Princess Ashlee Summers -> Another Let Down

Awww Rambro, I am not hating on you. I woulda boinked you a long time ago if it meant no more talking about NBA policies. I'm not your 'type' though.

I have no problems with you, I just think the topic is useless to discuss any further.
There are lots of ladies who will see you, they apparently aren't the ones you are interested in, and I understand that sucks. C'est la vie.

Lisa has half the session, I have the other half. Looks like Rambro has a freebie coming his way!
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
Jules .......he has me on ignore..........seriously.

And I was trying to pay half his session.....tsk tsk

Back to work.

I guess he has NBA policy on taking money from AA providers who try to help him get what he wants.........LMAO. Originally Posted by lisa.lisa0302
yea i think he does girl lol oh well

i just find it funny how the same dudes who complain about nba providers are nba hobbyists as well
hahahahaha well i dont think ill get into my reasoning for that in person but like i said im up for the challenge either way! Originally Posted by 214JULES

Damn...all the posts from Jules & Lisa...then their I'm not only hungry but my tongue needs stretching exercises too!
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
Damn...all the posts from Jules & Lisa...then their I'm not only hungry but my tongue needs to stretching exercises too! Originally Posted by txcwby6

lol i could help you out with that
Randall Creed's Avatar
Hmmm. Dannie's got one half and Lisa has the other, huh? Well then, I think that qualifies as an offer I can't refuse. And we have it in writing, no less.

Is there a time limit on when to cash this in? Reason I ask is because I'm very tied up in work at the moment, and it might be a while before I can return to Dallas.

Oh, man. Jules is so beautiful. I'm a little intimidated. I have to train up for this and go on a no junk food diet.

Once again, I don't have an NBA policy.
If the ladies are paying, can they write a review on Rambro? I see it starting like:

Rambro showed up wearing slacks and a shirt with I Love Obama on it. I tried to give him a kiss, but he wanted to talk. He had a petition that he wanted me sign that would force all providers to see AA men. After we talked for 55 minutes, he was ready for action. He finished and was out the door with three minutes left on his hour.
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
If the ladies are paying, can they write a review on Rambro? I see it starting like:

Rambro showed up wearing slacks and a shirt with I Love Obama on it. I tried to give him a kiss, but he wanted to talk. He had a petition that he wanted me sign that would force all providers to see AA men. After we talked for 55 minutes, he was ready for action. He finished and was out the door with three minutes left on his hour. Originally Posted by RoundPound
This is pure comedy!
lol i could help you out with that Originally Posted by 214JULES
And THAT's what I call a Happy Meal!
Lisa, Jules, and Dannie, Im not black but if I promise not to talk about any of this stuff either. Can I get a deal like that?
all of this is bs and it needs to stop.
my past is my past and my decisions
are my desicions.....
its upsetting to me how people are so quick to
judge and talk down on someone they
have never met. i was asked by blackgreenlantern if
i saw black men and i kindly responded
"no i apologize but i do not"
this decision is not based on discrimination
or anything of that sort.
its sad that im being accused of this and im so
glad that the people who choose to judge me and talk
about my life know more about me then i do.
everyone needs to grow up!
i didnt have to tell the world about my past or explain
myself to anyone but i did because i wanted to
return here with a fresh start.
i appreciate everyone here who has given me the opportunity
to show my true self and i respect you all who has backed me
up on this.
like it has been said, there are a million providers here
who have please no "AA" on ads, i wonder if
the men who are giving me shit about this have
done the same for these other providers?
that would be alot of ads to go through and reply on
so i doubt it....
we are all here to have fun and enjoy ourselves.
lets stop the drama, its pointless and gets us
nowhere. i apologize once again blackgreenlantern that
you took my rejection and apology as a discrimination
decision, i did not mean it that way at all, but
my decision has not changed about seeing you and it will
not change. i hope you all can move on from this, im leaving it
behind and walking away with my head held high and
nothing but a smile on my face.
i love you all and hope everyone has a good evening!
-xoxo-princess ashlee
BlackJedi's Avatar
" it has been said, there are a million providers here
who have please no "AA" on ads
, i wonder if
the men who are giving me shit about this have
done the same for these other providers?

That's a whole lot, I guess us brothas aint ever gonna get a chance to play--lol.

Thanks for replying on this thread, though you gave no reason why you will not see AA men and well not im asking. To answer your question yes some providers have been called out on their decision in co-ed. You are not the first.
I agree with Lisa. You aren't the first and won't be the last. And yes, there are LOTS of ladies with an NBA policy. The vast majority are not very well known (they don't last and it has nothing to do with the 'policy'), are typically well under the age of 25 and generally have some form of management.

Don't feel like you are being picked on, there are lots of girls like you out there.
it is not anyones place to ask why i choose what i choose.
questioning why i do not see black men is like questioning
a gay individual why they dont like opposite sex.
to who i turned down, i hope you find what you are looking for
here and i wish you nothing but the best
i would appreciate no more replys on this thread.
this is rediculous,
you all have me mistaken for something that im not.
and i will still be around farther down the road.
hope you girls and guys all have fun here and good luck to you all