Coworker sex

Women in the work place want to fuck you so they can use you to win the lawsuit lottery. Never trust a woman at work. Ever. You are simply an avenue to benefit them financially.

Only employ providers. They are safe.
rcinokc's Avatar
Women in the work place want to fuck you so they can use you to win the lawsuit lottery. Never trust a woman at work. Ever. You are simply an avenue to benefit them financially.

Only employ providers. They are safe. Originally Posted by crashkopf
Being in a position of authority this thought goes through my mind every time someone flirts a little. And one of my store managers DID hire a provider, she was a horrible employee and fortunately quit within 2-3 weeks.
Poppa_Viagra's Avatar
Have you had sex with a coworker and then stopped? Either the other person was an ass or you were. How did the days go afterward? See them in the hall and momentarily think about the sex? In meetings and th k about the sex? Later when you had a disagreement with your current significant other think about one more time with your ex?

I know how guys think and the answer is mostly yes. Ladies?

Stories? Originally Posted by Dudgeonpolymath

Don't shit where you eat. Bears repeating.
Never done it myself, but I learned yesterday about a co worker who has not showed up for work the past 2 days.. seems there is an interesting story to tell, as I heard from other co workers.

From what they said, I have reason to suspect she may have been hooking to support a high rent and car payment. I did not mention to those co workers, but I saw a girl who looks like her, about a week ago, advertizing here, or backpage, or craigslist... something, somewhere. I logged in today trying to find her ad, a nd looked at every site I know. I can't find it!

When I first saw the ad, I thought the girl just resembled her. I never thought it could really be her. She never responded to calls to come in to work, so I am certain she is fired this weekend.

Which frees me to fuck her. And I will if I can find that fucking ad. Originally Posted by Incheon
We want to know... Did you find her?
gladius82's Avatar
I have done it a couple of times ...... and it is best NOT TO.

Don't get pussy from the same place you get a paycheck is very sound advice.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 04-02-2018, 11:45 PM
And one of my store managers DID hire a provider, she was a horrible employee and fortunately quit within 2-3 weeks. Originally Posted by rcinokc
Not surprised one bit, put yourself in their shoes, they get paid well for little work as a provider to actually having to clock in for way less money and longer hours, don't forget about the way more work.