The 10 most corrupt states in the Union are.....

Yssup Rider's Avatar
You don't even understand what you post.

The "study" is of local politics at the state level, not how states voted in a national election. In other words you have to look at how the state legislature is controlled. The "study" doesn't affiliate corruption with how they voted in national elections (red vs. blue). That is something you wrongly inferred.

The Alabama state legislature (House and Senate) has been controlled by the Democrats for 136 years, until 2010 when the Republicans were swept into power. Alabama has been firmly entrenched by Democrat control, no surprise it is one of the most corrupted states in the union.

On the other end of the spectrum is Michigan (NOT listed in your study). That state has been largely controlled by the Republican party since the 1970s. With the exception of Detroit - by far one of the most corrupted and now bankrupted city in American. And Detroit has been decimated by the corrupt politics of their black leadership !

But if we apply your stupid inference to the least corrupted states, like Nebraska, the correlation would be that they voted mostly Republican in national elections.


And please feel free to explain to us how Obama is not the most corrupted, incompetent, and dishonest President in modern American history ! Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Show are the state legislatures controlled in the states referenced, O great fucking genius.,,mInthink you'll find the state houses follow that schematic... Or close to it.

Your partisan blather actually bolsters your ablity to discuss issues because without GOP talking points, you'd have NOTHING but your racist, anti-Obama, anti-America poison.

when will you be appearing on Eat the Press?
No they don't; if they did you would have posted an example. In fact, most of the states that are listed in the study have one thing in common - one party rule over a long period of time. It has nothing to do with Red Vs. Blue.

Gridlock is good for Americans; Obama hates gridlock. He whines about it almost everyday. The one period of time there wasn't opposition to Obama we got Obamacare. One of the worst pieces of legislation ever foisted on America. And it just keeps getting worse. It is so bad, Obama keeps delaying full implementation until he is out of office.

And over the weekend, Obamacare just got a whole lot worse =

Friday Document DUMP! Obama Admin imposes another 1,296 pages of Obamacare on Independence Day

Show are the state legislatures controlled in the states referenced, O great fucking genius.,,mInthink you'll find the state houses follow that schematic... Or close to it.

Your partisan blather actually bolsters your ablity to discuss issues because without GOP talking points, you'd have NOTHING but your racist, anti-Obama, anti-America poison.

when will you be appearing on Eat the Press? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
BTW, you are telling people to ignore my posts;

Why don't you follow your own advice ?

You fucking left wing shit don't even take your own advice.

How dumb is that.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
BTW, you are telling people to ignore my posts;

Why don't you follow your own advice ?

You fucking left wing shit don't even take your own advice.

How dumb is that. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Someone has to call you out for your lies, deceptions, deflections and narcissistic waste of board space... That's why.

Your previous post is a perfect example ... It's about corruption convictions in states. Many, if not most people who have posted here have agreed that it is not a partisan issue ... NOT YOU.

And then you launch into another rant about Obama; certainly not the topic of this thread.

You are so consumed with anger (I'm not a shrink, but reading your posts and your reviews is pretty goddamned suggestive) and so devoid of intelligence that you can't handle either the truth or the facts.

No, I think I'll just have to hang around for a while and keep your lying ass in line.
I B Hankering's Avatar
I have been trying to treat you, IBTheVillageIdiot, a little more kindly, but that clearly isn't working you pathetic wind bag. Since you are obviously incapable of understanding averages, correlation, and relative rank orders--to say nothing of complex math like "greater than" and "less than" I will try to explain it is simpler terms more appropriate to your reading comprehension level and mental capacity:

IB wrong. IB foolish man. Me smart. Me smarter than IB. IB think taking lots of money from others is good. IB think it good to have bad men run Dixie. He a bad man too. Bad men like IB vote for all those corrupt politicians. Dixie full of bad foolish peopl people like IB. The good people in those states suffer because of bad foolish people like IB. IB get confused. IB lie. Bad IB! IB jealous of Old-T. Originally Posted by Old-T
You're the one with the comprehension problem, Old-Twerp. The Federal dollars you put in your wallet while you work at Red Stone Arsenal doesn't benefit any citizen in Alabama, or Dixie, anymore than it did your stupid ass, Old-Twerp.

