corona virus - We've been had, and Trump knows it

HedonistForever's Avatar
Not disagreeing with the basic premise and I realize it is the topic of this thread, but uhhmm..what really bakes my noodle is what was your basic choice that brought you to that path? Please bear with the next gratuitous Matrix quote as well:

Morpheous: You take the blue pill, the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill, you stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes.

What I mean is simply this: The virus is not a naturally occurring thing.

Literally no scientist or academic believes that. We have a ton of scientific evidence that virus absolutely occur naturally and more often than not pass from animal, pigs, birds including bats where this virus most likely came from.

It was created. By whom and to what end? Which leads to another hard choice. Either it escaped into the wild accidentally or....

Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do

Then you will be interested in this "theory" and I emphasize theory. I am in no way suggesting that this the "truth" because I do not believe we know the truth other than the fact that viruses do occur naturally.


What you are about to hear came from Tucker Carlson. I can not be held accountable should you chose to watch this video because it may cause irreparable harm to those with FOX NEWS SYNDROME, which as we know can be fatal in some people.

"The killer virus might have come from a Chinese virology lab and accidentally released through carelessness".

PBS is running a very interesting documentary on the 1918 Influenza Pandemic. Learned a few things I had never heard before including this jingle popular with children at the time.

"I once had a bird call Enza, I opened the window and INFLUENZA"!

If I understood the story correctly, some believe that farmers in Kansas were burning animal dung, a strong wind came up and spread the smoke across Kansas. Within days, people started showing signs of pneumonia like symptoms. Bet you never heard that story before, huh?

This finally ran it's course and didn't show up again until boys from Kansas who signed up for WW1 went over seas on packed troop carriers and this pneumonia started showing up among the troops on all sides in the war.

It's estimated that over 500,000 Americans died from this after the soldiers returned home and anywhere from 30 to 50 to 100 million people died world wide from this. It was 1918 so reporting was less than accurate and what I never gave much thought to till I heard this story is that in 1918 doctors, scientist did not know what a virus was.

They were only familiar with bacteria so when they tried for the first vaccine, they were using bacteria which caused all kinds of trouble. You could not see virus under the microscopes they had in 1918. They were only seen when the electron microscope was invented.

Since then, we have had many naturally occurring viruses with most if not all starting in animals and transferring to humans. That is the scientific consensus and if you disagree, please show the evidence.

The end of the story suggests that the only reason the Influenza pandemic petered out was because it ran out of hosts. This could be from the social distancing they practiced or it literally ran trough most of the human population at the time, many died and just like today with COVID-19, people will get it and show no effects at all.

Then along comes a new virus that nobody has antibodies for but in some humans, they have enough of what ever it takes to shed this virus with no ill effect.

This is also a story I have been following with interest.

HedonistForever's Avatar
If I or the video didn't make it clear, even if the COVID-19 "came from" a virology lab in China, it doesn't mean it was "created" or "engineered" there. It could be that the virus was isolated when testing the bats and some how it got out of the lab. It is as close to 100% as it can get that this was a naturally occurring virus that started in an animal, in this case, a bat.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Originally Posted by HedonistForever Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
That's another interesting video.
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