Bailey brooks - has some guy threathen me at 2 am with DEATH THREATS

  • jindo
  • 08-27-2019, 10:27 PM
the guy did not hack her phone, he has her phone in his hand , they live together and she supports him

he is a loser

they are both 'users' and fight

she should take him don to Oakland in Dallas and make him walk the streets for food money while she watches him get bent over for awhile instead of her

this is mutual escort loser bf relationship

oh and throw in the kids,

he stays home watches the kids

while she works ( down on her knees and bent over ) shes f'ing guys while he is putting holes in the walls pacing waiting for her to return and beats her
she even said he is going to physically hurt her
in order for that to happen they need to be in the same place at the same time

it would be best if she stands up, turns him in

stay away from her, she is on RADAR
What a mess. I know I cannot see bailey until she clear her situation and proves that things are cleared. Originally Posted by cavmen
+ 1

Especially because she insists that we give her our real world personal information as part of her screening process. After all the hobbyists and providers who were threatened that their personal info would be forwarded to Dallas Vice and Bailey's refusal to apologize for that alarming breach of privacy or even take responsibility for the situation. I simply don't trust her with my personal information. I don't even trust her with my hobby number.

Anyone who still decides to send her his info after knowing all this is playing with fire. Sooner or later, you will get burned. Bailey's intentions might be good but it's clear that she's not able to fully cut ties with her psycho ex bf/husband.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 08-27-2019, 10:45 PM
the guy did not hack her phone, he has her phone in his hand , they live together and she supports him

he is a loser

they are both 'users' and fight

she should take him don to Oakland in Dallas and make him walk the streets for food money while she watches him get bent over for awhile instead of her

this is mutual escort loser bf relationship

oh and throw in the kids,

he stays home watches the kids

while she works ( down on her knees and bent over ) shes f'ing guys while he is putting holes in the walls pacing waiting for her to return and beats her
she even said he is going to physically hurt her
in order for that to happen they need to be in the same place at the same time

it would be best if she stands up, turns him in

stay away from her, she is on RADAR Originally Posted by jindo
It's oak cliff in Dallas, drop his ass off at MLK off i45
Amazing how much detail some posters have about her life.

Bailey could run a hell of a cockold special now. Film it and make big bucks.
Shep3.0's Avatar
Amazing how much detail some posters have about her life.

Bailey could run a hell of a cockold special now. Film it and make big bucks. Originally Posted by FunMonday

She is messy. OP is crazy. BF is on the loose. This is a perfect storm or.... is it dumpster fire of a thread?
mrredcat43's Avatar
Definitely a dumpster fire
Don't forget everyone: It wasn't her fault!
Chung Tran's Avatar
there is not one guy in Texas that is going cal you for any reason Originally Posted by jindo

she should take him don to Oakland in Dallas Originally Posted by jindo
huh? your sentence structure needs improving. "cal"? do you mean Cali, as in California? take him "don to Oakland in Dallas? what?

Oakland is in "Cali".. how did the Don get into this post??

speaking of the Don, and Oakland, California.. Lisa was a lot of fun!
Technonut's Avatar
Wooooow...this indeed looks like one hell of a mess. I have paid close attention to everything said and there seems to be some pretty serious claims here. Sounds like if someone was indeed careless then they (i.e., Hobbyist, Provider, Exboyfriend) might just have a world of hurt instore for themselves. Now of course I cannot speak for the OP who started this thread nor the OP that got banned for starting the original one. Nor can I speak for Ms Bailey Brooks but what I can do...I can damn sure speak for the exboyfriend because I am that guy. So...lets get right to business. I will address those misconcerptions that I feel matter and simply dismiss those that I feel dont. But before I do let me make one this crystal clear. I am not move, intimidated, frightened, or affected in a-n-y shape or form by the opinions expressed towards me by the members of this thread present and future. You neither know me, my character, level of integrity, or intelligence. What you know about me is second hand and based largely off of knee jerk reactions deeply rooted in fear and concern for one's identity being exposed to the fine members of LEO. And THAT my readers is exactly what I was expecting to be able to rely upon. In guys have done for me what me and Ms Bailey's family have been rather unsuccessful in accomplishing. And that is to say you have helped us get her out of a lifestlye she is neither mature enough to manage, responsible enough to manage, RESPECTFUL enough to manage, let alone deserving enough to be given a chance to manage.... So with that said...let me be the first to say "Thank You" to all of you who have made it apparent she has absolutely no business working in this industry... But anyways, let me get to what I came here for and that is to clarify what has in fact been done, by whom, to whom, and how. Hopefully by the end of this some of you more reasonable folk will see the important lesson this should have taugh all of you (I purposely picked my words to outline this is YOUR community...not mine. I neither belong here nor care to assimulate with any single one of you. I guess I can say it was indeed my monkey...but not my circus).

