
AtypicalLonghorn's Avatar
With unemployment above 10% in many states, can YOU afford a trade-in? Originally Posted by Wyldeman30
Not true. It depends on who you are more than where you are.
KosherCowboy's Avatar
The unemployment numbers can be skewed by statisticians on both sides of the aisle to support the theory the economy has grown or slowed. For example, 'applications for jobs or unemployment are down' which may look great for a Democrats but what that statement may not reflect is the fact that millions are unemployed and so sick of month after month applying for jobs only to be told there are none so they have just stopped in frustration. In that regard, released unemployment numbers will be less than reality, which I think is the case.

Austin and TX is better off than the rest of the country. I drove down south all the way up to near Lakeline Mall yesterday and I must have passed dozens of commercial strip malls and I saw nothing but empty storefronts ( no ' now hiring signs') and signs everywhere by the owners ' for lease.' Obama, Pelosi and Reid will have some credibility in their explanation of the #'s when these storefronts are filled because the proof is in the pudding and these vacancies tell me Americans are not back to work. I'm sure if I made the same drive in Indianapolis, Cleveland, Fargo, Boise, Birmingham, Richmond, Portland, Milwaukee, and so on I'd see the same thing, in fact, worse.

Drive off the Vegas strip and see the number of foreclosures in the real parts of Vegas. The economy growing? Hardly. Have a 700+ credit score, no debt, and try to get a loan and see how hard it is.

Obama and gang need to stop blaming Bush, actions not words is what this country needs. Real change, not talked about change that helped put him in office. Remember all those flags, music, bright smiles on the faces of the minorities and working class in Grant Park in Chicago that night he was elected, go look at them now. They ain't smiling anymore. The only change was the price of an Italian Beef ( and taxes) went up.
Budman's Avatar
The unemployment numbers can be skewed by statisticians on both sides of the aisle to support the theory the economy has grown or slowed. For example, 'applications for jobs or unemployment are down' which may look great for a Democrats but what that statement may not reflect is the fact that millions are unemployed and so sick of month after month applying for jobs only to be told there are none so they have just stopped in frustration. In that regard, released unemployment numbers will be less than reality, which I think is the case.

Austin and TX is better off than the rest of the country. I drove down south all the way up to near Lakeline Mall yesterday and I must have passed dozens of commercial strip malls and I saw nothing but empty storefronts ( no ' now hiring signs') and signs everywhere by the owners ' for lease.' Obama, Pelosi and Reid will have some credibility in their explanation of the #'s when these storefronts are filled because the proof is in the pudding and these vacancies tell me Americans are not back to work. I'm sure if I made the same drive in Indianapolis, Cleveland, Fargo, Boise, Birmingham, Richmond, Portland, Milwaukee, and so on I'd see the same thing, in fact, worse.

Drive off the Vegas strip and see the number of foreclosures in the real parts of Vegas. The economy growing? Hardly. Have a 700+ credit score, no debt, and try to get a loan and see how hard it is.

Obama and gang need to stop blaming Bush, actions not words is what this country needs. Real change, not talked about change that helped put him in office. Remember all those flags, music, bright smiles on the faces of the minorities and working class in Grant Park in Chicago that night he was elected, go look at them now. They ain't smiling anymore. The only change was the price of an Italian Beef ( and taxes) went up. Originally Posted by KosherCowboy

Very well said. I could not agree more.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
YOW! Seems like only yesterday the mantra was"stop blaming Bush for the chit that Clinton caused."
KosherCowboy's Avatar
YOW! Seems like only yesterday the mantra was"stop blaming Bush for the chit that Clinton caused."
." Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
That's just saying ' you all did it to us so it is now ok we can do it to you'

Economic times dictate no bickering, let's get those shopping malls full and the jobs back and the restaurant lines on a 30-45 minute wait again.

