Starlight87 complete lack of respect for other peoples time.

starlight87's Avatar
Awww smokies i miss those quick lunch visits....u know i ill come see you at home ur area alot anywaya
TallDallasGuy's Avatar
Well everyone's time is valuable and I am pretty sure that there are bits and pieces of both their stories that are accurate.

And we all know dallas traffic can slow one down even if they've given themselves enough time!

I'd prefer a provider cancel a reasonable time prior to an appointment if she's feeling crappy or knows she will be very, very late. Waiting and waiting does suck. And I assume providers would like an appointment be canceled if we know that we're going to be an hour or two hours late.

Time is a commodity we can't get back.

“Yesterday is a cashed check; tomorrow is a promissory note. Today is cash in hand so use it–invest it.”
frenchybruno18's Avatar
I would have gotten the soda, plus a cookie and have a blast.

I would have waited as long as possible the first day. When leaving, I would say that hopefully another day it will workout. Then if she offered a free session, I would say I would pay at least half.. I would get the soda, and I would surprise her with the full donation instead.

May be there is a reason I never had a bad experience in the hobby, I'm lucky! I'm also an extremely patient person with women. I just love them. Principally the ones that are about to share something precious with me...

Thanks for bringing StarLight87 to my attention! Starlight87 Baby, you're a cutie and I'll bring you a soda and a smile when we meet. Originally Posted by Luke Skywalker
With an mindset like yours, no wonder why you were promoted as master Jedi my dear Skywalker. I understand that time is a precious commodity but seriously something must be wrong with you when you start throwing a fit over a $1 coke from McD especially when it is a couple blocks from the incall. The cookie thing was a nice touch too, i'll keep that in mind for next time.
The half fee session is also uncomfortable, pay the full session as advertised or don't go but don't bargain especially when it's about someone's body. It seems like the frustration of being dumped or ignored by girls in HS or College has lasting effects for some.
starlight87's Avatar
Frenchy im giving you props!!! Another that can see the bigger picture here , and sucks we go thru yhose times in HS but made you a even better man! Sad that some of the hobbyist i have met dont see us providers as a person with feelings ,rather than just a sex toy...
ktiix's Avatar
  • ktiix
  • 08-31-2014, 02:30 AM
None of us are perfect, and while wasted time is not an easy thing for most of us to make more of; the fact is we aren't perfect clockwork machines and there will always be hiccups. It's easier to resolve something like this as friends, rather than fighting over it. I would have gotten her a drink, and depending on the situation something to bring her up a little bit. We all have off days, a little heart goes a long way. We're all just people in the end, and I'd be willing to bet she didn't waste your time out of malice, spite, or even intentionally; there's nothing in it for her after all.
I'm more shocked when a provider IS ready on time. It does happen. Not necessarily with star, but I just figure that into the time frame.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
They forgot my straw once. Fucking inconsiderate coke wasters. Never went back. Originally Posted by thathottnurse
Your last two responses are hilarious as shit, the coke that broke the camel's back and the straw..ROFLMAO...
Fuck, I would have gotten the coke. Dude must be a purchasing agent or inherited money or something. Although technically right, & he didn't have to get her a coke, he could mitigate the circumstances, meet someone halfway, etc. Hell, I'm an angry mofo and I wouldn't have gotten as mad as he did.