Taylor off BP stood me up, again!!

For one,, I dont get on eccie expecting to comment on every little post.. A client told me about the post that he looked up and I had to see for myself... This has nothing to do with you...
Jack Flash's Avatar
Can we see some naked pics?

I mean this is a hooker board... and your a .. .well...
Called out by a juicy bunny...no response...survey says...
Naked pics???? Hooker board???? If thats the case,,, TRICKS ARE FOR KIDS!!!!!
Jack Flash's Avatar
Naked pics???? Hooker board???? If thats the case,,, TRICKS ARE FOR KIDS!!!!! Originally Posted by juicy_bunny69
Well shit, I thought you were posting on here cause you wanted business.

Some photos to show your non-skankyness might help.
There is no way in hell your going to call me a skanky bitch and than expect to see naked pictures of me... Ive got more pride than that,,, sorry... You just think im a skanky bitch.. And no im not posting on here because I wanted business,,, Something wrong was said about me and I had to correct it... In this business I dont appreciate being called a skanky bitch or hoe,,, I would never disrespect one of my clients by calling them a cheater or speak bad upon their name... And honestly, I dont see how you can speak on my name and you dont even know me...
Jack Flash's Avatar
Juicy I have not called you skanky.. I just wanna see some nudie pics to make my own judgement.
What you say makes no sense at all... You want me to prove my non skankyness by sending naked pictures? And how can you make your judgement by seeing my naked pics???
Jack Flash's Avatar
Wakeup's Avatar
I like her! Welcome Taylor, I'm happy to see you here! No matter how much I like you, you still get a ticket to ride the bus...

Breaku321's Avatar
I like her! Welcome Taylor, I'm happy to see you here! No matter how much I like you, you still get a ticket to ride the bus...

Originally Posted by Wakeuр
Hahaha! TFF!
Eccie Addict's Avatar
That should be a much shorter bus dontcha think rofl....
Rezo's Avatar
  • Rezo
  • 11-03-2011, 09:30 PM
its the rare exception where the need for extra capacity is required
Breaku321's Avatar
its the rare exception where the need for extra capacity is required Originally Posted by Rezo
And there are a plenty!!! Lmao!
cockstrong's Avatar
ok so 1st of all, my reputation on this board speaks for itself, hence all of my fellow hobbyist have already put this "girl" in her place with out me even having to reply to this BS. (THANK YOU TO ALL MY BROTHERS, I HAVE YOUR BACKS ANYTIME TOO!) she bumbs a month old thread that most had probably already forgotten about and now she is going to make her self look alot worse. And to the member of this board who broke "code" and told this provider that i posted this, thanks for showing the whole world how big of a wanker u are!!!

now to the situation at hand......

Taylor, u just admitted that u stood me up twice, that is the title of this thread and the whole point of posting it. So whatever details were involved in you standing me up and NCNS on me twice are pretty much irrelevant....but since u are attempting to come on this board and defend your case (even though u just admitted your guilt) i will elaborate on the details of the TWO times you stood me up and had me drive all the way to Katy for no reason.

The 1st time we talked u agreed to have me pick you up at your incall and come 2 my place. You can claim u didnt but u did. You told me u didnt have a car at the time so u couldnt do an outcall. I told you that i wanted an outcall. You then agreed to having me come pick you up, go back 2 my place for the session and then me drop you back off at your motel when we were done. we even talked about hanging out for some herbal activities. As anyone who has read my 30 reviews on this board can tell you (and most have read them) i very very very rarely go 2 incalls. so for me 2 agree to come 2 your incall to have the session at your incall will be seen as highly unlikely. And also if i was to come to your incall and had agreed to have the session at your incall before i drove there then why wouldnt we have just had the session there?? On the 1st trip to your incall you just didnt answer your phone period. it had nothing to do with me trying to "coax" you into coming with me, that was on the 2nd trip!! the 1st time you just simply didnt answer and then later told me that your dog had chewed up your phone and you had to get another one. then you told me you would "make it up to me" if i decided to see you again. i am at fault for believing your story about your dog and ever calling you again. i have no one to blame in that situation but me, this should have been the END of my dealings with you permanently.

Now to the second time you stood me up. I called you several weeks later, you immediately recognized who i was, if at that time you had not wanted to see me or you were worried that i was going to try and "coax" you again then why would you have even talked to me??? Any logical person would now see that your story makes no sense. I'm sure if we ask any REPUTABLE PROVIDER on this board they will tell you that if a customer makes them feel uneasy during their first dealing with them, then that will also be their last dealing with them. no provider is going to give a second chance to a guy that makes them feel uncomfortable, plain and simple. So after agreeing to have me come pick you up at your incall a SECOND time and go back 2 my place for a session, just like you agreed to the 1st time, i drove all the way out to Katy again. Once i got there you sent me all the text that you just got out of the shower, give you a min, and all that other stuff. Then after over 30 mins of me waiting and you NEVER answering the phone, only texting, you said "you didnt think you could trust me and u didnt want 2 go back 2 my place cuz i might have a camera hidden to film you" but at that time you still said i could come inside for an incall. to which my reply was, "ok, what is your room number?" and you never responded to that text. I still have all of the text in my hobby phone and can post them verbatim if necessary.

So in conclusion, it appears to me that my time is worth something too. If you feel your time is worth what it is worth then mine has a value too. Technically when i am working a make around $50 an hour. and my gas to and from Katy on two different occasions is approximately $15 per trip. so for one and a half hours of my wasted time and the gas money i would say that you owe me about $ 105.00. i know that if a provider comes to an outcall and then the hobbyist refuses to see them they will almost always ask for gas money and even a partial donation for their time spent. Why should it be any different for hobbyist????? our time is worth something, and our gas cost just as much (actually it might cost more cuz most of us drive cars that run on premium). So Taylor, i hope you got what you were looking for. you could have just let it go, read the post and hoped it would go away and Maybe, just Maybe a few guys off this board would give you an opportunity to see them in the future, but you insisted on coming on here and TRYING to defend yourself. And just a side note, there has been many other not so flattering things said about you in the past in reviews, and even given that i was still going to give you the opportunity to have a session. Remember that.

Mods, please give her 48 hours to respond to my rebuttal and then close this thread.