Trump says he's coming after you

Precious_b's Avatar
... They don't want Trump posting anything about the case.
Showing where the prosecution against Him is wrong.

... There's a Free Speech issue here.

Either your country has a First Amendment protection or it don't.
No in-between. ... Same rules for everybody.

Though we're surely NOT seeing the same rules for everybody, are we?

The rules for the Democrat politicians seem drastically different.
No wonder Trump is promising the SAME treatment - the continuation
of a "two-tiered system of Justice" once He's President again.

Don't that seem fair? ...

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
It's well known that courts ask that folk don't talk about cases.
Trumpf is using scare tactics again.
This judge ain't having it. Originally Posted by winn dixie
Salty, threatening retribution is not exactly what I would consider to be free speech. But what do I know? I'm neither a lawyer nor do I play one on a whore board. That's for the courts to decide and not me.

The best thing Trump could do is learn how to STFU. If he knew how to do so, he would still be president. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain

Salty is definitely acting like those he calls sheep.
How he forgets that his party of law and order is acting out again creating another foaming at the mouth mob like 1/6. Any party exposing documents in pre-trial diversion is biasing (at the very least) outcome. donny is too scared of having an honest true to the facts trial. Freedom of speech argument is poppycock. He can parrot that AFTER it is brought out in court.