In real news, not maga bs: Judge rules Donald Trump defrauded banks, insurers while building real estate empire

HDGristle's Avatar
Using your term simp. I知 not simply standing up for him, I知 standing up for others and myself against political injustice.

Liable and guilty are not the same. His case in NY is not over. If he is found guilty in NY he more than likely will win in appeal.
No one was hurt by what he done those involved made money off him. This will be the reason he will not be found guilty.
I値l repeat what he is being accused of is done by most businesses.

What is being done to Trump is an attempt to look over here to take attention away from Biden, his fleecing of America and control the next Presidential election.

I値l remind you businesses are leaving NY and California in record numbers do to the political climate.
I知 also moving to Florida in a year or two like millions have already done. Originally Posted by Chase7
No, you're simping damn hard for someone liable for sexual assault and a pile of fraud. And yeah, liable is the civil version of guilty, but ok.

Def not making some valiant stand anonymously on a hooker board. Perspective matters. Have fun in FL, guy.
Did you watch her cnn interview??

Any grown man who watched her and still sides with her is just a fool.

As I said before. Yawn
HDGristle's Avatar
It ain't about supporting her. Never was.

Don't conflate things, now.
berryberry's Avatar
The Judge in NY valued Trumps property at 18 million. Proof this case like all the others is political.

For those that don’t know, what your property is appraised at basically has no effect on the actual sale value, especially in Florida.

In the end Trump will not be found guilty of anything. The politicians and corrupt Judges know this. They just want to drag him through the mud and cost him money.

It’s a disgrace what the liberals are and have done to the constitution and the rest of the county.

I’ll remind everyone when Obama was President was allowing his IRS go after conservatives.

Now we have the DOJ and FBI going after Trump and those that supported him. This type things are done in China, Russia, North Korea and Brazil.
I keep pointing out, the Elite Liberals in power eventually will come after
everyone including the liberals that put them in power. Originally Posted by Chase7
So very true. The far left judge is clueless and was just out to get Trump. Real estate professional in Florida are laughing at the idiot judge thinking Mar-A-Lago is worth only $18 million

And again, someone would have to be utterly stupid and unaware of how the banking world works to think that the banks did not do their own due diligence and obtain their own appraisals before issuing any loans. Loans that were paid back in full, with interest
berryberry's Avatar

What the corrupt judge did was give Trump a win on appeal. I find it strange anyone remotely intelligent would do what the judge did.
Is the judge that incompetent.
Originally Posted by Chase7
Alas we have leftists in this country who have lost their mind over anything Trump related
eyecu2's Avatar
What you cronies on the right are missing is this:
It's not that Trump over valued his property- He did when asking for refi or loans etc., BUT it's that he claimed a lower value on taxes, vs. appraised value for financing and for insuring.

The fluctuation in values is what started this whole thing. Nobody wants to pay taxes, but if you cheat the tax-man by saying your property is worth 5 million, and then it appraises,/ or you claim it's worth 10 million and refinance- etc., regardless of what happens to the proceeds, (leveraging the equity), AND continue to say the property is valued at the original 5 million, you've just committed fraud. Trump has done this because in general, there isn't really a dedicated department outside of real estate tax appraisal etc. that does a ton of enforcement of this type of shyster activities.

Essentially, Trump could have fixed this before it got so out of control; he could have refiled his taxes to include the increases / and simply paid his fair share of property tax, but no. Not Donny Trump. All 213 pounds of fake teeth, fake tan, fake hairline, and fake self-grandiose bravado; Bone spurs, and all the rest of the mess know as DJT, decided by self or proxy that he was gonna sell that under-valued assessment garbage to Ticia James.

Well, the words, "fuck around and find out" sound pretty appropriate here. Trump was used to pushing his way past the prior guard-of-taxation and valuations till something just didn't pass the smell test. He got the attention of a few that were tired of hearing about a guy who was so self-invested and a braggart; based on self promotion and un-checked claims of wealth, that they did some digging. And digging they did.

Found out, hmm, that the Trump clan is a regular criminal enterprise, not worthy of running a foundation, not complying with the laws that the rest of the citizens of the state of NY, or any other persons in the US are normally required to do, and they found all sorts of improper filings of taxes going way-back.

Dug a little more- Found out Trump likely also has committed frauds like over-valuations of properties, that took out the equity of the business, and then closed up and shuttered. IE the numerous bankruptcys'; and in general asking to borrow based on a valuation that was way higher than what Trump claimed on his taxes. When it comes to valuations you walk the line of the value you claim on taxes vs. loans. They have to line-up.

"OH- but he didn't hurt anyone, and he paid that back plus all the interest"-

yeah, cept that lying on a loan application is also illegal. And when you do shit like that, it's bank fraud, and sometimes wire fraud. I am betting that if you dug into the financing from deutsche-Bank and others, which they did, you'd find out this is a habitual thing the fat orange monkey has done.

I got nothing wrong with taking equity out of a capital project, and using it for income, or for building other things etc., in fact it's smart cause it's literally tax free income! Which is why Trump pays very little tax in general. But, if you and I did that and then claimed our own home was now worth a lot less than claimed on a loan document, you'd have some explaining to do. That's the reason Allegheny county and others have done a whole bunch of re-appraisals on properties and their taxes. Don't like it, appeal. But don't lie; that shit is real and it will cost you, just like it cost Trump.

The fact that all his LLC's are now going to be dissolved due to poor business practices, is just some icing on the cake for the people who really don't like a liar, a cheat, a thief, a con-man, a rapist, a fraud, and last but not least-soon to-be a criminal convict.
HDGristle's Avatar
Eye understands
berryberry's Avatar
BUT it's that he claimed a lower value on taxes, vs. appraised value for financing and for insuring.

there isn't really a dedicated department outside of real estate tax appraisal etc. that does a ton of enforcement of this type of shyster activities.
Originally Posted by eyecu2
Thanks for confirming once again that you do not understand how property taxes and property tax assessments work

The taxpayer doesn't set the property tax assessment. That is the job of each areas assessment office. And you do realize don't you, that assessment value in many areas is not set to market value.

Do you tell Allegheny County, your local school district, etc how much your house is worth. NO - they tell you what the assessed value is. That is how it works for commercial buildings too

So your statement "that he claimed a lower value on taxes" makes zero sense and is laughably wrong.
I'm pretty sure it's trump who doesn't "understand how property taxes and property tax assessments work". He just got busted for fraud, remember? I know it's difficult to keep track of all the guilty pleas, but this one is the most recent.