Supreme Court, most executive branch nominations can't be filibustered anymore. So you're asking Republicans to change the Senate rules back – to restore the status quo ante – now that they control the White House. In other words, you want them to forego the same advantage that the Dems appropriated and enjoyed for 3 years when Harry Reid broke with centuries of tradition and invoked the so-called "nuclear option". You want Republicans to play nice after Harry Reid played dirty.

Tell you what – let's just leave the rules alone for the next 3 years, until a Trump administration can put a few conservative judges on the federal bench to counter-balance all the lefties rammed through by Obama/Reid. Then maybe we can call it even and talk about bringing back the old rules. The Dems made their bed, now they should sleep in it - at least as long as they forced Republicans to do. Originally Posted by lustylad
WOW. I mean you really just like to argue with me. You just proved it. You tell me I'm confused. Then go on to point out what I literally said in a comment that you responded to. I said what you tried to point out to me, before you said it. And idk if you either don't read what I say or just infer every word written by me the way you want it and just respond to that. I'm not asking the Republicans take anything back. I'm saying that it doesn't make sense for them to do it when they have control of every branch. Even when Reid did it, they didn't have control of the judicial branch. Show me where I asked them to change the rules back. I'll wait. Yeah what Reid did has come back to bait him now, hasn't it. So you want the Republicans to take it a step forth, you must think they will stay in power forever. They know that in 2 years, they could be in for an uphill battle. Trump won but the Republican Congress loss seats this past election. The could lose it in 2018 and regret giving up that card.
gfejunkie's Avatar
He will be the first president to be fully impeached with NO acquittal. Originally Posted by FirePhoenix
How many times do you people have to be reminded? The dimbulbocrats have ZERO power in Congress. Where do impeachment proceedings begin?
In the House of Representatives. Who owns the House of Representatives? Republicans! They are never going to impeach their own.

It's like... Good luck getting Speaker Ryan to put that on the agenda... NOT!!!

Am I the only one who has ever had a civics class???

Trump will serve his full term of FOUR YEARS and more than likely FOUR MORE YEARS after that. Get used to it. You can piss and moan all you want to. Nobody that matters really gives a shit!
This is what you sound like.

Anti-Trump people like me shouldn't be in this thread. This is merely a circle jerk celebration for your hero. There is nothing to discuss; there is no potential for give and take. Its a waste of time. When all is said and done, I'll be on the right side of history. That's what is important to me, not your opinions or attempted insults. They don't matter at all.

Now get back in that circle and keep on jerkin'! Originally Posted by Cap'n Crunch
lustylad's Avatar
And idk if you either don't read what I say or just infer every word written by me the way you want it and just respond to that. I'm not asking the Republicans (sic) take anything back. I'm saying that it doesn't make sense for them to do it when they have control of every branch... Show me where I asked them to change the rules back. I'll wait... Originally Posted by Milly23
If you're talking about Supreme Court nominations only, they can still be filibustered. Republicans aren't even thinking about changing this. If you're talking about almost all other executive branch appointments - including those all-important federal judgeships and Federal District Appeals Court nominations that can shape the judiciary for decades to come - they can't be filibustered anymore, unless the Republicans change the rules back to what they were before Dirty Harry reached for the "nuclear option" three years ago.

Get it now? You don't make it clear wtf you are talking about. If you mean only the Supreme Court, just say so. If you mean anything else, then yes - you're asking Republicans to change the rules back, otherwise the Dems (or whatever party is in the Senate minority) can't filibuster anymore. My last post made this very clear, but you prefer to argue instead of clarifying.
If you're talking about Supreme Court nominations only, they can still be filibustered. Republicans aren't even thinking about changing this. If you're talking about almost all other executive branch appointments - including those all-important federal judgeships and Federal District Appeals Court nominations that can shape the judiciary for decades to come - they can't be filibustered anymore, unless the Republicans change the rules back to what they were before Dirty Harry reached for the "nuclear option" three years ago.

Get it now? You don't make it clear wtf you are talking about. If you mean only the Supreme Court, just say so. If you mean anything else, then yes - you're asking Republicans to change the rules back, otherwise the Dems (or whatever party is in the Senate minority) can't filibuster anymore. My last post made this very clear, but you prefer to argue instead of clarifying. Originally Posted by lustylad

Maybe read what I say. I said Supreme Court nominations in post you commented on. I don't know much more clearer I can be saying SC. I mean I said those words. You're the one arguing. You responded to a comment I made and then in your next comment tried to school me saying what I said and then can't just say I didn't see that. Instead you tell me I didn't make it clear. If I'm so unclear don't respond to me. Because you are responding to something you dont understand if it's unclear. Again nowhere in my comments did I mention federal, I specifically said SC. I won't clarify something that was plain and simple but you inferred something and then tell me I don't get it. I won't ask you to say you messed up because I'm sure in you're head you didn't, I did.