Wow, there is so much good advice and so many views from different angles not previously considered, thank you!
I will try to give a quick digest and hopefully answer the missing pieces.
Chung: the profile update was after my oh shit meter pegged when she showed me the login page. The site is a sort of casual dating type site, the update was a knee jerk reaction to put some distance and in hindsight not the brightest.
Tinman: The SO picks up new best friends, couples and singles, pretty much semesterly. We have gone on vacations with both sets before so not out of the norm.
Ginger: We're on the same wave length of the potential pitfalls but I have huge doubts on my SO's involvement...but still keeping a watchful eye.
1. Yes,
2. Your description is spot on with the close gal pals part. /school&work
3. 100% she is not into her that way & playing it cool is the course
LL: never sent any pics but my profile pic there WAS dumb...
FBU: you know your thoughts on this may have some merit, something I hadn't considered...but there might be something there. Thanks!
To recap
Play dumb, check
be cool with a touch of asshole, check
If thing begin to turn...Deny deny deny, check check
"Fuck her": thats a negative ghost rider
Divorce: if it happens it at this stage in life(empty nesters), ehh but still knock on wood.