Deep Ellum Assault.. Be Careful Out There

8701's Avatar
  • 8701
  • 03-24-2019, 06:26 PM
Oh shit little black midget is also has short short man RAPIST syndrome Originally Posted by Woodypope6
Sir If I were you, I’d be worried what BBC will be in your SO after the funeral in NY this weekend lol

You know... you’ve never made her cum and mamma never did like your ass.

#BBC’s a celebration! Dave Chappell/Rick James voice
8701's Avatar
  • 8701
  • 03-24-2019, 06:31 PM
I ain’t reading that long ass made up story of why you did it.

What had happened was....
LuciaConte's Avatar
brutal.. but.. ladies need to learn that nothing good happens at 4:28 a.m., in an area surrounded by Nightclubs.. a can of Mace? next to worthless? dialing 911 while standing next to your threatening Subject? really? what did she think would happen?

she didn't think.

I feel sorry for her, but this could have been de-escalated with some common sense. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
It's not her fault he's a piece of crap. I couldn't watch the whole video-- maybe that's someone she knows?

This is textbook victim blaming. Why should any woman feel unsafe anywhere alone? We need to fix the problem of violence, instead of tell women to not go out alone at 4:30 am. We need to tell people not to hit, especially not to hit women.

Its so unfortunate that this kind of stuff happens so much. I can't believe it was only a misdemeanor charge. That was so violent.
dallasfan's Avatar
I found the video...

No butts! I’d pay for 10 minutes alone with him, let’s see how tough he is...
Great news is bail hasn’t been set. I’m sure he will have an amazing welcome and fantastic stay.

Imagine this...he’s a white supremacy’s Trump supporter...surprise surprise...weak ass Originally Posted by 8701
texassapper's Avatar
How in the fk could someone just stand there and vid it??? I don't care how big the lady beater is....I'm going IN if I ever see this shit going on. We know he has got to be a fkn coward redneck pussy w a gun to do that. Me and the lady involved would shove a maga hat up his sorry pos azz with his own gun. Or, die trying. America is obliviously not that great right now except to about 30% and 5% of those are wealthy(re) and the rest are just really stupid

Women really to to get informed and register and VOTE the racist hate preaching fat twit head out of office. Originally Posted by Tsmokies
Yes...because Donald trump caused this????

You're as dim as the guy in the video. You're gonna go in on a dude holding a hand gun? You know if he shoots you dead he has a very valid defense... he feared for his life because a tuff guy like you was threatening him.

Darwins laws have STILL not been repealed.
Crzytxn's Avatar
You know..... if a third party had noticed he had a gun, and shot him dead. Would they have been justified in doing so ? I believe in Texas, a citizen is allowed to use deadly force. To protect another person.
TexTushHog's Avatar
First you blame the President
Now you claim white privilege
What’s next ? Blame the gun manufacturer. ?

Reason is the white guy has no record. Zero
The black ho has numerous felonies on her record. Originally Posted by Woodypope6
How is her criminal record relevant AT ALL under these circumstances?
Woodypope6's Avatar
How is her criminal record relevant AT ALL under these circumstances? Originally Posted by TexTushHog
Ask the popo
Cut the shit!!! ..hooker ripped off trick and he wanted his money back!!!!
  • grean
  • 03-25-2019, 02:33 PM
I don't want to appear like I'm defending that POS in any way, but.. is it possible he pulled the gun, fearing that she was a threat to him? I know she said "get back or you will be maced", something like that.. apparently because he was taking a pic of her plates? is it possible she instigated the confrontation, and he took it way beyond what could be considered reasonable self defense? is self defense a reason he walked without bail? Originally Posted by Chung Tran

Hahaha Chung! If this gets turned all topsee turvee like the ft worth incident with mrs craig, last year, definitely want to keep objective lest another video surfaces showing him a less damning light. We jumped on the train way too fast then.

With what's out there now, I cannot see any justification for his actions.
dallasfan's Avatar
This must be an annual event in Deep Ellum. Last year about the same time but it was a black guy and a white girl. Much more violent.
  • grean
  • 03-25-2019, 02:53 PM
Ask the popo Originally Posted by Woodypope6

Just for giggles, why don't you enlighten us?
  • grean
  • 03-25-2019, 03:02 PM
That Heffer has probably dished out and taken bigger beatings than that in her history. That guy did no damage to her. She was on tv doing an interview the next day.

If there was no video you wouldn’t have even heard about this incident because it would be tickets and jail time for both parties. Originally Posted by dallasfan

How does any of that matter? How does that justify his actions?

On a slightly different note
He obviously hits like a bitch because she took an uppercut that looked like he put everything he had behind it and she was still standing. Guess his everything isn't all that much. He's going to do poorly in jail.
dallasfan's Avatar
Both idiiots. They need to punish both accordingly for laws broken.
TexTushHog's Avatar
Ask the popo Originally Posted by Woodypope6
They didn’t make the assertion, you did. And they’re not here, to my knowledge, but you are. So how is that in anyway relevant?