Education- I hold a BS in Psychology, BS in Sociology, as well as my Masters in Social Work. of you grammer Nazi will likely find a typo on here and scream: "See! I told you he was a psycho dummy!". But take it from a dependable source...I am neither psycho, nor a dummy. Methodical and calculated...? Guilty as charged...

Profession- Lets just say I have been a successful business owner for close to 22 years dealing with Network and Infrastructure Security for Telecom Backhaul Environments between core networks and subnetworks... Yeah...pretty much Geek work and yes...not even remotely associate with my college major. So trust I was the one footing the bills so there is no need to pimp me out in the streets of Oak Cliff. Although worthy of mention...Oak Cliff is my childhood stomping ground as I grew up off a small street between Hampton and Clarendon (Go Bisons!). So lets not get it twisted... I pride myself in having some degree of intelligence and poise, but trust I am still from the hood and will happily let it show if a situation calls for it...

Alleged Threats- This has got to be the most comical part of this whole ordeal as I am certainly smart enough to know better than to physically threaten anyone. And for those of you who have repeated these half truths claiming you have "seen" the texts in question where I made said my friend are full of shit. Did I send out a mass message to every one of the contacts I had come in to contact with...? Without question...I most certainly did. But caution yourself on crying foul or that I have in some perverted way in your mind committed terroristic threat because it is not a crime to inform someone you are turning their information over to the authorities as needed. Sure this pissed those off who received the message just as I had expected it would. And just like that a fire was started. for the butt hurt OP who got himself banned after posting the original thread, this is where the biggest misconstruing of the facts has occurred. The OP received my message like everyone else (roughly 8 hobbyist and one provider I believe) but was in fact the only one dumb enough to pick up his phone and call. Please reflect on the mention of methodical and calculate from above... Knowing someone would be just dumb enough to call, OP certainly did not disappoint and was kind enough to speak slowly and clearly enough for our audio capturing equipment to get every syllable of every word. So pause for a minute and ask yourself...: "If psycho exboyfriend knew he was recording the conversation (legal as long as one party of the conversation is aware of it) and said conversation could be admissable in court it this circus got to that...even being a psycho would he make a threat against life or limb putting himself squarely in the middle of legal trouble...?". The short answer to that is simply "No"... So no...sorry to disappoint you guys but the only threats made where by the OP himself. As distasteful as my actions may have been to some of you it served one purpose and one purpose only...: To expel Bailey Brooks from this community based on the evident facts that she cannot and does not protect those she commits her time to, myself included. And might I add that I told the OP who I was, where my place of business was, even my DL number. Any two ways he felt I had threatened him violating the law he just needed to name the PD he wanted me to meet him at and we could have let LEO work out the kinks for us. But instead he resorted to making threatening calls trying to mask his voice. So why didn't I then go to LEO on him...? Come threatening can a guy be if he assimilates himself with a Smurf...?

