Obama in Dallas 7-9-2014

Yssup Rider's Avatar
I don't know where to begin. Are you pulling my leg with the above bullshit you wrote?

A couple of quick responses.

I am not the only one who thinks Obama is the worst President since WWII. You can ignore the Quinnipiac poll if you want....but running and hiding won't change the facts. - Most of America, according to the recent Quinnipiac poll, have determined Obama is the worse president. Note that the poll was over weighted with registered Democrat voters.

I have told you multiple times. I did not vote for Obama and I did not vote for McCain.

You are right, Reagan would not recognize the Republican Party today. It has moved to the left of where Reagan took the party in the 1980s. Thanks to Both Bush I and II.

I have no expectation that the Tea Party conservatives will win the White House in the near term. I am happy with election successes at the local and state level, and continued success in taking over the agenda in Congress. Hopefully the Senate will turn red as well. And if it does, it will have more constitutional conservative voices than ever.

This isn't a sprint to the finish. It will take more than a single election cycle to get things back on track.

I find it amusing that in the face of facts; you continue to support Obama. Dumping Obama, doesn't mean you have to turn Tea Party red. But geez, wake up to the miserable failure that Obama has been. Unless of course you are a left winger who wants to fundamentally change America, doesn't believe in American exceptionalism, and thinks America is a force for what is wrong in the world.

Let me ask you a question. Aren't you sick and tired (and disgusted) by all his lying ? Or, are you one of those "ends justify the means" guy ? Originally Posted by Whirlaway
The takeaway from this post is -- Whir-LIE-turd DIDN'T VOTE AT ALL!

But that doesn't stop him from running his mouth against POTUS, and everything else American ... except guns.

How he can call ANYBODY a liar is incredibly hypocritical, considering that he gets busted for lying almost every day!

wellendowed1911's Avatar
I don't know where to begin. Are you pulling my leg with the above bullshit you wrote?

A couple of quick responses.

I am not the only one who thinks Obama is the worst President since WWII. You can ignore the Quinnipiac poll if you want....but running and hiding won't change the facts. - Most of America, according to the recent Quinnipiac poll, have determined Obama is the worse president. Note that the poll was over weighted with registered Democrat voters.

I have told you multiple times. I did not vote for Obama and I did not vote for McCain.

You are right, Reagan would not recognize the Republican Party today. It has moved to the left of where Reagan took the party in the 1980s. Thanks to Both Bush I and II.

I have no expectation that the Tea Party conservatives will win the White House in the near term. I am happy with election successes at the local and state level, and continued success in taking over the agenda in Congress. Hopefully the Senate will turn red as well. And if it does, it will have more constitutional conservative voices than ever.

This isn't a sprint to the finish. It will take more than a single election cycle to get things back on track.

I find it amusing that in the face of facts; you continue to support Obama. Dumping Obama, doesn't mean you have to turn Tea Party red. But geez, wake up to the miserable failure that Obama has been. Unless of course you are an open border advocate who wants to fundamentally change America, doesn't believe in American exceptionalism, embraces more debt, and thinks America is a force for what is wrong in the world.

Let me ask you a question. Aren't you sick and tired (and disgusted) by all his lying, his arrogance, his incompetence, his failed policies ? Or, are you one of those "my guy at any cost" ? Originally Posted by Whirlaway
whirlaway you of all people should know that polls change like the wind- remember all of your TRENDINg polls- how did that work out? I remember George h. bush had a favorable poll of 95% right after the Gulf war and many thought that a re-election victory was a sure thing and what happened?
how has Obama been a failure when we were on a brink of a financial disaster and now we are having record DOw gains and an improving economy and the Obama administration with 1 year and 5 months raising has thE Ue rate .3 tenths away from romney's projection?
You need to travel the world more whirlaway - go visit europe and learn that socialism is not a bad thing. why can't we live in a society where everyone contributes and can get a piece of the pie??? the only big mistake in Obamacare is the fines and stipulations- if we had the same system as the canadians and europeans we would have a better system.
Again you are under oathe whirlaway even though nearly 92% of americans are dissatisfied with congress you are the small 8 percent that likes gridlock. You are under oathe and stated that you approve of congress(your words paraphrased) and how it's good for democracy if things don't get done. the majority of obama's policies never came to life because the Tea party anD GOP blocks everything he puts out and you think that is good democracy???/
Okay, it's a tragedy but who is responsible? Four years ago they had 6,000 cases of children crossing the border and today it is going to be more like 75,000 cases that they know about. Only heaven knows how many bodies are lying out there or buried in shallow graves by drug dealing coyotes or how many children have just disappeared into some kind of sick sex operation. What has changed between now and then? On the surface nothing has changed in Mexico or Central America. The only thing different are the words of Barack Obama promising that no child will be sent back and the signing of an executive order. This is all (that means 100%) Obama's fault. Now he wants the Congress to pony up nearly 4 billion dollars for what he did. If your brother came home with a new car and handed you the bill, would you pay it? Even if he says that he will likely go to jail for fraud and his credit will be ruined if you don't?

