Is racial discrimination against hobbyists prevalent in the Dallas area?

threepeckeredbillygoat's Avatar
You mean Texas locks people up just because they are black? Now this shit just went from stupid to full on eating crayons and rolling your own shit into little balls retarded!
TexTushHog's Avatar
But it clearly incarcerates blacks in much greater numbers than non-whites as a proportion of the population. Of course, one might argue that is because they commit crimes at a greater rate because of other factors like poverty, poor eduction, or other cultural factors. But the equality in the justice system is certainly on piece of evidence that one would look at.

There is also a great deal of documentation that indicates that minorities generally get harsher sentences for the same crimes committed under similar circumstances, which would be even more compelling evidence I would think.
commonreality's Avatar
Wow, let's not go off on this tangent in regards to the jail population. I thought the original post was in regards to providers not wanting to see AA clients.

I'm in agreement that when you see this, it is typically because the pimp is writing the ad. And/or, a provider has been ripped off a disprotionate number of times by people of color and therefore make the decision to just avoid the situation.

I think we would all agree that the majority of low level pimps are of African decent. Is this a racist term or factual? I would say factual.
You mean Texas locks people up just because they are black? Now this shit just went from stupid to full on eating crayons and rolling your own shit into little balls retarded! Originally Posted by threepeckeredbillygoat
You're going to have me quoting you and putting it in my sig line again

I think we would all agree that the majority of low level pimps are of African decent. Is this a racist term or factual? I would say factual. Originally Posted by commonreality
Racist 3s97sw.jpg

How in the hell are you going to prove as FACT, that most "low level pimps", what ever the fuck that is, are AA

You plan on riding through the streets of DFW and taking a survey?

Polling all the providers with Pimps Eccie? Please be sure to include the ladies who have pimps that you don't know about

Watch a lot of "pimp shows" on TV?

Let us know how that works out for you, I'm interested in seeing the FACTS on that

Proclaiming something as FACTUAL (more like an opinion) on a Hooker/Trick board, yeah, that's really smart...
commonreality's Avatar
It states that "I would say". So, that would mean that based on my experience.
I would say factual. Originally Posted by commonreality
It states that "I would say". So, that would mean that based on my experience. Originally Posted by commonreality
So, based on "your" experience, it's factual. Still sounds like an opinion to me but whatever

Randall Creed's Avatar
You mean Texas locks people up just because they are black? Now this shit just went from stupid to full on eating crayons and rolling your own shit into little balls retarded! Originally Posted by threepeckeredbillygoat
Lol. My n****!!

Have you been watching the news over the last, oh, about week or so? I saw it on Headline News about a 16-year old white kid, killed 4 people while driving drunk from liquor that he STOLE, this after driving a car that he wasn't supposed to be driving (his parents car).

Dude, in that descriptive, there are 5 crimes, that I can think of. I'm not a criminal genius or lawyer or whatever. As of right now, he's getting off with probation and rehab, but the prosecutors are still trying to lock him up. Oh, btw, he injured 2 other people that he didn't have the disgrace of adding to his kill total. Take his crime total to 6 (so far). I believe they're also going after the judge, trying to take her license or bar her or whatever they do to fucked up judges.

His defense was that he is the 'victim' of affluenza, meaning due to him having rich parents and being spoiled rotten all his life, he never knew right from wrong.

MF'KER, say what!!

Now, you'd have to be rich, spoiled, and probably WHITE to get away with some shit like this. When I was 12, I had a pretty good idea what you could and couldn't do people. Hell, maybe even at 10. If this kid WASN'T WHITE, he would've been tried as an adult, most likely would've gotten a fat 25 (years in the slammer, that is), and maybe even death row.

This was in the great ol' state of Texas, and I'm sure some of you have read or heard about this. So, to answer the question of the MF'er I quoted, yes, they lock some people up because they're black, meaning they got shitty public defenders who didn't give two shits about getting them off, being poor and ignorant of the law didn't help, and, yeah....they PROBABLY did whatever crime they were accused of, because getting locked up somehow garners 'cool points' in the street cred department. While a white cat can do the same shit, probably helping the black kid do the crime, but had separate and BETTER representation, maybe his parents know some people/have connects (yes, a two-parent household, unlike the black kid), and he/she gets off on probation.

Come on, man. This shit ain't new! This has been happening in America forever. Hell, this country was founded by MF'ers who got didn't want to conform to the societies they left overseas. Buddy-buddy cliques formed, and have been going on ever since. They write laws to protect each other, and unless the public says 'hell naaw, that's bullshit', they'll continue in their self-protective ways.

Black people don't have the unified mindset and money to do that. We take our money, buy rims, chains, puff-puff, and Jordans, and blow the rest. As a whole, we have less foresight than a blind man facing a wall.

