So Madam Hooktard Nicollette is Pissed. Breaking News..

  • pxmcc
  • 12-23-2017, 03:12 AM
Do you have a link to what you are supposed to have written in private tabs about her?

Don't see any "private" comments you supposedly made.

Oh, and there's a difference between being an asshole and being able to be an "asshole"! Are you sure she pissed about something you posted in "privates" or is she just pissed at your talking about her too much? Or did she even say "private"? That's the difference, btw. Originally Posted by LexusLover
for your research work, LL:

decent amount of private tabs here:

and here:
LexusLover's Avatar

but no TW, none of the fucktards in here read coed. except you, me, LL, and like 4 or 5 others. do a poll n prove me wrong. Originally Posted by pxmcc
How do you know they don't "read coed" .... just because they don't post in Coed doesn't mean they don't read it ....

and you make these broad outlandish unproven statements too frequently (to sound "knowledgeable"?) and have to "back pedal" ... it looks like this is another one.

So you have "polled" ALL THE POSTERS IN THE SPA FORUM?

As for another outlandish statement that is an "over sell" ... you make yourself sound like her pimp when you portray yourself has having some special influence over who she sees and doesn't see .... are you trying to present yourself to the Eccie hobbyists as being some special hobbyist who has connections with the providers on her ... and know them so well you can ask them to see or not to see someone and they'll do it ....

"Point of Order" ... you didn't even know your "best friend" Nicolette was a member on Eccie!

Is that like knowing all about Federal prosecutions and Constitutional law because you are an adjunct "instructor" at a Hotel School?

Thanks TW ... for shining some light on more Eccie BS!
TryWeakly's Avatar
It's like this....

  • pxmcc
  • 12-23-2017, 11:33 AM
How do you know they don't "read coed" .... just because they don't post in Coed doesn't mean they don't read it ....

and you make these broad outlandish unproven statements too frequently (to sound "knowledgeable"?) and have to "back pedal" ... it looks like this is another one.

So you have "polled" ALL THE POSTERS IN THE SPA FORUM?

As for another outlandish statement that is an "over sell" ... you make yourself sound like her pimp when you portray yourself has having some special influence over who she sees and doesn't see .... are you trying to present yourself to the Eccie hobbyists as being some special hobbyist who has connections with the providers on her ... and know them so well you can ask them to see or not to see someone and they'll do it ....

"Point of Order" ... you didn't even know your "best friend" Nicolette was a member on Eccie!

Is that like knowing all about Federal prosecutions and Constitutional law because you are an adjunct "instructor" at a Hotel School?

Thanks TW ... for shining some light on more Eccie BS! Originally Posted by LexusLover
like i said, an asshole but prbly not a snitch..
TryWeakly's Avatar
that's all you got?
LexusLover's Avatar
that's all you got? Originally Posted by TryWeakly
... from a "law professor"? Go figure!

He has not yet grasped the concept of the distinction between a constant character trait that influences one's behavior and responses to all circumstances and events and a fleeting reaction to a particular situation that passes soon thereafter!

Perhaps when he studies the criminal law more intensely it would become more apparent to him, although probably not as refined an understanding as would be necessary to impart the philosophy and logic to students who thirst for knowledge.
Im not a WK. I never give private info to the girls as that will get you banned. Thats why I asked why use private tags because in all my years here I have yet to meet a girl who hasnt had access to ROS and private info. Almost every girl I have discussed eccie with told me they have guys who will screenshot and send to them. There is no such thing as discretion here. But to answer your rant, no, I am not a snitch or WK. Originally Posted by allaboutthebbbj

Why did I read this thread? Like a soap opera. Complete waste of time with no ending, or point. Who shot JR? Who cares! Ugh. Time for egg nog!
TryWeakly's Avatar
PMS... which one of Nicolette's girls did you write about?

And does Nicoderm still do the CHJ bidness?
  • pxmcc
  • 12-23-2017, 09:11 PM
PMS... which one of Nicolette's girls did you write about?

you may be trolling me TW, but I did one review on Shelby, whom I think has moved to a new locale.

And does Nicoderm still do the CHJ bidness?

no sir. she has "evolved" in her approach; actually i never experienced a chj. her fbsm sessions are effin spectacular, actually..
TryWeakly's Avatar
naw, I dont troll anywhere. However, it would seem I do have a couple stalkers, so there's that.
  • pxmcc
  • 12-24-2017, 12:21 AM
LexusLover's Avatar
PMS... which one of Nicolette's girls did you write about? Originally Posted by TryWeakly
It was Nicolette herself! BEFORE he realized his "best hooker friend" was a member on Eccie!!!!!
and bragging about putting in a good word for hobbyists with her and threatening to put in a bad word for them since they disagreed with his bullshit he's posted on Eccie trying to look like the "hobbyist around town"!

I don't recall how many times in my life I have stood by listening to some loudmouth name-drop trying to look connected when I ran into the loudmouth while I was with the person they were "name dropping" and was given the opportunity to say:

"You all know each other, right?"

"The Law Professor" just had one of those "introductions" in the alert section!!!! And he wants to say I'm "full of shit"? An adjunct instructor at a Hotel School is lower than low hanging fruit in the legal intelligentsia hierarchy, but he huffs and puffs his fake status.
  • pxmcc
  • 12-24-2017, 03:30 AM
^^LL, at some point, your continued pursuit of this topic-and your continued restatement of your perspective on it-is going to cross the line. We all know your opinion. It's enough. I'm aware you run roughshod over providers that you choose to pick fights with; that may work fine with them; with me, not so much, good sir.

Btw, I've already stipulated-numerous times-that i was the low man on the totem pole of academia. That assignment wasn't my destiny, it was an opportunity that presented itself, and i took it. at this time, i'd like to ask you-respectfully-to drop it. your conduct borders on cyber-stalking. we all know how that worked out for B2HH. i'm just saying..enough already. capice?

Even TW has moved past continued trolling-see his respectful-though of course comical-posts above. maybe you should follow his cue.
LexusLover's Avatar
^^LL, at some point, your continued pursuit of this topic-and your continued restatement of your perspective on it-is going to cross the line. Originally Posted by pxmcc
Are you trying to deflect from your "line crossing"?

And whose line are you addressing? Yours?

You're beginning to believe your own bullshit! That's not good!

You're the dumbass that was bragging about how well you knew Nicolette AND DIDN'T EVEN KNOW SHE WAS A VERIFIED PROVIDER!!!

And you'r the dumbass who announced you were a "Law Professor" to support your legal opinion on what?! HERE IT IS:

Trump's day of reckoning is nigh. Her name is Gloria Allred, and she's a pitbull. Discovery's a bitch. I know what I'm talking about, as a former law professor..

I can understand why you strain the truth to discredit anyone pointing out what a loser you are....not to mention Mr. Exaggeration!!!!

When you toss out your credentials they become an issue. When you brag about your personal knowledge of a provider, your REALITY BECOMES AN ISSUE. Your response: Attack the Critic!

Sound familiar, Mr. Main Stream Media!!!!

Now where is that "line" ... ??? You're threatening me, right?