Regardless if Bush was a saint or a sinner, Obama gained office on the promise of change, working with the other party but in reality he did not, the American electorate spoke loud in clear in the mid terms.

but I still think you are right about a weak Republican field, but you are smart when it comes to politics, we haven't even started ' Iowa' yet, way to early to judge the field. And to Obama's credit, perhaps in his next two years the economy will improve and i firmly believe folks open their wallets and vote, if Obammy can get this economy rolling again than he fairly deserves a chance to go forward another four years.

and that's coming from a beef eating elephant !!
real unemployment is 15%!! the govt stats only use those who are actively seeking a job..
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I agree bickering isn't the right course. However, Speaker Boehner would vehemently disagree, as would the people who are clogging up the flow right now in the big outhouse on the Hill. Unfortunately our current POTUS isn't quite as skilled at getting the old boys into line the way Hillary's man was.

I agree. This isn't about Bush. He did his (a) job and it's up to the current Administration (that includes both houses of Congress) to move forward... along with all of us who live in our country today. As you'll recall, the American electorate spoke just as loudly and clearly in 1994. They turned us into a Newt!

If the economy continues growing, and people actually make sacrifices from top to bottom, the Tea Party will go away ... just like the States Rights folks did. When you figure out "the trick," then one-trick ponies generally gallop off into the sunset.

If that happens in the next year or so, then the GOP will have a shot at dethroning Obammajamma. But if not, then I seriously doubt the GOP will be able to adopt a platform that doesn't ensure re-election. Hell, they may not even be able to adopt a platform period. Either way, GOP will be irrelevant on large scale until they figure out how to deal with the Teabaggers.

BTW -- have you been to Franklin's BBQ? The wait was longer than 45 minutes!
  • Booth
  • 04-22-2011, 10:32 AM
Faggot thinking has ruined Western civilization. Why did they need to come out of the closet? We should have left them in, too late to beat them back in where they belong.

Points coming, I guess..... Originally Posted by saj1000
Sounds like a hate crime waiting to happen. Be afraid, be very afraid...
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Yeah, Booth. I wonder what place that kind of talk has in a forum like this.
  • Booth
  • 04-22-2011, 11:52 AM
Yeah, Booth. I wonder what place that kind of talk has in a forum like this. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Hopefully the next time LE peruses this site they'll take note that this is potentially a very dangerous individual.
nuglet's Avatar
we can watch for him on "Worlds dumbest criminals". He'll be a hit I'm sure.
WyldemanATX's Avatar
Not true. It depends on who you are more than where you are. Originally Posted by AtypicalLonghorn

That quote makes no sense without the rest of the statement Mr. Spin.....

Just because you have a college degree doesn't mean you are entitled to a JOB.

I know a lot of guys that have BA degrees without jobs right now.

Gas to jump to $5/gallon by Memorial Day. Obama said to get used to it and "trade your car in for an energy efficient car." With unemployment above 10% in many states, can YOU afford a trade-in? Repost if you want Obama to get used to being a one-term President!!!!
  • Booth
  • 04-23-2011, 11:01 PM
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I'm with you, Booth.
AtypicalLonghorn's Avatar
That quote makes no sense without the rest of the statement Mr. Spin..... Originally Posted by Wyldeman30
It's not spin. It's fact. Just like most people who work part-time do it because they want to and not because of economic reasons is fact.

Just because you have a college degree doesn't mean you are entitled to a JOB. Originally Posted by Wyldeman30
That's true. A college degree entitles you to nothing. If someone majored in art history or sociology and expects a job with a bachelor's degree, they had a reality check.

I know a lot of guys that have BA degrees without jobs right now. Originally Posted by Wyldeman30
I know no one with an AAS, BS, or MS that is unemployed. One guy with an AAS earns more than the rest of us. I know an MA who works as a cashier at O'Reilly auto parts. Nothing wrong with working at O'Reilly as a cashier, but it's not what he planned to do with a Master's degree. Too bad it was in English. Arts majors are doctorate or bust.

You don't need a bachelor's or master's degree to do better than those with one, but a high school degree without additional specialized knowledge or technical skills isn't much.

Gas to jump to $5/gallon by Memorial Day. Obama said to get used to it and "trade your car in for an energy efficient car." With unemployment above 10% in many states, can YOU afford a trade-in? Repost if you want Obama to get used to being a one-term President!!!! Originally Posted by Wyldeman30
I'm fine with Obama being replaced with a Republican. I'm for repealing Obamacare, making Bush tax cuts permanent, and requiring a two-thirds majority to raise taxes in the future. On the other hand, I don't expect Obama's replacement to have a magical ability to create jobs.