My point is, racism KEEPS EVOLVING because it's not hit head on enough. It keeps being taboo because society as a whole keeps walking around it. Until we as a people take it head on, it's going to continue to meander around us.

Good luck in Dallas, bruh man.
bored@home's Avatar
You should fine as long as you start every thread with "Where the white women at" ---Blazing Saddles

Also just as a side note, when we explain that we gave money to Colin Powell that equates to automatic non-racist in Tejas.
  • harry
  • 12-23-2013, 10:59 PM
Lol. My n****!!

Have you been watching the news over the last, oh, about week or so? I saw it on Headline News about a 16-year old white kid, killed 4 people while driving drunk from liquor that he STOLE, this after driving a car that he wasn't supposed to be driving (his parents car).

Dude, in that descriptive, there are 5 crimes, that I can think of. I'm not a criminal genius or lawyer or whatever. As of right now, he's getting off with probation and rehab, but the prosecutors are still trying to lock him up. Oh, btw, he injured 2 other people that he didn't have the disgrace of adding to his kill total. Take his crime total to 6 (so far). I believe they're also going after the judge, trying to take her license or bar her or whatever they do to fucked up judges.

His defense was that he is the 'victim' of affluenza, meaning due to him having rich parents and being spoiled rotten all his life, he never knew right from wrong.

MF'KER, say what!!

Now, you'd have to be rich, spoiled, and probably WHITE to get away with some shit like this. When I was 12, I had a pretty good idea what you could and couldn't do people. Hell, maybe even at 10. If this kid WASN'T WHITE, he would've been tried as an adult, most likely would've gotten a fat 25 (years in the slammer, that is), and maybe even death row.

This was in the great ol' state of Texas, and I'm sure some of you have read or heard about this. So, to answer the question of the MF'er I quoted, yes, they lock some people up because they're black, meaning they got shitty public defenders who didn't give two shits about getting them off, being poor and ignorant of the law didn't help, and, yeah....they PROBABLY did whatever crime they were accused of, because getting locked up somehow garners 'cool points' in the street cred department. While a white cat can do the same shit, probably helping the black kid do the crime, but had separate and BETTER representation, maybe his parents know some people/have connects (yes, a two-parent household, unlike the black kid), and he/she gets off on probation.

Come on, man. This shit ain't new! This has been happening in America forever. Hell, this country was founded by MF'ers who got didn't want to conform to the societies they left overseas. Buddy-buddy cliques formed, and have been going on ever since. They write laws to protect each other, and unless the public says 'hell naaw, that's bullshit', they'll continue in their self-protective ways.

Black people don't have the unified mindset and money to do that. We take our money, buy rims, chains, puff-puff, and Jordans, and blow the rest. As a whole, we have less foresight than a blind man facing a wall.

My point is, racism KEEPS EVOLVING because it's not hit head on enough. It keeps being taboo because society as a whole keeps walking around it. Until we as a people take it head on, it's going to continue to meander around us.

Good luck in Dallas, bruh man. Originally Posted by Rambro Creed
The judge that gave this rich kid (he is white btw) probation a few years ago sentenced a black teenager to several years in the state prison for a similar crime. But I think the black kids body count was lower than that of the Affluenza Kid. Where's the justice in that?
Back to the original topic...there is plenty of ass out there for you that only cares that your money is green. Of course you already knew that before you started this thread.
OldGrump's Avatar
The judge that gave this rich kid (he is white btw) probation a few years ago sentenced a black teenager to several years in the state prison for a similar crime. But I think the black kids body count was lower than that of the Affluenza Kid. Where's the justice in that? Originally Posted by harry
I think most are shocked at the light "punishment" for that kid, but I believe it was his parent's wealth and not his skin color that helped. It is an assault on our idea of equal justice.
The law has absolutely nothing to do with justice where money is involved.
Randall Creed's Avatar
If he had ONLY a DUI, I could see a situation with JUST rehab and a fine, but he took lives. 4 of them, and hurt 2 others. That's 6 affected directly. Throw in families and friends and those affected numbers go into the hundreds.

I don't give a damn how much money you got, who your people are, or how old you are, that's jail time.

But they're still pursuing it, so props for that. Meanwhile, that judge needs to be dealt with, and his parents.

Oh, back to the OP. Yes, it is, but there is enough in other areas to survive.
threepeckeredbillygoat's Avatar
What that bitch of a judge did was outrageous. They should put her in jail right next to the kid.

And there are a shit ton of ladies that will see black guys here. So no, it's not prevalent. Only when her pimp won't allow it.
Cullen Davis and OJ proved a long time ago... it is all about the money. So why would Dallas providers be any different?