Plus, you're the pathetic ignoramus that keeps introducing your stupid and retarded theme that all money spent in Dixie only benefits those who live in Dixie, Old-Twerp! By your own admission you are proof that that is a stupid and fallacious argument because your lame-ass has already admitted that you received some of that money you disingenuously 'pretend' went disproportionately to American citizens living in Dixie, Old-Twerp. So, unless you intend to now stupidly and foolishly argue that Ohio is in Dixie the way you previously and stupidly tried to argue that Montana is in Dixie, you'd do well to STFU, Old-Twerp, and save yourself from further embarrassment.

With twice as many posts, I would say the narcissism is all you.

If you had any facts to support your bullshit you would have posted them. I pointed out that the Alabama legislature has been a Democratic stronghold for 135 years. Corruption has more to do with un-interrupted power by a single political party than poverty, demographics, or politics.

Gridlock in the form of strong political opposition is a good thing. We know Obama doesn't like opposition. He whines about the checks and balances built into our Constitution everyday. He doesn't believe in the co-equal branches of our government. Do you ?

The first few years of the Obama reign we didn't have political opposition. And what did we get ?

The worst, most hated piece of legislation in our history - Obamacare !

Someone has to call you out for your lies, deceptions, deflections and narcissistic waste of board space... That's why.

Your previous post is a perfect example ... It's about corruption convictions in states. Many, if not most people who have posted here have agreed that it is not a partisan issue ... NOT YOU.

And then you launch into another rant about Obama; certainly not the topic of this thread.

You are so consumed with anger (I'm not a shrink, but reading your posts and your reviews is pretty goddamned suggestive) and so devoid of intelligence that you can't handle either the truth or the facts.

No, I think I'll just have to hang around for a while and keep your lying ass in line. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Yssup Rider's Avatar
With twice as many posts, I would say the narcissism is all you.

If you had any facts to support your bullshit you would have posted them. I pointed out that the Alabama legislature has been a Democratic stronghold for 135 years. Corruption has more to do with un-interrupted power by a single political party than poverty, demographics, or politics.

Gridlock in the form of strong political opposition is a good thing. We know Obama doesn't like opposition. He whines about the checks and balances built into our Constitution everyday. He doesn't believe in the co-equal branches of our government. Do you ?

The first few years of the Obama reign we didn't have political opposition. And what did we get ?

The worst, most hated piece of legislation in our history - Obamacare ! Originally Posted by Whirlaway
I don't think we disagree on the non partisan portion of the argument, although the Alabama legislature has been under Republican control for the past two election cycles (coincidental with the black guy getting elected, btw.)

However, you continue to make EVERYTHING about Obama. This isn't about that. It never was. You're talking about gridlock, which nowadays is nothing more than the product of the obstructionist Republican Congress. That's not part of this discussion. It never was. You're squealing about Obamacare. That's not germane to this discussion. It never was. Does your tiny mind work outside of that incredibly small cardboard box? (BTW -- where do you get the idea that Obamacare is the most hated piece of legislation of all time? Back in that tiny little cardboard box, eh?)

You need to focus, Whirlyturd. Bring some facts to the discussion germane to the discussion.

Try posting something remotely relevant to the facts of a situation. Try posting without SCREAMING IN ALL CAPS. Try posting a headline that relates to the story you're trying to convey.

Try doing anything that approximates intelligence.


Otherwise cease the fucking narcissistic ranting. Be relevant or be elsewhere!
JohnnyCap's Avatar
Totally agree. WTF is the University of Hong Kong?

The other problem is the arresting, trying and convicting of corruption. There may be huge pockets of corruption but few will ever get convicted because most are on the take or the corruption has been institutionalized. Someone from New York may have heard about it. Originally Posted by gnadfly
You could argue the states with the most convictions are the least corrupt. But Illinois is filthy corrupt. The federal oligarchy is too corrupt to make anything of this.
You could argue the states with the most convictions are the least corrupt. But Illinois is filthy corrupt. The federal oligarchy is too corrupt to make anything of this. Originally Posted by JohnnyCap

No Shit, 4 governors in prison...
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 07-08-2014, 09:08 PM
You're the one with the comprehension problem, Old-Twerp. The Federal dollars you put in your wallet while you work at Red Stone Arsenal doesn't benefit any citizen in Alabama, or Dixie, anymore than it did your stupid ass, Old-Twerp.