Those ranchers that you are so concerned about have been putting up with this for years. Their homes are invaded, their livestock and family pets (dogs) killed, and the cartels threaten them with death should they make a problem. Remember the Minutemen on the border? This is a long term problem that Bush promised to fix and the democrats in Congress promised to fund. Well Bush is gone and the democrats lied again. The fence has not been built, the Border Patrol has not been beefed up, and we even have a POTUS and his little dog Eric shipping weapons to the cartels to be used against Americans, our law enforcement, and Mexican civilians. Face it, besides being incompetent to the extreme, Obama acts like a spoiled teenager (tweener?) and he is an accessory to murders (Joffrey the Second?)

By the way, I was at Crawford last year in July. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
There is a lot of diff between cartel members smuggling and adults, than the children coming across now. I don't give a rats ass if you were in Crawford.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
There were lots of reasons to vote for Obama in 2008. He promised transparency, ethics, no lobbyists in high office, online review of bills before signing, televised debate on health care reform, closing of Gitmo, troops coming home, no useless wars, cooperation with Congress, etc., etc., etc. All lies. What's shocking is that people voted for him a second time.
LexusLover's Avatar
There were lots of reasons to vote for Obama in 2008. He promised transparency, ethics, no lobbyists in high office, online review of bills before signing, televised debate on health care reform, closing of Gitmo, troops coming home, no useless wars, cooperation with Congress, etc., etc., etc. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Sounds like a BP ad.

The shocking part is that so many people believed him the first time.
Sounds like a BP ad.

. Originally Posted by LexusLover
But at least out of the Backpage Hooker, you get SOMETHING for your money.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
There were lots of reasons to vote for Obama in 2008. He promised transparency, ethics, no lobbyists in high office, online review of bills before signing, televised debate on health care reform, closing of Gitmo, troops coming home, no useless wars, cooperation with Congress, etc., etc., etc. All lies. What's shocking is that people voted for him a second time. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
As a life-long Republican until 2008, I am a financial conservative. I voted for Obama in 2008 because the economy was in the toilet and, with retirement impending, financial concerns were #1 on my priority list. And the ticket of McCain/Palin was a disaster.

Four years later, the economy had drastically improved, at least where my 401k was concerned, and I wasn't about to change horses in mid-stream. Since Obama's reelection the economy has continued to improve. So yes I certainly admit to being a one-issue person for the most part at the time of the elections, and I realize many, if not most, Republicans say any President has little to do with the success of the economy, but from a financial standpoint, I am happy with my voting decisions.

I wasn't on this forum back when Bush was President, but was the hatred of Bush by Democrats on this forum equal to the hatred of Obama by Republicans shown here?
This forum didn't exist back then.


I wasn't on this forum back when Bush was President, but was the hatred of Bush by Democrats on this forum equal to the hatred of Obama by Republicans shown here? Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
This forum didn't exist back then. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
ASPD was the predecessor to ECCIE. Not sure how many people on ECCIE are transplants from ASPD.
boardman's Avatar
As a life-long Republican until 2008, I am a financial conservative. I voted for Obama in 2008 because the economy was in the toilet and, with retirement impending, financial concerns were #1 on my priority list. And the ticket of McCain/Palin was a disaster.

Four years later, the economy had drastically improved, at least where my 401k was concerned, and I wasn't about to change horses in mid-stream. Since Obama's reelection the economy has continued to improve. So yes I certainly admit to being a one-issue person for the most part at the time of the elections, and I realize many, if not most, Republicans say any President has little to do with the success of the economy, but from a financial standpoint, I am happy with my voting decisions.