So I will close addressing the one thing that most are still question as to how or why this has even come to happen. You see...I have know Ms Bailey for over 10 years. We had been dating since April, however, I was not aware of how she had been earning a living. Upon catching her the first time I was ensured she would step out but to my disappointment she just got sneaker and more careless. This isn when I decided to let her foolish and wreckless manor of tending to her affairs work for me instead of against me... Instead of forcing her out knowing she would likely just continue behind my back, I appeared as if I instead embraced it just so long as strict rules and procedures was followed. But I had no intention of letting this go for long as I needed this train wreck out of my life. I established some general rules, the most important of which was full disclosure including duplicate apps for all communication. And incase some of you are lost on that...if you use a text app to communicate and live a life where someone may want to know just who you are talking to it is not rocket science loading a single app across two devices while logging in with same credentials. When this is done...both devices receive notifications simultaneously. This was the means used to accumulate as much critical information as possible about random hobbyist who Ms Bailey either contacted or had been contacted by, etc. I know...I know...some of you are just disgusted. And thats okay...if I had an outsider infringing on my community with the intent to do harm I would be pissed to. But make no mistake about it...I truly dont GAF if anyone is mad because this was not personal between myself and any one person aside form Ms Bailey. This is a woman who feed a life off my dollar...was allowed to become a part of MY family putting her into contact with my kids...and yet lived so carelessly that at any given time I could have found myself facing legal issues for events I neither knew were happening or really had much of a say in. Sorry but I simply am not about to go out like that. So...this is what had to be done. Love it or hate it...the exposure of Ms Bailey's poor business etiquette I hope will be enough to keep her from ever being welcome amoung the men and women of this community, but ultimately that is your individual decision to make. Despite the OP of this thread likely despising me, I could not agree more with her in that for those who approach their responsibility in this community with the mindset to always protect the hobbyist be it when providing references, direct communication, down to the first and last minute of a face to face appointment, the carelessness of Bailey Brooks just makes a hard job even harder.... And let me make this clear...I have absolutely no opinion one way or the other about the purpose this community serves. Though I have little doubt that I will be awarded the opportunity to stick around after this way too long post I can take the good with the bad as it pertains to my actions in hte eyes of those who go out of their way to make this community what it is. But as mentioned to the OP of the original thread...think for a minute you are going to walk through my life or the lives of my family with your muddy feet and I simply look away...? lol Sorry...I simply am not wired that way... If anyone should have been mindful of this...Bailey Brooks should have...

Though I do not feel I owe any one person an apology I will certain be man enough to offer one right now and say I apologize to anyone who feels my actions were either offensive, wreckless or in some way harmful to them. Putting that anger aside I still hope some can acknowledge that despite being a fucked up way of doing things on my end...casting light on just how easy this can happen should not be ignored... And as far as I am concerned what I have collected during the course of this event that could be used to darken any one person's day is of no value to me or LEO. There will be no defamation of character I assure you. But if you received one of my messages and choose to remain butt hurt and think for a minute you will accost my character because of what I have done...let me be the first to say that shit aint about to happen. My explanation of all this mess was neither required nor something I was obligated to do. My sole intent in posting this was to award some people some peace and to of course let it be know that not all who take offense to being cheated on by a wreckless individual with the business class of a lot lizard come in the form of a mullet wearing retard...
Sorry for the length to which my post has taken. In light of the severity of the topic, the assassination of my character, and the important message this sends with regards to descretion and protection of ones identity...sorry not sorry...
mrredcat43's Avatar
Somebody obviously just learned how to use the copy & paste function
Technonut's Avatar
Its the same message because its the same issue being discussed in two separate threads. As for pointless I expect responses like that and am neither moved nor phased by them...
winn dixie's Avatar
Its the same message because its the same issue being discussed in two separate threads. As for pointless I expect responses like that and am neither moved nor phased by them... Originally Posted by Technonut
Ohh but you are! You responded!
LadyAnastasia's Avatar
First this was interesting, now it is annoying. Her rep is gone with the wind and the crazy guy showed he can talk...alot.

Both just need to go away.
Im out of popcorn.
Tx Noob's Avatar
First this was interesting, now it is annoying. Her rep is gone with the wind and the crazy guy showed he can talk...alot.

Both just need to go away.
Im out of popcorn. Originally Posted by LadyAnastasia
Here ya go...
LuvHerMadlyEverytime's Avatar
Is it really necessary to need 2 of these same drama? Make them 2 into 1 or close 1?