Best body rub girls

Little Caesar's Avatar
If you have p411, Natalie, located in Uptown, is superb....gorgeous, fit and toned, tan, long black hair, flat tummy, wonderfully proportioned MMs, very nice upscale incall.....a wonderful experience Originally Posted by Roothead
+1 on Natalie

the one I mean is the one that lists $350 for FS. But, the thread is on FBSM and she does an hour FBSM for $160. For me, it was NE, MT, L1 and LFK. Very nice.
Roothead's Avatar
The first one
Little Caesar's Avatar
From personal experience, I would also recommend:


Amber/Little Miss (if she's still around)

SweetTreat69 (assuming she's still offering FBSM)

Jessica UTR sometimes offers FBSM at a reduced rate

Relax2013 (when they start accepting new clients)

Isabella Mercy
Brass Balls's Avatar
Wink wink...nudge nudge! Originally Posted by Eva Damita
Good to see you're still around Eva. I think your PM must be broken.