I wasn't on this forum back when Bush was President, but was the hatred of Bush by Democrats on this forum equal to the hatred of Obama by Republicans shown here? Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Good for you. Sounds like retirement is working out pretty well. Hopefully you are well diversified in your investments and not tied too much to the stock market. It's going to take a beating within the next few months to a couple of years. My guess is it will continue to be propped up with cheap money until after 2016. Then, whoever is the next prez will have a crisis on their hands that will make 2008 look like child's play.
But at least out of the Backpage Hooker, you get SOMETHING for your money. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Cash and dash?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
There is a lot of diff between cartel members smuggling and adults, than the children coming across now. I don't give a rats ass if you were in Crawford. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
You were the one who started with the Crawford stuff. So I spiked the ball in your face. Deal with it.

Another "Duh" movement I see. Yes, there is a difference between cartels and children but I guess you're not reading the rest. There is more than MSNBC for your news needs. Read about missing nuclear material, Muslim prayer rugs, dead bodies, rapes, missing children, gang members, drug mules, etc that have all been exacerbated by Obama's orders.

If the media was allowed in for video this would make the people cry to see what Obama caused but you're okay with our press being caged up.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
As a life-long Republican until 2008, I am a financial conservative. I voted for Obama in 2008 because the economy was in the toilet and, with retirement impending, financial concerns were #1 on my priority list. And the ticket of McCain/Palin was a disaster.

Four years later, the economy had drastically improved, at least where my 401k was concerned, and I wasn't about to change horses in mid-stream. Since Obama's reelection the economy has continued to improve. So yes I certainly admit to being a one-issue person for the most part at the time of the elections, and I realize many, if not most, Republicans say any President has little to do with the success of the economy, but from a financial standpoint, I am happy with my voting decisions.

I wasn't on this forum back when Bush was President, but was the hatred of Bush by Democrats on this forum equal to the hatred of Obama by Republicans shown here? Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
The stock market has improved but I disagree that the economy has improved. Banks are still reluctant to lend money, unemployment REAL UNEMPLOYMENT is over 10%, millions more are getting government subsidies, our free enterprise is being stifled by onerous regulations from the EPA and Obamacare, our citizens are under suspicion by the IRS and the NSA, and people just don't trust the word of Obama.

Remember what they said about Mussolini and Hitler: "they made the trains run on time". So if you want to judge an economy by a government inflated stock market then know what you're getting.

Historically, did you know that the stock market hit 41 in 1933? That was from a high of 381 in 1929. In late 1937 the market had rallied to 194 or a 400% increase from the worst time. Obama can't touch that and you would call that a great economy but unemployment was nearly 20% and in the next year (1938) the market fell to 98. The market did not significantly grow until Roosevelt died and the war ended.


Yes, the hatred for Bush was much worse. Hitler pictures, comments about stupidity but what was missing was rooted in facts comments about Bush's usurptions of our rights. A lot of "what ifs" about the Patriot Act that didn't come to fruition until Obama. The TSA did not yet have a reputation of criminality and incompetence. We were winning the war in Iraq, Russia was a second rate country, and no one was claiming that Al Quaeda was on the run for political gain. Yes, our military got support when they needed it along with our ambassadors.
You were the one who started with the Crawford stuff. So I spiked the ball in your face. Deal with it.

Another "Duh" movement I see. Yes, there is a difference between cartels and children but I guess you're not reading the rest. There is more than MSNBC for your news needs. Read about missing nuclear material, Muslim prayer rugs, dead bodies, rapes, missing children, gang members, drug mules, etc that have all been exacerbated by Obama's orders.

If the media was allowed in for video this would make the people cry to see what Obama caused but you're okay with our press being caged up. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Bullshit you were he one bragging about being in Crawford. Just more of your braggart look at me, look at me, see what i have done. Then you are saying Obie is stealing Muslim prayer rugs.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Actually, ASPD disciplined members for speaking disrespectfully about the President when Bush was in office. I got pointed for an avatar.

You spoke out against Bush on ASPD, you got whacked.

Of course, most of the assholes here were assholes there, just not as obnoxious because they were spitting and spewing about GAYS, which, as you remember, was the Bush way...