Why Law-Abiding Mexican-Americans should fear the GOP.

I B Hankering's Avatar
Why even go on? WE has already said that we're all a bunch of racists (even though all the democratic presidential candidates for 2016 are white) and we want to blame the actions of a few on many (rather than really blame just Obama), and we can't blame the few for the cartels (because WE just did that!). WE had too much to drink obviously. You know what they say about alcohol, it increases the desire to think but reduces the performance....or was that sex? Probably the same thing for WE. Of course, WE would never go to Iraq and hug all the Muslims...wait a minute...Isn't WE blaming all the republicans for the actions of a few. Yes, he is. So this must be that proverbial meeting between the pot and the kettle. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
MACDUFF: What three things does drink especially provoke?

PORTER: Marry, sir, nose-painting, sleep, and
urine. Lechery, sir, it provokes, and unprovokes;
it provokes the desire, but it takes
away the performance: therefore, much drink
may be said to be an equivocator with lechery:
it makes him, and it mars him; it sets
him on, and it takes him off; it persuades him,
and disheartens him; makes him stand to, and
not stand to; in conclusion, equivocates him
in a sleep, and, giving him the lie, leaves him.

Macbeth Act 2, Scene 3

every time Hollywood snorts, one more cop, newspaper reporter or judicial authority in mexico gets bribed or killed if they don't go along and a rival cartel member is put through a wood chipper

don't they feel good? Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
However, it was the Obama administration who armed them and allowed them to kill border agents with impunity.

It was the GOP who freed the slaves.
It was the GOP who gave the freed slaves the right to vote.
It was the GOP who freed the Cubans and Filipinos from the Spanish.
It was the GOP who gave women the right to vote.
It was the GOP who stood up to the Soviet Union and showed the world how it was done.
It was the GOP who got the Equal Rights Act of 1964 passed.
It was the GOP who tried to protect the Vietnamese from the ravages of communism but lost out to the Democratic party.
It was the GOP who started the EPA.
It was the GOP who finally defeated the Soviet Union.
It was the GOP who finally stood up to Muslim terrorism but taking the war to them.

Here is a partial list of the GOP's possible presidential candidates;
Ted Cruz

Jeb Bush

Ben Carson

Marco Rubio

Carly Fiorina
Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Ok in this group find out who is the Mason. That person will be your GOP Candidate. all others are just scenery.

LexusLover's Avatar
Obama is not, right?
rioseco's Avatar
In your wet dreams perhaps. Originally Posted by rioseco

So I take your lack of an intelligent response to my previous questions as a resounding NO !

You do not have an answer going forward, only an attack upon the past !
Sounds familar.......Have you been drinking whitehouse brew with Ferry "O" ?
wellendowed1911's Avatar
However, it was the Obama administration who armed them and allowed them to kill border agents with impunity.

It was the GOP who freed the slaves.That was a very long time ago and the Republican party back then is not the same as now.
It was the GOP who gave the freed slaves the right to vote. Same response to the previous***
It was the GOP who freed the Cubans and Filipinos from the Spanish. Again read above***
It was the GOP who gave women the right to vote.** Yet they don't give a shit if they make less than a man doing the same equal work.
It was the GOP who stood up to the Soviet Union and showed the world how it was done.**ARe you referring to Reagan's years? You do know the Cold War happen before Reagan?***
It was the GOP who got the Equal Rights Act of 1964 passed.**Are you saying No Democrats supported the Bill***
It was the GOP who tried to protect the Vietnamese from the ravages of communism but lost out to the Democratic party.***Bullshit***
It was the GOP who started the EPA.***And last Presidential election isn't that what Rick Perry said he wanted to get rid of if he was POTUS****
It was the GOP who finally defeated the Soviet Union.****Didn't Reagan have a Democratic control Congress and Senate most of his years****
It was the GOP who finally stood up to Muslim terrorism but taking the war to them.*****And it was a Dem President who killed Public Enemy #1 and also who has killed more Al-Queada terrorist in his first 4 years than Bush's 8 years combined****

Here is a partial list of the GOP's possible presidential candidates;
Ted Cruz**No chance not even respected by the Latinos

Jeb Bush****America will never support another Bush***

Ben Carson**An Uncle Tom-he wouldn't even carry the Black Vote- he's a token for the GOP so they can say : see we have a darky running for office*** Do you really think the GOP wanted Herman Cain? Michael Steele was a desperate attempt by the GOP to try to convince Americans that the party is diverse- you see how that ended***

Marco RubioI like some things about him- but has no shot

Carly Fiorina***She's 2 elections too late- should have used her instead of Palin back in 2008****
Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Fixed it for you***

Can you tell me anything remarkable the Republicans have passed since Reagan has left office that has benefited majority of Americans? Can you tell me the last time a Republican President lowered your taxes?
cultmember1911 it was IS who killed your beloved Kayla. http://www.debbieschlussel.com/77161...-israel-bitch/

Have fun with your 72 Yasser Arafat's Kay... LOL <-933

I B Hankering's Avatar
Can you tell me anything remarkable the Republicans have passed since Reagan has left office that has benefited majority of Americans? Can you tell me the last time a Republican President lowered your taxes? Originally Posted by wellendowed1911

You forgot to list this Odumbo accomplishment, WE:

"At least 2,464 people have now been killed by US drone strikes outside the country’s declared war zones since President Barack Obama’s inauguration six years ago, the Bureau’s latest monthly report reveals."

