Chicago K9 ignorance is no excuse....

ozmosys's Avatar
Actually, I said "little" turd, but other than that, you're absolutely right. Those words that you mention were intended as an insult, and I apologize. My bad. I got carried away in the emotion of the moment.

And I do love the attention of the ladies, but it's not required. It's just than in the co-ed forum, you would expect to see one or two chime in, even in the most sausage-fest of subjects.

But it is public. You don't know me from Adam, but I can read every word, and every word that it says is "narcissist". Oops, another insult. My bad.

Bird turd? Is that an insult?

stag farm during rutting season? Is that an insult?

It's not public. It's that simple.
Just because there are idiots who leak info and someone steals the contents doesn't make it public. Originally Posted by Rand Al'Thor
ozmosys's Avatar
Finally, a woman! I was starting to get afraid that I might drop the soap.
Rand Al'Thor's Avatar
little bird turds Originally Posted by ozmosys
Actually, I said "little" turd, but other than that, you're absolutely right. Those words that you mention were intended as an insult, and I apologize. My bad. I got carried away in the emotion of the moment.

And I do love the attention of the ladies, but it's not required. It's just than in the co-ed forum, you would expect to see one or two chime in, even in the most sausage-fest of subjects.

But it is public. You don't know me from Adam, but I can read every word, and every word that it says is "narcissist". Oops, another insult. My bad. Originally Posted by ozmosys
You might want to try reading your own posts before misquoting yourself.

Loving the attention of ladies is different than needing their attention for validation.

Within the confines of this board, you must earn it or buy it. That makes it not public. The fact that it might be available somewhere else because someone steals the info and posts it does not make it public.

you're right, I don't know you from Adam, but I do know you from passive aggressive impotent.
ozmosys's Avatar
LOL. Yeah, you just don't know me from Adam.

And I thought you said "big" turds, but what you said was "bird" turds. My bad. What I said was "little bird turds". So, not quite a misquote.

So maybe you can define exactly why you think I need female participation for "validation". Are you clairvoyant?

It's public, whether you like it or not. I'm not UTR, but for every me, there are a dozen others who are. Ignore this at your own risk.
Rand Al'Thor's Avatar
You're not playing with a full deck of cards, are you?

I don't need to define what you need validation for, you've already defined it for us.

So if it's public, I invite you to copy a few posts from this "public" subforum and post it here. As for the dozen of your UTR self, what exactly am I risking by ignoring "this"?
Better not drop the soap I'm pretty sure you chased off the lady .
"Dude" you sure sounded like you were trying to convince me that it's not.

Why are your panties in such a bunch? You don't give a shit, and couldn't care less if information is leaked or not. I couldn't care less what you care about. See how that works? As for the impact it has on your life, I could actually give a lot more shit about what impacts what part of your life, but I don't.

And this whole thing about it not being private.. That is a revelation one here. Thanks for that gem of information. What about my post saying that I don't buy his excuse implies that it actually is private?

What makes this funny is that you don't give a shit about any of this, yet see the need to post in a thread that is obviously about the very subject you so don't give a shit about to point out that you don't give a shit about how it's not private.

By your membership and continued contribution in the form of reviews, paid membership, or profound posts I assume you get something - entertainment, information, or chance to tell us how much you don't give a shit.

Guess what, by being on here, by posting, by having a membership here, you've agreed to the rules of this place. I like to stand by the agreements I have made, so I give a shit. If you do not, that says something about your character (I know, you don't give a shit what I think about your character).

As for not needing to "convince anyone of anything", if you truly believe that, then you are a waste of air. Someone said that all forms of communication is an attempt to convince someone that you are right. You might be trying to convince someone that you're intelligent, funny, well informed, well read, or whatever. If you truly have no intent to convince anyone of anything, then all communication from you lacks a point by virtue of your lack of intent. That makes you a waste of bandwidth here and a waste of air on the other side of your monitor.

It's that fucking simple. Originally Posted by Rand Al'Thor
And after all that, its still not private.
Finally, a woman! I was starting to get afraid that I might drop the soap. Originally Posted by ozmosys
Yes a woman! And a sexy ' good one at that!
ozmosys's Avatar
Give us a kiss, Absolutely. I need validating!
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  • kSoze
  • 10-18-2012, 08:35 AM
**Here** Originally Posted by Absolutely
Here to back up your homies, how sweet. You remind me of Mel from Flight of the Conchords.
Pretty pathetic, no no, not you...Mel is Absolutely pathetic.
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  • kSoze
  • 10-18-2012, 08:51 AM
I don't need to define what you need validation for, you've already defined it for us. Originally Posted by Rand Al'Thor
And this is coming from our "Super Member" clearly he is NOT in desperate need for validation, no sirs.
Rand Al'Thor's Avatar
And after all that, its still not private. Originally Posted by Smokin Joe
Which you don't need to convince anyone of, because well... you don't give a shit.
Rand Al'Thor's Avatar
Here to back up your homies, how sweet. You remind me of Mel from Flight of the Conchords.
Pretty pathetic, no no, not you...Mel is Absolutely pathetic. Originally Posted by kSoze
And this is coming from our "Super Member" clearly he is NOT in desperate need for validation, no sirs. Originally Posted by kSoze
And this is coming from our "Gentleman". Clearly, he will still tip Absolutely while not implying that she's pathetic, no ma'ams.
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  • kSoze
  • 10-18-2012, 10:29 AM
I have Absolutely no beef with you but, if you roll with the homies, you are sure to get caught in the crossfire. Originally Posted by kSoze
I gave her a tip...A Gentleman always tips.