"Stand Your Ground" - aka "Shoot More Black Kids"

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
"Bourbon brain douche" Well, at least you are starting to sound sensible.
pantsontheground's Avatar
If it wasn't for Texas's gun laws, crime here would be astronomical.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Another buffoon chimes in. That's all they need, media whores like Sharpton and Jackson running around, trying to see who can raise the most funds from this tragedy. They are as sick as the shooter.

pantsontheground's Avatar
You know sharpton and Jackson got one helluva boner from this.
texasjohn1965's Avatar
Never let a tragedy go to waste.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Fu*k, it's 4am there's too much noise don't you people ever go to bed? Well, went to bed too early on a Friday night (old age kicking in, I guess) and now me and this tree full of owls are wide awake.

Lonesome George Zimmermann was, as are plenty of others with left/right, black/white (not in a racial sense), us/them sensibilities, an accident waiting for a place to happen. The hyperbolic rantings raining down from the towers of righteousness and preservation create both the environment and the rationale.

Do I get a little self-satisfying buzz when Clint Eastwood or Charles Bronson cut through all of the bs and "just does it" to the bad guys? Hell yes, I wouldn't be human if I didn't. Same thing goes for when Batman, The Lone Ranger, Superman, Spiderman, et al, do their thing. But, movies end, comic books close and some lives go on. It's a base and basic drive (instinct? lol) for us to deal with. Can you imagine a world populated with armed, self-righteous avengers bumbling around like the gang who couldn't shoot striaght with REAL bullets? Just look around - not much imagination required. But, "kill 'em all and let God sort 'em out," while comforting to many, only accomplishes making undertakers work overtime.

The simple, like the poor, will always be with us.

And, on a side note - pantsontheground, do you mean like Bosnia and Somalia? No shortage of guns there.
Boltfan's Avatar
People die every day...this is just one more...oh well... Originally Posted by Wakeuр
R4C, stretch here man. Do you want a thread on every fucking dumb shit murder that happens in this country?

Or are you taking this as an opportunity to rip others for their views? Who is now being opportunistic?
Randy4Candy's Avatar
That would be me, BF.

Of course it's a dumb shit murder, well, let's say killing for the hell of it. What my "issue" is is that the righty-tighty defenders of the faith spend hours scouring the internet for "facts" and grace us with those pearls in the form of their threads yet are strangely silent on the front end when one of their pet pieces of legislation facilitates something like this. It would be a non-event if this was the only instance of the infringement on a personal freedom, say, like walking to and from the store. People who go in for the sort of thing that are the over reaching "Stand Your Ground" "Protect My Castle" comic book laws need to be beaten soundly over the head with the results. After all, the primary selling point for these laws are based on things that happened to other victims and are used to whip people's fears into a frenzy to the point where they just go along. They are solutions looking for a problem. No surprise when they create more problems. Life by auto-pilot doesn't work very well in the real world.

One takes the opportunities one finds. It's a shame that there is such a target rich enviironment, so to say. I just want to know where all of the righty TPers are in defense of the dead, hoodie-wearing, black kid's personal liberties. An uncomfortable, but fair, question. Could it be that, in their heart of hearts, they believe that he didn't have any? I'm just looking for a little more consistency in the application of their idea of "personal freedom."

I apologise to all for the subtlty of my premise.
I have never had a confrontation with a criminal to the extent that I would have had to use some type of deadly force.

But, last year, a half block down my street, a neighbor confronted 3 young men attempting to steal the rims from his Chevy truck. He confronted them with a baseball bat in hand. One tried to take the bat away, and was caught with a major league swing up side the head. The kid, who was 17, is still in bad shape.

The kids familly got one of our local poverty pimps to call for the man's indictment, saying the young man was trying to flee when struck.

However, the investigation showed that the blow could have only been struck with the young man facing the man swinging the bat.

The man was never indicted, and the boys, including the one hit, were indicted.

The Stand Your Ground Law of Texas was used in this.

I guess the guy should have just let the kids have his rims.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
The SYG law wasn't needed. The existing laws would have worked just fine. The SYG laws facilitate the idea among the "defenders" that aggressive vigilante-ism is an option. The fact that he could have been guilty of a criminal act if the thugs turned tail and ran represents absolutely no change from what was already in place. Of course, shotting them dead in their tracks from the front is a little more tidy. No contradicting witnesses. Your neighbor was, obviously, under prepared to fully take advantage of his rights under SYG. Baseball bat = no, shotgun = yes. I wonder what the cost of a new set of rims was vs the legal fees? Wonder what would have happened if he had drawn down on the perps with a rifle or handgun with hot loads, missed and the shot(s) went through the house across the street's window and struck some child right between the eyes? I guess that would just be the cost of doing the people's business, eh?
texasjohn1965's Avatar
I wonder what the cost of a new set of rims was vs the legal fees? Originally Posted by Randy4Candy
Yep, just give the criminals what they want, no need to confront them. They should have been shot dead. Period. Crime, as a career, has a high mortality rate.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Nah, either is just the cost of doing business when that sh*t goes down. He didn't ask for it, but once it's on, it's on. Serious criminals aren't deterred by this bs, they're well armed and amateurs don't know any better.

BTW, the dead kid in Florida wasn't lifting any rims. Try to stay on topic. All of these stories about what happened in wildly different circumstances don't have anything about why all you righties aren't worked up about the of the dead kid's personal liberties.
Iaintliein's Avatar
New story on Drudge, there may be a witness, one who says it was self defense. Maybe, just maybe we should wait to see what the investigation reveals before picking up the rope?
Boltfan's Avatar
Sorry R4C,

I don't agree with "blaming the legislation" for the reason this happened. Individuals have free will and act accordingly.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Would that be self-defense by the kid after he was chased down and assaulted by the vigilante or self-defense by the vigilante when the kid fought back? The Drudge Report? You're fu*king kidding, right?