Plus, you're the pathetic ignoramus that keeps introducing your stupid and retarded theme that all money spent in Dixie only benefits those who live in Dixie, Old-Twerp! By your own admission you are proof that that is a stupid and fallacious argument because your lame-ass has already admitted that you received some of that money you disingenuously 'pretend' went disproportionately to American citizens living in Dixie, Old-Twerp. So, unless you intend to now stupidly and foolishly argue that Ohio is in Dixie the way you previously and stupidly tried to argue that Montana is in Dixie, you'd do well to STFU, Old-Twerp, and save yourself from further embarrassment.

Originally Posted by I B Hankering

When I see you reply to one of my insightful posts (which they all are) I start with the assumption that your reply will be illogical and devoid of substance. Sometimes you surprise me, but not often. But this time you truly did set a standard for dumbness.

--My work in Alabama doesn’t benefit any citizen in Alabama? Not true, as hard as you want that to be true. My last two trips there (1) educated a group of about 30 engineers at NASA (all citizens of Alabama as far as I know), (2) help the GAO office there find a $50M discrepancy in a government contract—which was recouped from the contractor, something you should rejoice in, no?—thus helping all US citizens, including those in “Dixie”, and (3) helped DIA justify a new program start that over the course of the program will put about $2B into local Alabama wages and support small stores, etc. Somehow I think a lot of those places, including the fine Alabama institution of Dreamland Barbeque think is benefiting them.

--My work didn’t benefit me? I can assure you, that is not true at all. I found the work mentally stimulating, and the paycheck quite beneficial as well. And to do my part for the betterment of the Alabama economy I gave gifts of a few hundred dollars to two of the state’s finest—and prettiest—citizens.

Yep, you were grossly wrong in both your stupid accusations.

IBIdiot still can’t comprehend the most basic of statistics, can you? Of course Montana is not in “Dixie”, and you know full well you lying blowhard that I never said it was. I pointed out a number of times that disproportionately (by a wide margin) the Bible Thumping, Hard Core Redneck, Waiting for the South to Rise Again South of the Mason Dixon Line Dixie states receive more federal dollars than they send to DC. And in this thread I pointed out the similarity between that list of Moocher States, and this list of Corrupt states. Never said “only Dixie mooches”, and never said “only Dixie has corruption”, but I did point out that there was (is) a noticeable correlation. I know those are big words, but ask mommy and she can explain them to you.

Just as one last parting shot—why don’t you ask WHY Alabama (and your beloved Louisiana as well) feel the need to fly me in to help them with their problems? Ever think it is because they have a hard time finding products of the local education systems there that can do the same work as they get from me?

Again—my apologies to all the truly fine, hard working Southerners who actually appreciate being part of a single United States, and who don’t pray every night for the rebirth of Robert E Lee, Jeb Stewart, and John Wilkes Booth. My comments were excessively harsh and blunt because Ol’ IB doesn’t do “subtle” very well. He doesn’t to “blunt” well either, but it least with a veritable sledge hammer he might comprehend the points—though he will never admit to EVER being wrong.

Sleep well, IB, knowing that every day your beloved Dixie is sucking up hard earned dollars from hard working northern states. Sleep well knowing that many of those dollars go straight into the pockets of corrupt Thumpers like those famous Louisiana heroes Jimmy Swaggert, David Vitter, and the always popular Huey Long. You probably have posters of those three stalwarts in your bedroom, don’t you.
I B Hankering's Avatar

When I see you reply to one of my insightful posts (which they all are) I start with the assumption that your reply will be illogical and devoid of substance. Sometimes you surprise me, but not often. But this time you truly did set a standard for dumbness.