Fixed it for you***

Can you tell me anything remarkable the Republicans have passed since Reagan has left office that has benefited majority of Americans? Can you tell me the last time a Republican President lowered your taxes? Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
So all in all what the final analysis will be is, we'll be stuck with another Liberal Demagogue in 2016 and beyond. Either way Liberal or Conservative you'll get the same song and dance.

gfejunkie's Avatar
Fixed it for you*** Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
You've lost any last ounce of credibility you ever had by exposing yourself as an anti-semitic 9/11 truther.

You should stop foaming at the mouth and go sit in the corner and do some productive thumb chasing while they work on a cure for your Bush Derangement Syndrome (BDS).
wellendowed1911's Avatar
You've lost any last ounce of credibility you ever had by exposing yourself as an anti-semitic, 9/11 truther.

You should stop foaming at the mouth and go sit in the corner and do some productive thumb chasing while they work on a cure for your Bush Derangement Syndrome (BDS). Originally Posted by gfejunkie
Where did I say I was anti-semitic? If I disagree with Jewish Lawyer that makes me anti-semitic? FYI: I was raised in Queens, NY and my elementary and middle school year- prior to zoning I was educated in schools in Jewish communities. Many of my best childhood friends are Jews.
I have been on record saying that at least the Jews I know are some of the most successful hard working people I have come across. Every last one of my childhood Jewish friends are successful-I don't know where[ you get this anti-semitic rhetoric from- and just because I don't believe 9-11 happened the way the govt stated that makes me a truther?

Attachment 391260
gfejunkie's Avatar
I am a racist - It's your people who are terrorizing peaceful law-abiding Palestinians and you are calling me the racist????? Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
If you don't see this post as anti-semitic you're out of your fucking mind.

Good bye!
wellendowed1911's Avatar
If you don't see this post as anti-semitic you're out of your fucking mind.

Good bye! Originally Posted by gfejunkie
So are you saying every Palestinian is a criminal or a terrorist? You truly have been brain washed by the media. Here's an interesting article: http://electronicintifada.net/conten...-children/4263

Here's an interesting note from the article: When Israelis are killed and injured by a Palestinian attack, the TV news networks are quick to cut to “breaking news” reports. Harrowing footage from the scene and interviews with outraged Israeli government officials are swiftly broadcast, and harsh statements are quickly issued by government and UN officials to appear in tomorrow’s front page newspaper stories.

Meanwhile, the steady killing of Palestinian civilians, many of them children, by the Israeli occupation army goes largely unnoticed and unreported.

By consistently emphasizing the suffering of Israelis, and downplaying or ignoring the killings of Palestinians, the media convey a false impression that Palestinian “attacks” are the principal feature of the conflict.

Today there was a man who killed 3 muslim college students in what appears to be a hate crime of a parking spot: http://www.wral.com/chapel-hill-poli...ting/14438074/

Had this been a Muslim shoots and kills 3 innocent Christians the media would be demonizing as a terrorist and possible connections to ISIS.
Sickpuppy's Avatar
Attachment 390923

Get use to this ASS-Clowns- this is what you will see the Rest of your filthy Miserable Lives!!!!! Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Typical liberal snarkiness. BTW, undocumented immigrants are not citizens of the US, dumbshit - they are here illegally. To prove me wrong and that other countries don't enforce their immigration laws, please drive south to the border and sneak across the mexican border, then send us a postcard from prison. I'm not for mass deportation, but let's stop the liberal rhetoric describing them as "undocumented". They are here illegally.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
Typical liberal snarkiness. BTW, undocumented immigrants are not citizens of the US, dumbshit - they are here illegally. To prove me wrong and that other countries don't enforce their immigration laws, please drive south to the border and sneak across the mexican border, then send us a postcard from prison. I'm not for mass deportation, but let's stop the liberal rhetoric describing them as "undocumented". They are here illegally. Originally Posted by Sickpuppy
So was Ronald Reagan wrong to offer them Amnesty? Also, you just posted a thread and asked for no name calling on your thread but see fit to call names on other people's thread? Fucking Hypocrite!!!!!!
LexusLover's Avatar
So was Ronald Reagan wrong to offer them Amnesty? Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
What does that have to do with Obaminable "granting" them amnesty?

BTW: What don't you drop the pretentiousness and just call them "Mescans"?