--My work in Alabama doesn’t benefit any citizen in Alabama? Not true, as hard as you want that to be true. My last two trips there (1) educated a group of about 30 engineers at NASA (all citizens of Alabama as far as I know), (2) help the GAO office there find a $50M discrepancy in a government contract—which was recouped from the contractor, something you should rejoice in, no?—thus helping all US citizens, including those in “Dixie”, and (3) helped DIA justify a new program start that over the course of the program will put about $2B into local Alabama wages and support small stores, etc. Somehow I think a lot of those places, including the fine Alabama institution of Dreamland Barbeque think is benefiting them.

--My work didn’t benefit me? I can assure you, that is not true at all. I found the work mentally stimulating, and the paycheck quite beneficial as well. And to do my part for the betterment of the Alabama economy I gave gifts of a few hundred dollars to two of the state’s finest—and prettiest—citizens.

Yep, you were grossly wrong in both your stupid accusations.

IBIdiot still can’t comprehend the most basic of statistics, can you? Of course Montana is not in “Dixie”, and you know full well you lying blowhard that I never said it was. I pointed out a number of times that disproportionately (by a wide margin) the Bible Thumping, Hard Core Redneck, Waiting for the South to Rise Again South of the Mason Dixon Line Dixie states receive more federal dollars than they send to DC. And in this thread I pointed out the similarity between that list of Moocher States, and this list of Corrupt states. Never said “only Dixie mooches”, and never said “only Dixie has corruption”, but I did point out that there was (is) a noticeable correlation. I know those are big words, but ask mommy and she can explain them to you.

Just as one last parting shot—why don’t you ask WHY Alabama (and your beloved Louisiana as well) feel the need to fly me in to help them with their problems? Ever think it is because they have a hard time finding products of the local education systems there that can do the same work as they get from me?

Again—my apologies to all the truly fine, hard working Southerners who actually appreciate being part of a single United States, and who don’t pray every night for the rebirth of Robert E Lee, Jeb Stewart, and John Wilkes Booth. My comments were excessively harsh and blunt because Ol’ IB doesn’t do “subtle” very well. He doesn’t to “blunt” well either, but it least with a veritable sledge hammer he might comprehend the points—though he will never admit to EVER being wrong.

Sleep well, IB, knowing that every day your beloved Dixie is sucking up hard earned dollars from hard working northern states. Sleep well knowing that many of those dollars go straight into the pockets of corrupt Thumpers like those famous Louisiana heroes Jimmy Swaggert, David Vitter, and the always popular Huey Long. You probably have posters of those three stalwarts in your bedroom, don’t you. Originally Posted by Old-T
Well, despite being warned, you managed to embarrass yourself again, Old-Twerp:

"The Federal dollars you put in your wallet while you work at Red Stone Arsenal doesn't benefit any citizen in Alabama, or Dixie, anymore than it did your stupid ass, Old-Twerp."
It says you personally benefited from the Federal dollars you pocketed as much as and probably more than any Alabama citizen, Old-Twerp. So it's your dumb-Yankee-ass that is sucking up some of those Federal dollars you so fallaciously claim all went to Dixie, Old-Twerp, and you admitted as much -- unless you're stupidly now arguing that Ohio AND Montana are in Dixie, Old-Twerp. BTW, just how much of that missile technology is developed for the sole use of Alabama citizens, Old-Twerp? And just how many of those helicopter pilots trained at Ft Rucker afterwards remain in Alabama for the sole benefit and defense of Alabama, Old-Twerp? And are you so damn stupid that you're going to argue that every helicopter pilot trained at Ft Rucker was a citizen of Alabama before s/he moved there to be trained and that s/he remained a citizen of Alabama after s/he was trained, Old-Twerp?
Well, depending on how you define corruption, it could be Florida, or Louisiana, or Tennessee, or New York, or Georgia. And then there’s the District of Columbia according to the Washington post.

This article only proves that their are multiple ways of translating data and that main stream media have agenda's and write articles that support their agenda. Anyone who buys into any version of the main stream media and does not go out and find the facts for themselves is a mindless sheep.

According to the Washington post Who took into account several different including the New York Times, the most corrupt differ in each study. The NYT has the number of guilty officials ranking as following:
1. FLA
2 N.Y.
3 Texas (Bush's state)
4 PA
5 CA
5 Ohio (tied with CA)
7 Illinois (Obama' state)
8 N. J
9 D.C.
10 LA
JohnnyCap's Avatar
Well, depending on how you define corruption, it could be Florida, or Louisiana, or Tennessee, or New York, or Georgia. And then there’s the District of Columbia according to the Washington post.

This article only proves that their are multiple ways of translating data and that main stream media have agenda's and write articles that support their agenda. Anyone who buys into any version of the main stream media and does not go out and find the facts for themselves is a mindless sheep.

According to the Washington post Who took into account several different including the New York Times, the most corrupt differ in each study. The NYT has the number of guilty officials ranking as following:
1. FLA
2 N.Y.
3 Texas (Bush's state)
4 PA
5 CA
5 Ohio (tied with CA)
7 Illinois (Obama' state)
8 N. J
9 D.C.
10 LA Originally Posted by Sugardaddy41
Any of these studies work on the per capita aspect? The top 7 states on this list are the 7 most populated states, not necessarily in the same order but all 7 are on the same lists. New Jersey is 11 and Louisiana is 25, so LA is the most glaring accomplishment. Of course DC isn't a state, but it is the hub of government and has, I believe, the greatest concentration of millionaires in the country and maybe anywhere, so therefore corruption is normalcy in that region.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 07-10-2014, 01:08 PM
Well, despite being warned, you managed to embarrass yourself again, Old-Twerp:

It says you personally benefited from the Federal dollars you pocketed as much as and probably more than any Alabama citizen, Old-Twerp. So it's your dumb-Yankee-ass that is sucking up some of those Federal dollars you so fallaciously claim all went to Dixie, Old-Twerp, and you admitted as much -- unless you're stupidly now arguing that Ohio AND Montana are in Dixie, Old-Twerp. BTW, just how much of that missile technology is developed for the sole use of Alabama citizens, Old-Twerp? And just how many of those helicopter pilots trained at Ft Rucker afterwards remain in Alabama for the sole benefit and defense of Alabama, Old-Twerp? And are you so damn stupid that you're going to argue that every helicopter pilot trained at Ft Rucker was a citizen of Alabama before s/he moved there to be trained and that s/he remained a citizen of Alabama after s/he was trained, Old-Twerp? Originally Posted by I B Hankering

Because I am kind hearted I’ve given you a few chances to actually address the topic: states that mooch a lot of federal money also tend to be corrupt. But you keep confusing (GET – GIVE) with “Was the expenditure worth it?” Your question is a valid question, but that wasn’t the topic, and I am tired of trying to educate a blockhead like you on the difference. You are obviously happy to remain ignorant (or illiterate, or a liar, or very likely all three) so here is what I am going to do on this thread:

--I will stop trying to teach you simple arithmetic since it is beyond your capability
--I will stop trying to teach you geography because that is a hopeless task, you think the world is divided into Dixie and Stupidland, and curing that is beyond even my talents

--You can then declare victory and for a few fleeting moments feel good about yourself

So go swing your stick-you-call-a-light-saber, wave your aluminum foil shield, and enjoy your “crushing victory”. Then go have your cookies and warm milk before you take your nap.

I have been trying to treat you, IBTheVillageIdiot, a little more kindly, but that clearly isn't working you pathetic wind bag. Since you are obviously incapable of understanding averages, correlation, and relative rank orders--to say nothing of complex math like "greater than" and "less than" I will try to explain it is simpler terms more appropriate to your reading comprehension level and mental capacity:

IB wrong. IB foolish man. Me smart. Me smarter than IB. IB think taking lots of money from others is good. IB think it good to have bad men run Dixie. He a bad man too. Bad men like IB vote for all those corrupt politicians. Dixie full of bad foolish peopl people like IB. The good people in those states suffer because of bad foolish people like IB. IB get confused. IB lie. Bad IB! IB jealous of Old-T. Originally Posted by Old-T
This made me giggle.

I have to agree that corruption is tied more to average income and culture. The reason WV isn't on the list? The "classic" WV citizen is honest, hardworking, with conservative values and a family tree with no branches....

(I'm the western part of Virginia. to give you an example it's sorta like how New Yorkers feel about New Jersey.)